Recruits of the Whisperer’s of the Meow Ⅱ

Pulling himself out of his thoughts, Peter glances at the elderly woman at his side. "Er, sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. The name's Peter Pettigrew, madam." He politely introduced himself.

"A pleasure, young man," Arabella acknowledge. "You may call me Miss Arabella Doreen Fig or simply Arabella," she cackled in jest.

"Yes, Miss Arabella Doreen Fig," Peter automatically responded not getting the joke.

"Youth these days," Arabella huffed under her breath. "Now tell me, young man what do you do these days?"

"I am working," Peter frankly confessed. "I'm new and it's been a bit of a learning curve. I feel rather out of sorts, to be honest."

"Ah, that is the way of the world," Arabella nodded her gray, grizzled head in understanding. "But soon enough, you will have your feet properly set on the ground, young man. I have faith in you."

"Thank you, Miss Arabella Doreen Fig," Peter sincerely said grateful to hear those words of compassion. It was a balm to his soul. And not that Quyen or his mum didn't tell him so. But sometimes it is easier to believe those same words from a complete stranger.

The sound of footsteps interrupts their conversation as the two of them turn toward the entrance. Peter blinks in surprise upon recognizing the silver-haired Headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, and his former Quidditch Captain, Frank Longbottom! He hastily rises to greet them, but his gaze can't help but go to the pair of cat ears on top of their heads.

Professor Dumbledore has a pair of orange tabby ears and Frank Longbottom has a pair of golden Siberian cat ears. Embarrassed, Peter hurriedly draws his gaze away from the pair of cat ears. "Professor Dumbledore, if I may ask, what are the two of you doing here?" He asked uncertainly as he had been expecting James, but James had yet to show.

"An excellent question, Mr. Pettigrew which we shall shortly discuss, please have a seat," Professor Dumbledore gestured in a friendly manner.

More confused than ever Peter plops back down in his seat gazing wide-eyed at the former Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, Frank Longbottom. Frank had always been a handsome lad with wheat-colored hair, but now he looked imposing wearing the scarlet robes of an Auror. Frank's eyes have always been bright and kind, but they are also now more solemn and mature.

Frank flashes a brief smile at Peter, all the while remaining alert. He remains standing just to the side of Professor Dumbledore. Although he was an Auror, he was a recent graduate from the academy. A newborn fledging according to the Auror Corps.

Taking a seat Professor Dumbledore sighed in contentment, before waving his wand and casting spell to prevent anyone from overhearing their conversation. "Mr. Pettigrew, I can tell by your bewildered expression that you are confused. The tale is long, but I shall make it as short as possible."

"We have all heard of the Death Eaters and their Dark Lord," Professor Dumbledore explained. "The Ministry of Magic after the corruption reforms of Minister Jenkins, the Ministry has vastly improved. It grieves me to say, but the Ministry of Magic has been successfully infiltrated since the Death Eaters have kept ahead of the Aurors," Professor Dumbledore solemnly stated.

"As such, a group of members have joined together to provide aid and stop the Death Eaters in their tracks," Professor Dumbledore steadfastly said. "However, that being said even our own close-knit group can still harbor a spy. Hence, why are recruiting you, Mr. Pettigrew, who is to serve as the hidden member of our Order. You are intelligent, cunning, and most importantly possess unique skills that make you invaluable to us." 

Peter flushes in embarrassment uncertain of how to take the compliment. He wanted to accept the honor, but he also had to think of Quyen and the baby. His enthusiasm wilted and he began to think levelheaded.

"It is an honor, Professor Dumbledore," Peter slowly said, "but I have my wife and unborn child to think of. Not to mention the job I just started, I can't lose it, sir!"

"Not to worry, young man," Arabella chirped patting Peter on the knee. "Professor Dumbledore wants you to be a spy not to be in the thick of things."

Peter appears unconvinced by the statement. He wondered just what James had gotten him into! He had wanted to feel useful but not like this!

"As Arabella said," Professor Dumbledore swiftly followed, "we only require that you follow a certain set of individuals, and should any information come across your lap regarding them, we ask that you share it with the Order."

The worry on Peter's face relaxes, but it does not entirely fade away. "If that is the case, who is to be my handler?" He had learned a thing or two on the job already! The more people that knew about a secret, the greater the danger!

"Mr. Longbottom," Professor Dumbledore promptly answered. "Your appearance together will not be seen as suspicious as the two of you played Quidditch together for Gryffindor. It can be easily seen that your friendship extended even after Hogwarts."

"Er, okay, is that all?" Peter mumbled uncertain of just what he was agreeing to.

"No doubt, you are in a hurry to return home, Mr. Pettigrew, but we have one more matter left to address," Professor Dumbledore said and instructed Peter to rise.

Peter nervously did as Professor Dumbledore pulled out his wand from his sleeve. He began to chant ancient words as golden-like streams began to stream out of him and intertwine around Peter's wrist.

"Do you Peter Pettigrew swear to bind yourself to the Order of the Phoenix?" Professor Dumbledore asked, "To uphold the purpose of the Order at all costs even until death. And said breaking of this oath even unto resulting in death?"

Peter hesitated before finally answering, "I swear."

"So, mote be," Albus said as the golden ties swirled around James like chains, before disappearing. "Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix, Mr. Pettigrew." 

"Thanks," Peter lamely said already feeling that he would end up regretting his impulsive decision. Personally, he blamed Sirius and James. They had rubbed off on him after all these years.

"Er, it is growing late, I'm sure we'll be in contact, but I have to go," Peter hurriedly made his excuses before scurrying away.

"Hurry home, Mr. Pettigrew," Professor Dumbledore said as he sat down to chat with Arabella.

"I'll also head on back, Professor Dumbledore," Frank said nodding to his former headmaster and politely as well to the elderly squib.

Frank with ease caught up to the shorter young man near the hearth. "Shall we walk for a bit around the garden, Peter?" He gestured to the gardens outside of the building.

Although uncertain of what he just got himself into, Peter trusted his former Quidditch captain. That was mostly what made him agree to Professor Dumbledore's absurd suggestion. And well, James and Sirius hadn't been the only ones who rubbed off on him. So had Rowan, he could tell people off now.

Their walk in the gardens starts in silence as Frank crosses his arms behind his back. "I suppose, I should tell you that Alice joined as well."

Peter blinks in surprise, before catching a glimpse of Frank's face. "Sorry, but you don't sound too pleased."

"I'm worried," Frank confessed with a frown. "Not that I could ever stop Alice once she sets her mind to something." His voice lapsed for a moment. "It's just dangerous enough being an Auror without having joined a secret organization bent on stopping an evil dark wizard and his equally murderous group of lackeys."

"Well, when you put it that way, it does sound insane," Peter drily admitted. "I suppose, we're all just going to die," his face gloomily dropped in emphasis.

Frank claps Peter on the shoulder in consolation. "I don't think we are going to die, Peter; I just needless worry."

 Peter cheers up slightly before scrunching his nose in thought. "Um, thanks Frank," Peter hesitated. "Um, so why did James recommend you?"

"James?" Frank blinked in surprise. "Goodness no, Professor Dumbledore reached out directly to me and Alice. If James reached out to you, I am certain it is because Professor Dumbledore was worried about directly reaching out to you and being conspicuous." 

"Oh, you must be right," Peter scratched his head with one finger. He must have just misunderstood everything. Feeling a yawn come over him, he glances at the time. "It's getting late, and I don't want to make Quyen worried Frank."

Peter headed back inside to floo while Frank glanced up at the dim stars. The stars are always dim in London. He shook his head, before apparating away. He still had paperwork to do at his desk, especially as an Auror fledging. Ug…