Moving In

It is a warm sunny day in Hogsmeade. The villagers are about but the Hogs Head Inn is closed for the day. No one pays it much mind as the villagers and patrons are used to the pub closing now and again for cleaning. The only ones disappointed are the early morning drinkers, but they are not too disappointed as they make their way to the Three Broomsticks to admire Madam Rosmerta's well-endowed body.

In the back of the Hogs Head Inn, the goats in their pens chew on a mix of hay, grass, and grain. A spotted goat by the name of Butter kicks at the gate of the pen. Butter is a routine escapee, who likes to eat a bucket of freshly churned butter. Alas, the gate has been magicked and Butter is unable to escape. Butter lets out a frustrated, sad bleat, before unhappily heading to trough to eat grain.

Footsteps cause Butter's ear to perk as the goat's tail wags in excitement. Butter lets out a loud neigh and squeezes its head out between the wooden pen bars. A loud chuckle escapes from Albus Dumbledore, who leans down to gently scratch Butter behind the ears on the chin. Albus's long white hair and beard are tucked into his belt lest Butter tries to chew on them again. 

The rustle of wings can be heard as Fawkes drifts into the barn. The phoenix's feathers are crimson with a golden tail as long as a peacocks. The phoenix is not large, but rather the size of a swan. Yet his claws and beaks are gleaming gold, the latter long, and his eyes a warm black. 

Fawkes lands on Albus's shoulder peering intently down at the spotted goat. "No need for jealousy, Fawkes," Albus teased as his child-like blue eyes mischievously glinted from behind half-moon spectacles.

Fawkes lets out a happy chirp, while Butter ignores the large brightly colored bird. Once satisfied, Butter the goat in a much more cheerful mood retreats with his tail high in the air. There are delicious grains to eat!

The wooden door to the barn slams open to reveal the owner of the Hogs Head Inn, Aberforth Dumbledore. Gray hair and beard are neatly trimmed causing Aberforth to look roughish handsome. His vivid blue colored eyes glare at his older brother from behind his spectacles.

"Don't egg, Butter on, Albus. It's only a matter of time until that wily goat escapes and steals another bucket of freshly churned butter!" Aberforth bitterly complained. Every darn time it happened, a village housewife would come and complain to him, and he would be forced to cover the cost of the stolen/eaten wooden bucket of butter.

"I'm sure Butter quite enjoys an adventure or two, Aberforth," Albus cheerfully smiled causing the scowl on Aberforth's face to deepen.

Reaching down to pick up the two bulging battered suitcases that he had set on the floor, Albus rises with a faint groan at hearing his back pop from age. "Tch, it looks like those extra years didn't do much for you, Albus," Aberforth roguishly jested.

"Well, it couldn't fix everything, Aberforth," Albus chuckled. "I consider myself quite fortunate as it is to have a spring in my step again."

Aberforth snorts but moves out of the way and allows Albus to pass. Fawkes flutters his wings and hops onto Aberforth's shoulder and lets out a musical croon, before taking a bit of Aberforth's hair and proceeding to groom him.

"Get off of me, you blasted peacock!" Abeforth sputtered to no avail as Fawkes was determined to groom the new member of his flock.

Resigned Aberforth permits the blasted phoenix to chew on his hair and beard. This is what he gets for allowing Albus to move in after he got kicked out of Hogwarts. He was now stuck with his insufferable brother and equally insufferable bird.

Albus easily finds the magically expanded right wing that formed a small tower in a corner of the Hogs Head Inn. With a swish of his wand, Albus begins to unpack as shrunken items fly out and return to their natural state. With a flick here or there the bags unpack resembling greatly his former office at Hogwarts with the exception of the Headmaster and Headmistress portraits. Those would naturally remain at Hogwarts including his own portrait which presently is not yet magically awake and won't be until after his death.

Satisfied Albus wanders into the parlor, the parlor had changed since Albus's first visit. There are now two cozy armchairs in front of the fire. The parlor is clean and cozy with battered furniture. The old bookshelf is full of books and there are even family pictures sitting on the mantelpiece. 

Yet best of all is the hanging portrait of Ariana. Ariana is forever young in the portrait with chest-length golden hair neatly pulled back. Her bright blue eyes gaze straight ahead while she cradles a book in her arms. 

Albus's gaze softens with old sorrow, but his heart is much lighter than it once was. He had not entirely forgiven himself and likely never would. But things were much better between him and Aberforth. 

"Albus!" Aberforth shouted as he stumbled up the stairs. "Get your blasted bird off of me!"

Albus blinks in surprise at seeing a very determined Fawkes attempting to unsuccessfully groom his brother. "Pft," Albus choked with laughter earning him a dark scowl Aberforth.

"Albus!" Aberforth genuinely pleaded, "Please!"

"Fawkes," Albus tried to keep the mirth out of his voice, "I think you have groomed Aberforth long enough."

Fawkes dark eyes blink as if to say, "No," before returning to its urgent task.

"I apologize, Aberforth, but Fawkes is determined to groom you," Albus somewhat seriously explained. 

Aberforth looks simply murderous but settles for slumping down into an armchair and ignoring the blasted bird! Sensing that Aberforth is rather short-tempered, Albus wisely sits down in the other armchair. The two of them gaze at Ariana, who remains still.

After some time, Aberforth finally asks, "So, the magical snake, what did it want? You never did say, Albus?"

"Apparently, I need to right the wrongs of the past that are still upheld by the International Confederation of Wizards," Albus sincerely responded.

There is a lapse of silence as Aberforth's brilliant blue eyes widen behind his spectacles at the unspoken implications. "Is that blasted snake mad?!" 

"I do not believe so," Albus confidently answered. "Though it does pose an unprecedented challenge."

Aberforth's expression grows somber. "You will need pureblood allies, Albus, you cannot even make a move without them much less fulfill such an impossible request."

"There is no need," Albus gravely replied. "Prince has already written to me and offered the select services of his allies to ensure the success of my proposal."

"The old Prince!" Aberforth grimly cried out, "The old Prince never acts unless there is something to be gained. Though what I cannot possibly guess."

"Yes, I had that thought too," Albus pensively admitted. "Though I must admit the number of allies Prince has provided and listed is most impressive."


"Just to name a few families, Malfoy, Black, Longbottom, Avery, Mulciber, Greengrass, Shafiq, Nott, Rosier, Wilkes, etc." Albus solemnly said. "And that includes the branch families as well. Not to mention I know for a fact Philippe Verninac is one of the newest members of the confederation. Though Phillippe Verninac is not fond of Reginald Prince for his family's sake, he will side with Reginald Prince. And the Verninacs hold great power in the old world, many of the pureblood families will side with the Verninac family to gain or remain in their goodwill."

Aberforth somberly contemplates his older brother's words ignoring Fawkes tugging on a patch of hair. He needed to have a conversation with the child to gain more information. However, that would be much easier said than done since it is the summer holidays.

Not to mention there is another pressing worry with Albus living with him, the spy could not report. Lestrange is in danger as it is, but now, their communication would become even more limited and dangerous. It was an urgent problem, but he had no real means of addressing it at the moment.

Changing the subject, Aberforth says, "Have you found a second spy? Arabella Fig is no shape to be tracking, Doris Meadows. She has been lucky thus far but sooner or later Meadows will notice. Arabella is not exactly discreet."

"I know," Albus grimly acknowledged. "I have three possible recommendations made by a trustworthy member of the Order (James Potter). I have yet to speak to them, but I do believe they will both be a formidable asset to the Order."

  Albus couldn't very well say that a current student from Hogwarts (and hidden member of the Order of the Phoenix), James Potter had recommended another student Peter Pettigrew, and two former students, Frank Longbottom and Alice Yates. He knew that Aberforth would probably question his sanity and point out his poor judgment. 

"Who?" Aberforth curiously asked at seeing the twinkle in his brother's eye.

  "Peter Pettigrew, Frank Longbottom, and Alice Yates."

"Who is that?"

"Well, Mr. Pettigrew would be a 6th year this upcoming year, but he elected not to return to Hogwarts to complete his 6th or 7th year," Albus sincerely answered. "It is out of well-intentioned duty to care for his young wife and unborn child."

Aberforth let out a low whistle before the whistle died in his throat. He recalled how his own youthful love affair had ended. It had bitterly ended in tragedy.

"And just what makes young Pettigrew so special?" 

"Mr. Pettigrew is an Animagus."

"Animagus?" Aberforth startled asked. "Corporal Transfiguration is not taught until the 7th year."

"Yes, well, Mr. Pettigrew is undoubtedly talented in this area," Albus drily responded. "His Animagus form will prove very useful to us, it is a rat."

Aberforth tugs on his beard fiercely and successfully manages to wrangle his bead out of Fawkes grasp, (well, beak to be precise). "Though there is no reason for Pettigrew to accept if he has a young wife and unborn infant," Aberfoth warned.

"Yes, well, it may take some convincing on my part, but I am certain of success," Albus earnestly said causing Aberforth's eye to twitch.

And what of Frank Longbottom and Alice Yates," Aberforth grumbled avoiding the darn twinkling of his brother!

"Mr. Longbottom has successfully graduated from the Auror Academy, while Miss Yates was successfully accepted into the Auror Academy. They are both exceptionally talented. And it can never hurt to have more experienced members as part of the Order."

"I am simply flabbergasted, Albus by your actual use of logic."

Albus preens at the compliment even though it was not a compliment from Aberforth's end. Feeling somewhat malicious, Aberforth says, "And what of your two apprentices, Rowan & Severus Prince. How has their tutorage been going?"

Albus has the grace to flush with shame and guilt. "Er, I am hoping to have all of this dreadful business done before the start of the school year. In either case, I have already spoken to the new headmaster, Master Linnaeus who is more than willing to tutor them both in my absence."

"Right," Aberforth flatly said, before glancing up at the time. "I better go check the mince pie in the oven," and rose to his feet successfully shaking Fawkes off his shoulder.

Fawkes lets out a startled squeak to find himself dumped on the armchair. Fawkes flutters his wings trying to get back up in the air, but Aberforth hurries out of the parlor shutting the door right after him. Having successfully made his escape, Aberforth hurries down the stairs before Albus opens the door for the blasted bird and it comes after him!

Fawkes lets out a mournful musical cry and flutters over sadly to Albus. "There, there, Fawkes. I am certain that Aberforth will grow to appreciate your attentions just as I have," Albus crooned as he smoothed the sad phoenix.

Fawkes lets out a small squawk as if vowing to earn the affections of Aberforth. It would be the start of a dramatic star-crossed drama between Fawkes and Aberforth. Would Fawkes successfully win Aberforth over or will Aberforth successfully dissuade Fawkes? Alas, only time will tell.