Wandless Magic Ⅱ

Remembering what to do, Rowan breathes through her nose and softly exhales through her mouth. She focuses on her senses feeling the cool air emitted by Sir Knight Prince. Unlike the time before, this time she can much more easily sense the wards running through the manor.

"By now, you will have sensed the wards," Sir Knight Prince softly said. "I want you to once more try to reach out with your magic and cast the illumination spell."

There is a slight hesitation on Rowan's part since the last time she had followed the instruction, the entire flesh of her hand had been sliced open by her magic. She was not looking forward to a repeat. Still, she did as she was told. She did not verbalize her magic nor use her wand casting "Lumos," with a mere thought.

There is a discomforting pinching sensation, but there is no agonizing pain or the scent of blood in the air. Rowan cautiously peeks only to find a glowing ball of light floating above her hand. Her midnight-indigo eyes are awestruck as she glances up at Sir Knight Prince in child-like wonder.

Seeing one of the rarest of expressions shown by Rowan, Sir Knight Prince steps back in surprise effectively moving his hand upward jarring Rowan's heart. Startled Rowan feels a surge of ice flowing down her veins. Her lips begin to turn a pale blue, purple color. Her body temperature plummets and she is overcome by violent shivers. As if in the dead of winter, she can see her breath come out as clouds of mist.

Unable to take it anymore, Rowan pulls away from Sir Knight's arm shoving him in the process. Sir Knight Prince blinks but reveals nothing as he steps back. Rowan hastily cancels the spell, she clutches her chest in pain. It felt as though her insides had frozen over. When she first started Hogwarts, she sometimes wondered why none of the students had ever been curious enough to touch a ghost. It is because those born in magical households knew better. And well, ghosts aren't something most muggleborn students are curious about much less want to touch even if they are.

Allowing Rowan time to catch her recover from the ordeal, Sir Knight Prince's body sits down and settles Sir Knight Prince's ghostly head on the knees of the ghostly body. "My apologies, it must be uncomfortable," he sincerely said earning a dark glower from Rowan.

"As suspected, I have confirmed that the channels inside your body have expanded and hardened sufficiently to handle the volatile magic contained within your body, Rowan," Sir Knight Prince mater-of-factly stated. "There will always be some form of discomfort for you when performing wandless magic, because of the way your magic channels are built. Still, it is possible now unlike before."

Against Rowan's will, the corners of her lips turn upward in a smile. It was the best possible news she could have heard. Even without the use of a second wand, she could safely use her magic without having to rely on her wand and fearing the day it would betray her.

Trying to contain her excitement, Rowan expectantly gazes at Sir Knight Prince. "So which skills can I be taught?"

Sir Knight Prince is pensive and does not automatically respond. Rowan is eager to know but knows she must be patient. Not that was easy, mind you.

After a few minutes (which seemed like an eternity), Sir Knight Prince finally answers, "Though your body has reached a balance, the volatility of your magic cannot be ignored," causing Rowan to wilt. "That being said, it is not a total lost cause."

 Rowan intently leans forward to listen.

"The solution lays in Parseltongue," Sir Knight Prince responded.

Rowan makes a wary face at Sir Knight Prince's remark. The entire advantage of wandless magic is in conjunction with verbless magic. If one speaks it, well, where is the advantage?

 "Parseltongue is incredibly powerful with unpredictable results at times," Sir Knight Prince openly admitted. "Parseltongue unlike the tongue of man can even function underwater in an even more controlled manner."

Rowan's expression grows very suspicious. How would Sir Knight Prince know that parseltongue works underwater? Did she even want to know?

"Try to cast the illumination charm again only in parseltongue this time around," Sir Knight Prince instructed.

Letting out a sigh, Rowan slows her breathing but does not close her eyes. "Lumos," she whispered in Parseltongue. Unlike the previous time, she felt not the slightest hint of discomfort. The unique power of Parseltongue forced the volatile magic within her into submission.

Just as quickly Rowan cancelled the spell rather dumbfounded. "I didn't feel any discomfort," she whispered in some awe, before frowning. "But isn't the point of casting spells in a duel is not to give your enemy, a hint of your attack?"

"And how many wizards and witches, do you know are parselmouth's?" Sir Knight Prince retorted. "Out of the three known parselmouth's in Great Britain, two are standing in this very room, and the other is an enemy."

Slowly Rowan nodded her head in understanding. "Because my magic is volatile, wordless magic is not the best option for me. Rather wandless magic is the best option in combination with Parseltongue."

"That is correct."

 Rowan mediates on what she has just learned. She had already been outed as a parselmouth, so, she did not need to hold back any longer. She might as well use parseltongue to her advantage. Which brought a present dilemma back to the forefront of her mind.

"Hypothetically speaking," Rowan slowly said causing Sir Knight Prince to arch his brow at her. "If I were to have found a second hidden chamber inside Hogwarts that belonged to Salazar Slytherin, how could I ward it against it being found by another parselmouth."

Sir Knight Prince brow rose even further knowing perfectly well that the existence of the Chamber of Secrets had been publicized. "It is possible, but the parselmouth in question would have to be talented in creating rune stones."

Rowan positively beamed at Sir Knight Prince's words. She had become proficient in carving runestones, (admittedly, she had to use a carving knife). However, she did not yet know how to create runestones to create a ward.

Unable to turn away from Rowan's pleading gaze, Sir Knight Prince sighed in resignation. "We'll need ink, parchment, and a quill for this, Rowan."

"Yes, Sir!" Rowan cheerfully replied before rushing her back to retrieve the required items. She would need to record the runes, and then proceed to carve the runes while filling them with power. Last but least Sir Knight Prince would have to show her how to activate a ward!

Once Rowan is out of sight, the face of Sir Knight Prince becomes somber. He could clearly recall the moment Rowan had shoved him. It had not been the child's intent but rather an automatic reaction. Yet Sir Knight Prince had clearly felt the power of Necromancy in Rowan's shove.

Most wizards and witches cannot bear to touch a ghost much less harm one. Yet there are a few dark, talented wizards and witches who can touch the powers bestowed upon Death, Necromancy. Yet more worrisome the power of Necromancy flowing through Rowan's veins had not been there the year before.

Necromancy is a power that not a single member of Prince household has ever held. Not even in ancient times when the Prince's was an assassin wizard's clan, the percussors. However, that does not mean the ability is not hereditary. Sir Knight Prince could not exclude the genetics of Gellert Grindelwald, the third parent of Toby Snape, the father of Tobias Snape, and thereby grandfather of Rowan and Severus.

Gellert Grindelwald had made a bid for power in 1932 to become the Supreme Leader Mugwump (the head of the) International Confederation of Wizards (ICW) during the gathering held in Bhutan. There Grindelwald used necromancy to reanimate a Qilin and be selected as the new supreme leader of the ICW.

The magical inheritance of Grindelwald could possibly also include necromancy. Though the power within Rowan is almost non-existent, its presence is unmistakable. Sir Knight Prince would need to inform the head of the family, Reginald, but explain the urgent need to test Severus as well.

If Severus tests positive as well, both children would need to be carefully watched. It is not out of fear of their using necromancy, but rather the dangers of leaving their ability unchecked. Power by very nature is a ravenous beast full of greed and hunger to gain more. It could not be ignored for the best of intentions paved the road to hell.

Sir Knight Prince had learned that lesson all too well. Though the Prince lineage contained no gifts for necromancy, necromancy is a line of magic that can be learned if one has the talent. And Rowan and Severus were also descended from that very same. The only Prince to ever delve into those foul arts, a Prince of extraordinary talents in that regard, Rancor Prince. A mistake that would never be allowed to be repeated again