Blunt Conversations Ⅱ

Closing the oak door behind her, Rowan takes a seat in her grandfather's study. The study is immaculate with thousands of books against the walls stacked in enchanted bookcases. The worktables of her grandfather is clean without any sign of recent experimentation. So, unlike the first time, they enter the study. Back then an assortment of potions and books could be found strewn across various worktables.

The silence stretches as the grandfather clock steadily ticks away. The minutes pass until Reginald shifts in his chair. "You revealed that you are a parselmouth, why," he matter-of-factly inquired.

"I had no choice," Rowan warily replied. At least, she felt she had no choice in order to protect Severus. And she would gladly do so again.

Reginald's gaze remains aloof studying his granddaughter. A trace of annoyance flashes through his dark eyes at her calm demeanor. "Parseltongue is not a secret that is easily kept," he pointedly glanced at the pile of letters full of inquiries.

"There were countless witnesses in Hogsmeade. The Daily Prophet editor even wrote to me indicating that they will run a story tomorrow regarding the two parselmouth's descended from Salazar Slytherin. Do you know what this means?" Reginald crisply queried.

Rowan's visage looks somewhat chastised by the clear disappointment in her grandfather's voice. "I can guess."

A vexed sigh escapes from Reginald Prince's lips. "Rowan, we had ample time to disclose a proper narrative in the Daily Prophet portraying your existence as a parselmouth in a good light. We refrained from doing so because you had no intention of publicly revealing your abilities, but now you have done so only in order to converse with Riddle! The Daily Prophet will print an article with or without our permission as one-sided as they see fit! And this time, I cannot have the story pulled!"

There is guilt and annoyance flash across Rowan's face. "I am sorry, grandfather," she openly apologized. Though a part of her did not feel repentant, she had done so to protect Severus. She did not wholly regret her action.

Something akin to sadness flickers across Reginald Prince's face, before his face hardened. "Your intentions although well-intentional, Rowan were ill-advised. Rather your good intentions have backfired and placed you in a far more precarious situation than before."

There is a wary expression on Rowan's face with a hint of bewilderment at her grandfather's statement. "I beg your pardon, grandfather, but I fail to understand. Exactly what are you referring to?"

"Illegitimate children in the days of old would marry first cousins to cement their purity and power in the eyes of the pureblood families," Reginald aloofly explained. "The forces of Riddle have lost and have been weakened by the departure of countless allies. With such a weak position in society, Riddle would risk even a marital alliance. However, knowing Riddle's arrogance, he would never lower himself to marry a lesser witch."

"And at this ill-time juncture, Rowan you have coincidentally elected to reveal your ability to the one individual, who is a parselmouth and would be tempted to establish a legitimate line!" Reginald chillingly declared causing Rowan to ghastly pale at the implications. "And as Sir Knight Prince has so graciously reminded me recently, female parselmouths breed true."

A sickly green look spreads over Rowan's face. With Bellatrix dead, Voldemort would surely look elsewhere. Yet Riddle above all else prided himself on being a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. And she had pointedly reminded Voldemort during their duel that they are in fact, (VERY) distant cousins.

Her grandfather's suggestion is no longer an impossibility, but a very real possibility that Riddle may take more than a personal interest in her. And the fact that Rowan was betrothed meant little to Riddle considering he fornicated with a married witch, Bellatrix. That and the fact that a sociopath like Voldemort would not hesitate to use violence or force to fulfill his desires.

Glancing down at her clenched, clammy hands, Rowan forces her fingers to relax. She had made a grave error. She could no longer do this alone; she needed a partner she could trust in. Someone with as many secrets to match her own, James Potter.

Rowan's hand clenches and relaxes at the thought. A part of her still felt terribly betrayed, but it was not James Potter's fault. And neither could she continue to treat, Severus in the same manner. Severus could have easily died in Hogsmeade. Severus didn't thanks to James Potter apperating Severus and Lily away to safety.

Letting out a tired sigh, Rowan comes to terms with what she needed to do. Glancing up at her grandfather with new resolve, Rowan says, "I am certain that you received the enchanted lineage tome, I had Tadbey deliver months ago, grandfather. And I am also aware that you accepted my terms and conditions for the blood debt of the Burke family to solely belong to me in exchange."

Rowan paused to observe her grandfather's posture which revealed nothing. "However, you have not written further regarding the tome. I am certain there were no problems in using the tome as Sir Knight Prince is a parselmouth." She emphasized awaiting a response from her grandfather.

"I have been busy these past months," Reginald nonchalantly admitted. "I have only been able to briefly review the tome in my rare spare time." Nonetheless, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes argues otherwise. That and the location of the tome is kept within an arm's reach on a corner of his desk.

Indeed, Reginald is quite pleased to learn that still exist distant branches of the Prince family in faraway places and also other living descends of their ancestor Salazar Slytherin. He was rather displeased to learn that Tom Riddle is in fact an actual descendant of their ancestor via the Gaunt line. However, he was pleasantly surprised to learn that Evans family is as well. Although muggles, the Evans family are squibs. He would not oppose the betrothal of his grandson to Lily Evans. Their union would only serve to strengthen the Prince bloodline.

"In that case, you are aware that Lily is a suitable candidate for Severus to wed?"

"I do not oppose their union if that is the question."

Rowan is unable to fully hide her relief at her grandfather's response. "Then you are also aware that the Rowle, Selwyn, Carrow, Macmillian, Parkinson, (Burke), and the Abbott family owe us blood debts."

"Naturally," Reginald huffed, "especially considering that you have already exchanged the Burke blood debt for the tome."

"Yes, well, I wish to acquire one more blood debt," Rowan plainly confessed.

"Oh?" Reginald arched his brow. "Let me guess, the Rowle family blood debt on behalf of that friend of yours."


"It is a mere triviality; it is not worth using a blood debt on such a minor inconvenience."

"Without the Rowle's interference, the Crowleys will have Peter and his mother killed not to mention the unborn infant in Quyen Crowley's womb," Rowan grimly responded. "Is a blood debt not worth using to save three innocent lives, grandfather?"

Reginald is silent, before finally answering, "Very well, I will accept your request this time, Rowan. However, an equal trade of value must be offered in exchange."

A trace of triumph flashes through Rowan's midnight, indigo-colored eyes. "Naturally, grandfather," she confidently answered before reaching into her moke-skin pouch.

Rowan prior to returning to Hogwarts has stopped by the Chamber of Secrets to pick up a few items of use. She gently pulled out; a silver goblin-forged armband that bore the royal goblin crest. She carefully placed the silver armband onto the desk.

Reginald's dark eyes become fixated on the simple armband. He had seen countless goblins forged items in the Prince family vault, but never with his engraved. The royal goblin family bore the royal crest and only are permitted to exclusively use it.