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On the sixth floor of Hogwarts, the figure of a petite witch in dark blue robes can be seen hunched over her desk. Professor Bathsheda Babbling, the professor of Ancient Runes, and the Head of Gryffindor fiercely writes the upcoming year's study plans and a proposal for the new Headmaster of Hogwarts. While the end of the school year ended on a bad note, academically the study groups had proven most successful with some of the highest marks Gryffindor had seen in centuries. She would like to offer a reward system for her Gryffindors to further incentivize their academic prowess.

Professor Babbling's crooked dark hat is more crooked from her hunching over to write. Her slightly crooked button nose is scrunched up in thought. At least, her coffee-colored hair is neatly still coiled in place.

Glancing up at the time, Professor Babbling was visibly startled, before hastily putting down her quill. She grabbed the drying notes and her carefully crafted study plan for the upcoming school term in the fall. She briskly made her way through the corridor and down several flights of stairs to the staff room.

 The staff door is thankfully left open since there are no wandering students about. The staff room is a long-paneled room that used to be full of old mismatched chairs that had seen better days. Professor Georgine Prince had only been the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for a few months until the winter holidays, she and Professor Mortimer had made extraordinary changes to the staff room.

The current staff room is filled with comfortable, but luxurious armchairs, settees, loveseats, and exquisite accessories such as a lush carpet, beautiful porcelain vases, and more. What used to be a rickety, scratched table covered in coffee or tea rings is now an elegant long oval table with well-crafted wooden chairs and comfortable seat cushions. There were even exquisite silver China sets, silver platters, and other such items for the staff member's exclusive usage. The Hogwarts house elves made sure to take exceptional care of the silverware, platters, and such items entrusted into their care.

Despite Professor Prince's abrupt departure, she had graciously gifted the furniture and accessories as a gift to the staff. Although Georgine Prince had a razor-sharp tongue that could flay the skin off of one's flesh. She was remembered fondly despite her tongue for she always grudgingly extended a willing hand to others and was kind in a strange roundabout sort of way. Several of the professors had formed close friendships with Professor Prince and kept in touch through letters such as Professor Salah.

The staff room is full of professors in conversation in small groups. Sitting at the forefront of the room is a tiny wizard with dark hair in a sharp suit. After having seen Professor Filius Flitwick constantly sitting upon a stack of books to be seen, Georgine Prince, fed up with the outlandish sight gifted Flitwick a thick square seat cushion to sit upon instead. Professor Flitwick was infinitely grateful and genuinely professed his gratitude to Georgine Prince who only snorted in response. Another example of Professor Prince's strange bouts of kindness.

In close discussion with Professor Flitwick seated at his side is the assistant Charms Professor, Morticia Disick. The pureblood witch has a springy mane of hair that is always escaping from the confines of a hair ribbon. Glancing up from her conversation, she nods in greeting to Professor Babbling, before returning to her conversation with Flitwick.

Professor Babbling was on friendly terms with Assistant Professor Morticia Disick. Though Morticia Disick was a bit loud and brash, she was a good colleague to work with, and who was always willing to lend a hand when asked. Then again working as part of a team came naturally to Morticia having been the Gryffindor chaser during her time as a student at Hogwarts. Her love of quidditch could still be seen when she loudly cheered for Gryffindor during quidditch matches or snuck out to watch them practice quidditch. She even upon occasion could be seen flying with the Gryffindor quidditch team or helping Madam Rolanda Hooch teach some of the 1st years to fly in her spare time.

Sitting nearby is Madam Rolanda Hooch whose hair is short and frazzled as ever. Her yellow eyes briefly glance up from her conversation with her friend, Pomona Sprout. Madam Hooch nods in passing causing Professor Sprout to turn around. Despite a lack of students to teach the squat witch covered in dirt from tending the greenhouses. Professor Sprout smiled at Professor Babbling as she patted her patched hat over her flyaway hair trying to tame it down in vain as she returned to her conversation with her friend, Rolanda.

Glancing about for a spot to sit down Professor Babbling spots the tall, dark-haired astronomy professor with matching chocolate eyes and skin tone, who smiles in friendly greeting at her, her friend Professor Sinistra. Sitting just a seat over is her friend a witch with long, silky black hair and fair skin, Professor Vector. Her robes are bright scarlet as ever with a matching pointed hat. The two women gesture invitingly to Professor Bathsheda Babbling to come and sit down with them.

Taking the offered seat, Professor Babbling gratefully sets down the parchment in her arms. The three of them quickly begin to converse about their summer holidays. They had only just started gossiping when crisp footsteps were heard.

 Hearing the approaching voices, the staff room quiets down as the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts Professor Minerva McGonagall enters the room. She is sharply dressed as always with sleek dark hair pulled back in a bun and a pair of square glasses resting neatly on the bridge of her nose.

The Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts is accompanied by three men. The first two men appear to be related with dark hair and startling gray eyes. The third though has olive skin hair and murky greenish hair. He has a smile on his face, yet everyone notices the startling row of horizontal scars on both sides of his neck that are plainly visible over his collar. Several eyes also flicker toward the gripped book in his hand and dark fingernails that appear to be slightly pointed and thicker than normal like talons. 

Professor Minerva McGonagall promptly addressed the staff members. "The headmaster is currently otherwise occupied, so we shall commence immediately as we have much to discuss."

The wedding band on Professor Minerva McGonagall's left hand glints as she indicates to the pair of gentlemen before her "Firstly, let me introduce, Professors Thurman Black," she indicated to the elder brother, and then to the other, "and Professor Harmon Black."

"They are indeed brothers," Professor McGonagall addressed the clear unspoken question in the room. "They shall be implementing the new directive by the Hogwarts Board of a required physical education course. We will need to change schedules as per the Board directive. First and second-year students are required to attend thrice per week, third and fourth years twice per week, with 5th-year students and older being given the option to attend once per week if not at all."

 There are various murmurs throughout the room, some in favor and others worried it may negatively impact the marks of students. Yet others like the Head of Slytherin, Professor Eponine Mortimer, and Professor Bathsheda Babbling the Head of Gryffindor gaze at each other in mute understanding. If the pesky buggers could be tired out, they may just pay attention in class or at least stay out of trouble!

"Calm yourselves," Professor McGonagall primly reminded the staff. "As I was saying, we are most honored to have Professor Thurman and Harmon Black. They shall also be directing physical sports clubs such as foot-ball," she awkwardly said the last word as if sounding it out.

"Football!" Professor Benjamin Buchanan, the Professor of Wizarding Etiquette stood up in outrage. "It's not the American sort now is it!?" He was a proud descendant of Angus Buchanan, and they played rugby! They didn't need helmets or pads like the Americans, no, they just needed blood and girt the good old-fashioned way.

"I beg your pardon," Professor McGonagall blinked in bewilderment.

"No, it is good old-fashioned footie," Thurman Black smirked in passing understanding with his brother, Harmon. "We'll be teaching good old-fashioned sports like track and rugby. We're planning on having a ruby and footie club to start. I hear that ice hockey was introduced during the winter last year by the muggle studies professor and is very popular. We intend to keep it as part of the winter circle once the lake freezes over."

"That is most excellent to hear," Professor Buchanan beamed brightly at them. "I would be more than delighted to volunteer the use of my time and services to the rugby club."

"Much appreciated, mate," Harmon Black cheekily grinned back.

Professor McGonagall pointedly cleared her throat as Professor Buchanan sheepishly sat back down after a fierce pointed scowl was directed at him. She was rather starting to regret the absence of the headmaster. However, the headmaster was busy, and she had to step in to fill his shoes.