
It is early morning with the sun emerging over the horizon while the birds sing their little hearts out. In the front hall of Prince Manor, the tall figure of Georgine can be seen briskly patting down Reginald's clothing to tucking the hair of Severus back into place, and overall just fussing over Rowan and the rest. Satisfied, Georgine steps back and says, "Mm, you look presentable at last."

Dark eyes sternly gaze at her older brother, Reginald. "Do not tip your hand with the goblins, Reginald, keep a cool head. As grandfather always advised 'be patient and wait for the enemy to be complacent," Georgine vehemently reminded her brother.

Rowan and Severus exchange a pointed look at their aunt's words. From what they knew, Rancor Prince, their great-grandfather was an abusive father to his children, (Reginald and Georgine). Still, their grandfather and aunt did not speak much about their own grandfather. The little that Rowan and Severus knew is that their great-great-grandfather was not all bad and that he ensured as much as possible the wellbeing of his grandchildren, Reginald and Georgine; yet all the while suspecting his own son, Rancor of having ill-intent towards his own children (Reginald and Georgine).

"I am prepared, Georgine," Reginald steadfastly replied. "I shall not lose sight of the prize before us."

"See to it, brother," Georgine proudly said, before pulling her shawl around her arms. "I shall not see you out, I am certain that Rodrigo will soon be awake. Do not tarry overly long, Rodrigo will be most disappointed."

Reginald nods his head, while Rowan glances at Severus as if to say, "I think Aunt Georgine is talking to you."

Severus rolled his eyes at Rowan. As if Rowan did not much enjoy spending time with Rodrigo! Rowan was always patient when helping Rodrigo to color or reading wizard fairytales out loud to their cousin. Rowan could huff and puff all she wanted, but Severus knew his twin sister was equally fond of the little boy.

With the departure of their aunt, Rowan and Severus turned to their grandfather. "Speak carefully, I need not warn you about the nature of goblins. A Goblin is true only to the exactness of their words. If uncertain remain silent until you can compose your words. A single false step and we will lose the edge of battle."

"Yes, grandfather," Rowan and Severus chorused. 

"We shall be flooing to a private floo, the coordinates have been arranged as the "stone king," Reginald carefully instructed, before turning around towards the hearth. Reaching into a silver urn containing sparkling powder, he grabs a pinch, before tossing it into the flames. The flames roar and rise turning an emerald green.

Stepping inside the emerald flames, Reginald says, "Stone King," before vanishing in a roaring swirl of green flames.

Seeing their grandfather vanish, Severus teasingly bows out of the way. "After you." 

Rowan grumbles under her breath, before taking a pinch of sparkling powder and tossing it into the flames. The emerald flames rise with a roar as Rowan steps into the hearth. "Stone King," she said before she was tugged down what felt like a drain. The green flames roar around her as everything spins around her.

With a loud pop, Rowan stumbles out of the flames into a hall inside Gringotts Bank. Gaining her bearing she finds the area is rather cool with torches lighting the bare stone hall. They must be in the bowels of Gringotts Bank as she can almost see her breath.

Stepping aside Rowan moves just away in time as Severus stumbles out of the hearth behind her. Severus shakes his head trying to get his bearing before sharing a knowing glance with Rowan. Glancing about Severus turns towards their grandfather, who gazes down the hall in an alert fashion.

Standing further down the hall are a dozen guards in scarlet and gold uniforms holding gleaming pointed spears. These goblins are rather muscular and experienced warriors who have survived the attack on Gringotts by the Death Eaters. At their helm is an elderly goblin wearing a pointed little hat with a matching pointed white beard and a rather pointed nose.

Nurnaff not only serves in the function of goblin liaison officer at the Ministry of Magic but also upon occasion for rare, honored guests brought before the Goblin King and the Council. "I am honored to welcome the Prince family," he formally greeted them in Gobbledegook.

The cold, dark eyes of Reginald Prince stare down at the goblins, before politely returning the greeting. "We are honored to be brought before the stone throne," with Rowan and Severus muttering the same greeting after their grandfather.

With proper greetings satisfied, Nurnaff switches to English. "Please permit me to the lead way," he said before leading the way as the goblin guards spread to the front and the rest spread to wait to guard the guests. 

Reginald follows after Nurnaff closely followed by Rowan and Severus in tow. The stonework appears old suggesting these underground tunnels are older than Gringotts Bank itself. It would appear the tunnels were built prior to Gringotts. The selection for the location of Gringotts was no mere coincidence. Rather it was purposefully done to conceal the existence of the tunnels below. 

Before long, their group arrives before a pair of great doors carved with ancient goblin runes. Goblin runes are not the current written language of Gobbledegook, but an ancient archaic writing style. The runes are rarely ever used by goblins now except in traditional ceremonies or rituals. Rowan could only identify a few runes since the subject had yet to be covered by Professor Babbling.

The massive doors open with a loud groan revealing the assembled goblin elders and clan leaders inside. The goblins sit upon countless stone benches observing them in a large circular chamber. There are massive, intricately carved stone columns that rise from the floor to the ceiling.

At the forefront of the chamber are 12 smaller stone seats representing the goblin council. The 12 seated council members wear silver embroidered robes. Among them is Wulm, who sits at the right hand of the King. The council seats are divided into six with six on each side of a great silver goblin-forged throne. The silver goblin-crafted throne has delicate leaves and trees carved into the silver with tiny gems that seem to sparkle as brightly as the twinkling stars in the heavens.

Sitting upon the throne is Grok Gringotts looking majestic and imposing in the full regale of a King including a crown. Sitting on the step just below the throne is Ragnok, the heir to the goblin throne. The younger goblin hides a smile upon seeing Rowan Prince but nods his pointy-eared head at the Prince family in a subtle greeting.

The guards in the chamber raise their spears at the signal of the Goblin King and clang their spears against the ground. The clanging of the spears echo through the chamber before falling silent. 

"The Stone Throne sees the Prince household," Grok Gringotts greeted them in Gobbledegook.

"The Prince household greets the Stone Throne," Reginald returned the greeting with Rowan and Severus echoed the greeting.

Some of the goblin clan heads and elders openly frown at seeing none of the Prince family members bow in greetings to their Goblin King. It is very discourteous. The sentiment is largely shared by the goblins in attendance.

Korrok, a wispy clan head with a long white beard thoughtfully tugs on his white beard. The Prince's are a wily family not easily caught. Their failure to bow to the King is a deliberate act on the Prince's part rather than an insult. And if so, what can they possibly seek to gain? 

Among the clan heads, Korrok is one of the few clan heads to notice, but a great deal of the councilmembers accurately sense it is a deliberate power play. However as to the reason why even they cannot tell. They could only wait for the old Prince to show his hand.

 Grok Gringotts switches to English, "I must admit, I found myself quite surprised when the Head of the Prince's requested an official meeting deeming it of vital importance to the Goblin Nation. Speak truthfully and carefully Prince, you stand before the stone throne, and the stone throne is far from merciful."

"I greet the Goblin King, the Council, the Clan Head, and Elders of the Goblin nation," Reginald calmly said gazing at those before him. "The Prince household is a direct descendant of Merlin and Salazar Slytherin. Yet my grandchildren are also the direct descendants of Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff through their paternal lineage."

This is nothing new to the goblins as the news had been publicized in the Daily Prophet and countless other papers. The interest initially shown in Reginald Prince's words plummeted. Rather the goblins become wary wondering what exactly Reginald Prince wanted from them.

Turning to Rowan and Severus, Reginald motions for his granddaughter to step forward. "And so, I stand here today to see that the bloodline of my grandchildren is properly acknowledged and recorded in the genealogy of the stone throne."

Shock-filled gasps of alarm and disbelief fill the large cavern. There is a loud clamor of indignant voices against the Prince household. It is utter blasphemy and an insult to the goblin nation. They would rather go to war than permit such an insult to stain the honor of their king!