Long Awaited Reunion Ⅱ

Grabbing a pastie, Wulm chews for a moment, before clearing her throat with a mouthful of tea. Brushing the crumbs off her face with her hand, she says, "That being said I am also here at the bequest of the Goblin King."

Stunned Claret sets her teacup down lest she accidentally dropped the teacup or spilled tea onto herself. "I have done nothing to warrant the attention of the Goblin King," she hurriedly explained.

Wulm slanted sly eyes hide a twinkling gleam. "The Goblin King is rather pleased by your person. He admires your working ethics and has only heard great things about you from your superiors and companions."

"And why would the Goblin King have a passing interest in a widowed witch?" Claret narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She had worked long enough at Gringotts to sense a goblin's intention.

"As you have no doubt heard, Grok Gringotts, King of the Goblins will pass the stone throne to Ragnok, son of Frisa, daughter of Grok Gringotts, King of the Goblins," Wulm said as Claret nodded her head at the known news.

"With the alliance of the Ministry of Magic, Goblins, and Hags in the war," Wulm explained, "the Goblin King desires to solidify his position among wizardkind. He wishes to solidify an alliance to challenge old laws and permit goblins further rights."

"Yes, but I fail to see how this would involve me," Claret countered.

"His excellency wishes to establish a formal courtship between his heir, Ragnok, and yourself," Wulm solemnly declared.

Claret sputters in shock unable to believe the words coming out of Wulm's mouth. "I am a widow and a witch at that! In no manner am I qualified to even consider a courtship with the next goblin king!"

"You underestimate yourself, Claret," Wulm calmly countered. "In the Goblin King's eye, you are excellent wife material. You are a witch, who gain a position at Gringotts on her own merit and who has exceeded all expectations. Furthermore, a widow, you maybe, but you are a widow with two sons. Your former husband's line is assured, and it proves that you are more than capable of providing heirs to the stone throne."

Claret's eyes frantically darted back in forth in a panic trying to think of anything to say in an argument. Seeing the clear panic on the witch's face, Wulm reassuringly says, "Calm yourself, child, nothing is set in stone yet. The Goblin King only asks that you permit Ragnok to court you. Should either of you feel that the courtship should not be continued, the courtship may be broken at any time. However, should the courtship persist, the Goblin King wishes to convey that the courtship will lead to a formal betrothal between the two parties."

Claret is much more at ease at Wulm's words that the courtship would not be forced to continue merely asked to enter into one. "Are you certain that Ragnok will accept to participate in a courtship?" Claret warily inquired. "I am several years older than Ragnok, who may not wish to consider an older widowed partner, especially with two small children."

"Ragnok is not at all opposed to the match," Wulm answered with a sly smile. "He rather admires your work ethic and is not all intimidated by your age. It is only a few years in his opinion. And as for your children, he is not opposed either as this will push the topic of children away for several years as the council will focus on ensuring there exists a relationship between the two of you."

Claret bit her lip showing her nerves. "Please let his excellency know that though I am honored by his proposal, I am content with my current lot. I have children to raise for the loss of my husband still pains me."

"Are you certain of your decision child?" Wulm warningly said, "His excellency will not make this offer again."

"I am certain," Claret firmly answered clenching her hands in her clothes with nerves. Her decision to disobey the request of Grok Gringotts, King of the Goblins could have lasting repercussions, especially in her employment.

"I know you would pass with flying colors," Wulm cheekily smirked taking a bite of a pastry.

"What?" Claret frowned utterly bewildered by the change in direction.

"His majesty seeks to position loyal vassals near his grandson," Wulm mumbled with a mouthful of food. "His majesty needed to test the character of any potential vassal to ensure their loyalty and commitment to the task."

Claret slumped back in relief as Wulm brushed crumbs off her face with one hand. "His excellency will soon call upon you and grant you the position of an official vassal." She paused and glanced up with sly slanted goblin eyes. "You should be proud, Claret, you will be the first vassal to serve under the stone throne that is not a goblin. It is an incomparable honor." Claret numbly nodded her head in relief.

The sound of the front door opening interrupts any further conversation on the subject as two boys on the shorter end of their age group rush in. The two boys take mostly after their mother including the flaxen hair. However, their skin is slightly tan with the slanted eyes of their goblin father, somewhat pointed ears, and slightly sharper teeth for more pointed than most humans.

"Mum!" The two boys excitedly said showing off their new toys to their mother followed by their smiling grandmother, Urlaa.

The two boys freeze mid-step and suspiciously eye the stranger in their front parlor. "Who is this, mum?" They suspiciously asked in a very goblin manner.

"This is Wulm, your father's great-great-great aunt," Claret gently responded.

"Daddy use to tell us stories about her!" Iarx excitedly said as Ilx nodded excitedly as well despite the fact that Ilx barely remembered their dad and his stories since he was only two years old at the time.

"Will you tell us stories, Aunty Wulm?" Ilx requested with big puppy dog eyes.

"That and more," Wulm confidently replied allowing the two children two drag her away further into the house to show off their room to her.

Urlaa watches them with amusement and bewilderment the scene. Their voices can be heard down the hall as they fade away as they move further into the house. Urlaa carefully inspects her daughter-in-law before asking, "Wulm treated you with courtesy did she not?"

"She did," Claret admitted, before sitting down with a sigh. "She came to make amends and I accepted her offer to be involved in the lives of Iarx and Ilx."

"But what?" Urlaa pointedly inquired setting her bags down and taking a seat. "What did that old bag of bones have to say that has you all out of sorts?!"

"Old bag of bones?" Claret vividly choked with shock and laughter.

Urlaa snorts and folds her arms over her chest. "That crotchety old bag of bones should be all accounts have long ago settled down in a grave. It's simply most unnatural!"

Claret fights off laughter until she much more solemnly responds, "Wulm came bearing a message from the Grok Gringotts."

"His majesty?" Urlaa's eyes dark eyes widened in shock. "What would his majesty want with you?"

Claret hesitates uncertainly of how to respond. "With the present alliance, his excellency desires to forge lasting ties. He requests that I accept a courtship between his heir, Ragnok, and I."

Urlaa clutches her chest and breathes shrilly for some time before calming down. "Did, did you accept?" She stuttered in apprehension.

"No, I did not," Claret responded causing Urlaa to clutch her chest in panic.

"Thankfully, it was all a test," Claret sighed in relief stirring sugar into her cold cup of tea. "I have been granted the honor to serve as an official vassal."

Still clasping her hand to her chest, Urlaa huffs and puffs with pride, before making an angry face. "Goblin males and their politics! Always disturbing the common people!!"

Claret wryly smiles wrapping one hand around herself and rubbing her folded arm with the other. Seeing the clear relief on her daughter-in-law's face, Urlaa gently reaches over to console Claret. "We'll hold a great celebration; this is a great honor!" She beamed before raising her head to frown. "Why don't we go see what the children and Wulm are up to?"

"It is rather quiet," Claret reflected not hearing the faint echo of voices.

Rising to their feet Claret and Urlaa hurry over to the children. It wasn't that Wulm wasn't to be trusted with children. It's merely that Wulm had a strange definition of what safe constituted as….