O.W.L. & N.E.W.T. Grades

Saturday morning, Rowan found herself rising a little later than usual, but still early enough. The last Hogsmeade trip would be later that morning with the final feast to be on Sunday, before departing early the next morning on the Hogwarts Express back home. The Prefects had all been assigned to Hogsmeade unfortunately. Personally, Rowan would have preferred to shepherd the students to the ground and take a nap on the lawn in a nice shady spot. However, with the rest of the afternoon off, surely, there would be plenty of time to take a nap.

Finished dressing, Rowan grabbed the last of her things, when she paused. The Arithmancy calendar, which she had won in her 3rd year from Professor Babbling caught her eye. She rarely glanced at the Arithmancy calendar except to check the date. The Sun was in Gemini, the moon in Virgo, Mercury in Taurus, Venus in Gemini, Mars in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Cancer, Uranus in Scorpio, Neptune in Sagittarius, and Pluto in Libra. All signs indicated it would be a good day except for the calculation that translated into the dam will burst. However, that did not necessarily mean bad luck, but good luck as well considering the exams were finally over after all and they all could finally let loose.

The Slytherin common room is empty at this hour. The curtains are open revealing the green waters of the lake. Ever since Rowan had introduced the younger years to the Merfolk, it had become rather popular to learn mermish and communicate with the Merfolk via the enchanted conch. The conch in question innocently sat on a table waiting to be used.

The combination of the green light from the lake and the light of the fire dye the room a murky brown. Ignoring the flickering flames in the fireplace, Rowan's eyes move up towards the elaborately carved mantelpiece where enormous snake skulls sit on top of the mantelpiece. The snake skull is named Dragon or as some liked to also call the skull's name in Latin, Draco. It certainly explained why Lucius would be so inclined to name his (future not yet born) son, Draco Malfoy.

Shaking her head, Rowan heads out of the common room. The cool air of the dungeons is a little chilly at this hour but would feel refreshing as the day grew warmer. Up the winding staircase and into the front hall, she wanders into the Great Hall. The Great Hall is surprisingly not empty as many of the Ravenclaw's woke up early to see the official final marks.

Typically, the final marks would be announced on the last day of the term, but with the influx of students more examiners had been sent out from the Ministry of Magic at the request of the Hogwarts Board and who would also aid Hogwarts staff in grading. Hanging on the walls of the Great Hall are long lists according to class year and subject in ranking order. Admittedly, there are some lists that are much shorter than others.

At the staff table, the tired professors can be seen drinking a pot of tea or one of the many delicious drinks the Hogwarts house elves produce. The examiners appear to be equally worn out if not more as several of them are rather old, especially Professor Madam Marchbanks. The crinkles on Professor Madam Marchbanks appear to be even deeper on her old crone face.

Rowan heads over to the list to review her final exam results along with those of Severus. Rowan received an outstanding (an O) in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Ancient Runes, Mermish, Gobbledegook, Alchemy, and Ancient Studies. While Severus had gotten an O in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Gobbledegook, and Alchemy.

Rowan made a face at earning an Acceptable (A) in Transfiguration. Thankfully, she and Professor Dumbledore had already discussed that she could retain her Apprenticeship score and drop Transfiguration after this year. It came with very much relief although sadly enough she would also be dropping Arithmancy having received an E for Exceeds Expectations. She rather enjoyed the class with Professor Septima Vector, but with their journeymen projects in the works, she could not afford to take electives.

This applied to Mermish as well as she was sufficiently fluent and though she would be dropping the course, she would continue to practice her Mermish with the merfolk. She would have gladly dropped Gobbledegook as well. However, with Professor Mazil Snipe's strict stipulations, she had to stick with Gobbledegook.

Rowan glanced over at Severus's remaining grades. He had received an E for Care of Magical Creatures, Mermish-. Abruptly her heart dreadful sank in her chest at seeing an E mark next to Severus's name for Ancient Studies. She already knew that Severus would be dropping Mermish and Care of Magical Creatures as well.

However, Professor Salah did not accept students without an Outstanding in studying warding and spell matrix's. This was a class rarely ever taught in Hogwarts History since Ancient Studies was taught to 7th years and could only be made possible if there are willing students in an apprenticeship requiring the course. It would appear that Rowan would be the only student next year in the class…... Oh goody.

Still, it wasn't all bad, Severus did have a talent for Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall said that depending on Severus' marks and if Professor Dumbledore was willing, Professor McGonagall would separately teach Severus on a one-on-one basis. However, it looked like he wouldn't be the only one though.

James had received the highest mark possible in Transfiguration surpassing the record for Hogwarts. James is closely followed by Severus and strangely enough Sirius is in 3rd place. After that, the gap between 3rd and 4th place was rather wide by a large margin when in comparison. It is highly probable with their incredible historic marks that Professor McGonagall might be granted permission to move all three of them to be taught together for a more advanced 7th-year N.E.W.T. class. Professor McGonagall would very likely receive permission from the Hogwarts Board with Sirius's mother, Walburga Black on the Board to ensure that such an opportunity is granted to her son.

There weren't that many surprises as Dirk Cresswell took first place again in Gobbledegook, but Xeno took second place in pleasant surprise. Then again Xeno would be working for Gringotts in their newsroom. He would need to be fluent in order to write articles in Gobbledegook.

A faint smile appeared on Rowan's face at reading Tiffany's name at the top of the list in first place for Arthimancy. Pandora hadn't been able to keep up her nearly perfect grades with O.W.L.s this year and had dropped into sixth place. She knew Pandora would be greatly disappointed, but only a Ravenclaw would be disheartened at 6th place.

Everyone actually did pretty well this year including Terry. Rowan could already imagine Terry proudly puffing out his chest. He was sure to be let off from babysitting this year as a reward. Well, probably only a bit….

Although Silvia's grades had dropped from the usual, then again it was understandable. Silvia had not been in the mood with the death of her father. Silvia was doing much better and there were still bad days, but with far more good days.

On the other hand, Bethanie's grades had gone up quite a bit. Rowan knew that the death of Bethanie's parents was likely the direct result. From what she understood, Bethanie's great-uncle was actually a good guardian and Bethanie's two younger brothers were flourishing under his care. A huge emotional worry had been removed from Bethanie's back knowing that her two younger brothers were safe from harm. It allowed Bethanie to concentrate and put forth more effort in her studies.

Overall, the Marauders maintained respectable marks. James and Remus did the best out of them with James doing so well that he actually got the highest marks of the entire 5th year. It was a reward well-earned Rowan thought considering how much effort James had put into studying this year.

Remus and Lily's grades would no doubt have been higher but being a Prefect puts a heavy strain on studying. Peter had done rather well nearly matching Lily's marks. Of course, Peter should be proud because he beat Sirius for the fourth year in a row in nearly every course except for Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Sirius would no doubt be sulking for having the worst marks out of the marauders. Still, he didn't have any marks lower than an Acceptable and had earned an O in Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Considering it was Sirius, his parents would be so proud….

At the staff table, the examiners converse with several professors including Professor Horace Slughorn. Well-dressed, the plumb figure of Professor Slughorn tugs on his mustache while his gooseberry-colored eyes twinkle smugly. He had gained more weight over the year as his velvet waistcoat had to be let out a few inches more. As he boasts, he twiddles with the golden buttons on his waistcoat. Strangely enough despite his lack of workload, the already wispy crown of mostly silver rather than strawberry-colored hair had become even thinner. At this rate, he truly would be bald by the end of the year.

Professor Slughorn would be officially retired in a matter of hours. He had taught countless of students as the Potions Professor and more importantly as the Slytherin Head of House. However, his work was done, and it was time to pursue greater pursuits in life. He had a book to write!

Yet out of the corner of his gooseberry-colored eyes, Professor Slughorn glimpses a dark dog standing in the corner of the Great Hall gazing intently at him. He quickly glances over again but finds no dog standing in the corner of the Great Hall. Professor Slughorn's mouth goes dry, and a sheen of moisture can be seen on his forehead. He hastily dabs at his forehead with a handkerchief. It must have surely been a figment of his imagination. Yet his gooseberry-colored eyes kept nervously darting about for the rest of the morning.