Discussion of Terms

It is late evening when the Hogwarts Board gather and greet each other. They all congratulate the Japanese board member Mr. Sato on the recent birth of his third son, (his fifth child to be exact, and the last according to his wife). After pleasantries are exchanged everyone finds themselves sitting down.

The Hogwarts Board Chairman, Lucius Malfoy looks impeccable as always as he stands up with nary a hair out of place in his sleek, long blond curtain of hair. "Good evening, fellow members of the Hogwarts Board. We have much to discuss. However, before we commence, I have the pleasure of introducing the new Headmaster of Hogwarts Master Emrys Linnaeus."

The board members turn to the wizard standing in the middle of the chamber. Master Linnaeus is a scholarly man with a firm gaze and an air of ingenuity but solemnity about him. His robes are sangria colored, a dark but rich wine color with tiny silver embroidered potion runes on his sleeves showing his mastery as a potion master.

"I thank the Hogwarts Board for permitting my presence this evening," Master Linnaeus self-assuredly said. He had been elected by a higher power so to speak, (Nadira, the magical guardian of Hogwarts). He had nothing to fear from the board at the moment.

A stern, dark-haired witch with sharp features intently stares at Master Linnaeus with her critical gray eyes. Walburga Black was somewhat familiar with Master Linnaeus having interacted as a patron and attended high-function guild gatherings. Master Linnaeus was well-spoken of and thought highly of by the Head of the Potion Guild.

On the other hand, a curious, curved, olive-skinned beauty, the Spanish-descended witch, Francesca De Leon smiles winningly with her lush red lips while her gorgeous almond-like eyes intently observe the new Headmaster of Hogwarts, Master Linnaeus. "We have not had the opportunity to speak on the subject, Master Linnaeus, but what of the status of the guardian of Hogwarts?" 

Francesca de Leon paused, "The name of the guardian of Hogwarts is Nadira is it not?"

The board members expectantly gaze at Master Linnaeus awaiting a reply. They had all been rather curious after their meeting with the magical serpent. Though Lucius Malfoy looked a tad pale at recalling the unpleasant experience.

Master Linnaeus folded one hand behind him and the other in front of him to address the Hogwarts Board. "I have spoken to the magical guardian of Hogwarts just before our meeting," he said. "Nadira said the realms of witches and wizards belong to us, humans, and she will not intervene except as she sees fit."

The board members glance at each other and nod, it is a rather Slytherin answer indeed. Then again, the speaker in question is a magical serpent. It is very much in character.

"However," Master Linnaeus slowly said earning the pointed glances of the entire board, "Nadira did speak of the possibility of appearing to speak at the emergency International Confederation of Wizards to be held at Hogwarts. It is her right as the guardian of Hogwarts." 

Phillip Relec is one of the board members who is unable to hide the clear revulsion on his face. An elderly wizard with a heavy-set jaw and a pug-like nose. "Prosperous, a mere beast has no place before the International Council of Wizardry!" He sneered in disdain.

Phillip Relec wasn't the only one among the board members to think in this direction as did several others including Frederick Livingstone. The older wizard with busy brows, a square face, and wild hair finds himself nodding his head in agreement. Frederick Livingstone was more of a traditionalist than a progressive and agreed with the spoken sentiment.

Though others are not in agreement such as a wiry wizard, Leif Amundsen's clear eyes narrow as he sticks out his strong cleft chin in a deep frown. His friend, Maxwell Zheng narrows his almond-shaped eyes and pushes his dark hair out of his eyes to better glare at the crotchety old wizard. His thin lips are pursed most unhappily.

Izuki Sato's expression remains calm and solemn except he is given away by the fact that he moves to adjust his oriental-style robes. Not one to visibly react, Mr. Sato was most displeased with the remark made by Phillip Relec. A magical serpent is no mere beast but rather a powerful sentient creature!

Others like Walburga Black decided to remain neutral and did not visibly react to the remarks made by Phillip Relec. They needed to remain neutral unless it came time to make a decision. Though they may be inclined to vote one way over another should the subject come to vote.

Seeing the tension increase, a dark-eyed middle-aged wizard with premature white hair moves to speak, Secundus Wilkes, "It is not as though there is not a precedent," he slowly said earning the attention of the entire room. "Forgive me, Sato, if I am misinformed but my understanding is that the Imperial Court of Japan in ancient times sought the wisdom of these great sentient creatures. They are not the only ones in history to do so, but throughout the entire known world from the Aztecs to ancient Crete, Greece, and Rome, to the ancient west African kingdom Dahomey, or Egypt, or even now in India where serpents are still revered."

"There is a precedent that cannot be denied," Secundus Wilkes firmly reminded. "And I need not remind of the history of Ilvermorny, whose founder Isolt Sayre befriended a Horned Serpent and was gifted a shard of horn to forge a wand. Nor that of one of the founders of Hogwarts, Salazar Slytherin, who possessed a wand of snakewood and the core of a Basilisk. And it cannot be denied that Hogwarts would be a far lesser place to be without the House of Slytherin."

Even the staunchest of board members cannot openly retort against the House of Slytherin. Most of them were purebloods and to do so would be an insult to all that they believe in. Without any further protest, the subject is left as it is.

"With the attack on the Ministry of Magic, the location was not deemed safe to host the International Council of Wizardry until further safety measures are implemented," Maxwell Zheng pointedly interjected. "Hogwarts was selected to host the emergency session, due to the strength and security of its wards, but I presume that one of the external decisive factors is the recently discovered magical guardian on Hogwarts premises."

"Though I have heard some unsavory rumors flying about," Leif Amundsen paused glancing about at the council. "Several unnamed sources whisper that Dementors will be put on standby in and around Hogsmeade to ensure the safety of the International Confederation of Wizards and all those in attendance." He lowered his voice in a secretive whisper, "Yet the Minister of Magic has not issued an official statement on the subject."

Several members of the board's eyes widen in surprise while others pointedly narrow them. No one liked Dementors, since the price to pay was a steep one. Furthermore, if the rumors were true, then who was making such a bold power move at this time? There was nothing to be gained.

Walburga Black's gray eyes glance pointedly at her niece's husband, Lucius Malfoy, who does not appear to be at all surprised by the revelation. She leans back in her seat and taps her gloved finger against the mahogany table in deep thought. The plan to use Dementors as guards was doomed from the beginning. It was obvious, to begin with, a blatant feint. However, what could Reginald Prince possibly gain from such a course of action?