A possible visitor or two?

The sun shines on the grounds of Prince Manor as the entire family is found in the main study of the family head, Reginald Prince. The entire study is lined with enchanted bookcases that house thousands of books. The hidden door to the personal laboratory of Reginald is hidden out of sight due to unexpected visitors.

Reginald gazes at his younger sister, Georgine. She is slender as ever with her short hair like raven's wings swept to swept to the side of her head. Hanging on her neck is a glittering amethyst pendant, a Christmas gift from Rowan and Severus to their aunt. Not that his sister would ever admit to such sentimentalities.

Sitting on the lap of Georgine is her son, Rodrigo. She gazes at him with a besotted expression. The little boy's cheeks are sharp and flushed pink. His nose is long and straight with a happy smile on his face. His hair is dark, and his skin is pale just like the rest of the family.

Tenderly squeezing the little boy in her arms, Georgine turns the page of the enchanted picture book. Rodrigo happily pats the book at seeing the knight vanquish the flaming dragon. "The princess is rescued!" The little boy concluded with satisfaction.

"Yes, she is," Georgine murmured as she turned the page to reveal the princess being carried on the white horse of the knight, before turning the page that revealed the wedding of the knight and princess.

"And they lived happily ever after," Rodrigo proudly declared.

"One should hope so," Georgine forlornly whispered recalling the only man she had ever loved. Blinking away old moisture, she presses a fond kiss to the top of her son's head.

Closing the book shut, Georgine glances up to find her great-niece and great-nephew sitting in the study reading large tomes of alchemy manuscripts. Sensing her gaze, Rowan and Severus glance up from the large tomes. Sensing that their great-aunt Georgine had something to say, they inserted a bookmark between the pages before carefully setting the tomes aside.

Sensing that his mommie has something important to discuss, Rodrigo quiets down and gazes at the wedding in the moving picture book. He wondered what a wedding was like. He scrunches his little face fiercely trying to imagine the scene.

"The funeral of Bertha Crouch is to be held privately by the Blacks," Georgine informed her niece and nephew. "I have already arranged for wreaths to be sent and express our formal condolence to Bartemius Crouch (Sr.)"

"That makes sense," Rowan quietly muttered pausing to glance at her grandfather, who is bent over his desk. The only sound heard in the study was the sound of his quill rapidly moving across the parchment. He does not even bother to glance up from his parchment to gauge a response.

"It isn't as though they do not have ample reason to be wary," Severus wryly interjected. "They have been shown on multiple occasions that nothing is off limits to the Death Eaters."

"Yes, well, that cannot be readily denied," Georgine muttered peeking down at Rodrigo to make sure he wasn't paying attention to their somber conversation. Thankfully, her son is otherwise preoccupied with the picture book in front of him.

Glancing at the picture book in front of Rodrigo, Rowan inquisitively asked, "Is that a gift from Argus Filch (and his wife, Irma Pince-Filch)?"

"Why yes," Georgine lifted her gaze and squared her shoulders back. "I saw no reason to continue to withhold Rodrigo's presence. He has settled down enough and Argus Filch is his uncle by blood."

A gentle smile spreads across her face as Georgine sneaks a peek at her son. "It can do Rodrigo no harm to know that he is loved by his family."

"I meant nothing by it," Rowan sincerely explained. "Rather I just wished to inquire how Rodrigo took their visit as we were in the study with grandfather."

"Ah, Rodrigo took their visit perfectly in stride," Georgine proudly answered. "A proper gentleman with a rather social disposition," she preened with pride.

Rowan and Severus both share a glance in silent communication. Aunt Georgine was anything but social. They simply didn't know what to make of it.

A soft clink is heard as a quill is placed in a quill holder. Reginald Prince leans back in his seat and permits the ink on the letter before him to dry. "Another visit has been arranged has it not, Georgine?"

"Naturally, Reginald," Georgine turned to address her brother, "they shall stop by again next week to visit Rodrigo." She paused to arch her brow at him. "Are you opposed to their visit?"

"No," Reginald tilted his head at his sister. "It is merely to satisfy my curiosity."

A loud yawn escaped from Rodrigo interrupting the ongoing conversation. Seeing the sleepy face of her son, Georgine rises and hefts her son up on her hip. "A nap for you, young man."

 "No, mommie!" Rodrigo loudly wailed. "I'm a big boy! I don't need no naps!" He vehemently protested.

"Nonsense, young man, you are a growing boy, and all growing boys need naps," Georgine firmly retorted before excusing herself to put her son down for a nap.

With their aunt Georgine and Rodrigo gone, Rowan and Severus direct their attention to their grandfather. Their grandfather doesn't speak right away intertwining his fingers tother, he leans his head back to rest against his chair. His dark eyes study them in silence.

"Several visitors have been arranged to visit the two of you over the course of the week prior to your departure for Potter's home," Reginald bluntly stated.

"Who?" Rowan and Severus asked in unison.

"The first is your apprenticeship master, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Albus Dumbledore."

Rowan and Severus blink at the formal titles used to describe Professor Dumbledore. That is not to say they were not aware of those titles. It's just that Professor Dumbledore was rarely ever called such out loud.

 You are surprised at my reference, no?" Reginald evenly gazed at his grandchildren having been observing their reaction. "My intention is to familiarize you both with Dumbledore's identity. Dumbledore's greatest failing is to never properly use the sacred powers he has been bestowed with."

"Well, he no longer has that luxury," Reginald said with great satisfaction. "Dumbledore will have no choice but to act. And that is a scene I have eagerly waited to witness over these past decades."

 Rowan and Severus share another glance. Their grandfather did not attempt in the slightest to hide his dislike for Professor Dumbledore. Yet for that same reason, they had never understood why their grandfather had selected Professor Dumbledore as their apprenticeship master.

"As for the second visitor," Reginald promptly resumed the previous topic, "it will be the new Headmaster of Hogwarts, Master Emrys Linnaeus. He is to discuss how the tutelage under him will proceed in the absence of Professor Dumbledore."

Rowan and Severus nod their heads in understanding. Details would need to be arranged as to how their apprenticeship would need to continue. Especially with Professor Dumbledore taking a more active role in the Wizengamot and International Confederation of Wizards, Professor Dumbledore would require a second to ensure the apprenticeship is properly completed.

"Though Master Linnaeus did mention he would be accompanied by an honored guest," Reginald pensively pursed his lips.

Rowan and Severus don't visibly react imagining it may be some sort of Professor or possible Ministry of Magic official. It would not be surprising in the least bit if Master Strauss accompanied Master Linnaeus. The two wizards in question had been their examiners during their taking the C.S.A.E.

Seeing that their grandfather has nothing further to say, Severus pointedly prods Rowan in the ribs to speak. She shoots Severus a dirty look, before tentatively broaching the subject.

"Grandfather, Severus, and I would like to visit the Evans next week after our return from the home of our godfather (Fleamont Potter). And I would also request to be permitted to visit Remus Lupin if at all possible."

With lips pressed in a firm line, Reginald calmly answers, "The both of you are permitted to visit the Evans family next week for the duration of four days. That is if they agree," he pointedly emphasized the last portion.

Severus perks up and shuffles down to the edge of his seat eager to rush off and write to Lily to inform her of their visit!

"What about Remus?" Rowan asked again.

"Rowan you will be permitted for a day visit only," Reginald carefully instructed. "I shall request the Abbot's residing in the village to lend the use of their floo hearth to you."

"Thank you, grandfather," Rowan gratefully said as their grandfather waved them off and excused them.

The two of them eagerly darted out of the room to write to their prospective friends. Severus to Lily and Rowan to Andrew (Abbott), Petunia (Evans), and Remus (Lupin). They were going to have so much fun!

Gazing after his two grandchildren, a soft expression appears on Reginald's tired face. He closes his eyes to rest for a moment. He had been writing non-stop these past weeks. He was close but he had not yet managed to wrangle the required votes to change the statute of international magic and law. If the matter went before the International Confederation of Wizards at this moment in time, the statute would fail to be changed. All his hard work would have been for nothing.

However, he could not afford to fail. Reginald's dark eyes spring open and he regains the strength needed to continue anew. Failure was not an option.