A possible visitor or two? Ⅲ

Setting the quill aside, Dumbledore says, "Let us commence with your shared classes. The two of you as previously mentioned will be tutored in Alchemy. However, Master Linnaeus intends to tutor you both together and separately on certain days of the week. Master Linnaeus will focus solely on potion alchemy with Severus and Spagyrics (plant alchemy) with Rowan. Upon instances where Master Linnaeus is otherwise occupied, I or Professor Boas will substitute as time permits."

Rowan and Severus both look pleased by the pronouncement and continue to listen without interruption.

"The two of you are to continue gobbledegook," Dumbledore glanced up from the parchment list. "Though, I shall be attending every Friday for the entire duration of the afternoon until dinner to commence teaching preliminary spell crafting and continue your lessons on Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Rowan pales at the pronouncement while Severus shrugs naively believing it wouldn't be that bad.

As if pleased by their reactions, Dumbledore continues, "Now, the elective classes that will differ between the two of you are Herbology and Ancient Runes. Severus shall continue in Herbology as before and Rowan as well in Ancient Runes," he paused too brightly at Rowan causing a shiver of dread to creep down her back.

"Professor Salah was most pleased by the Outstanding marks earned on your N.E.W.T. exams," Dumbledore brightly said causing a cold shiver of dread to creep down their backs. "Professor Salah is willing to host an advanced Spell Matrix class just for the two of you."

"Oh, it is too much trouble," Rowan hastily said.

"There is no need, really," Severus added in desperate panic.

"Not to worry," Dumbledore brightly beamed at them to Rowan and Severus's great dread. "Headmaster Linnaeus is in agreement and has permitted the advanced mastery class to continue until the time of your graduation."

"How very gracious of her," Rowan flatly deadpanned as Severus grimaced and resigned himself to ancient studies.

"Now as for Transfiguration," Dumbledore said as Rowan relaxed knowing that this had nothing to do with her. "Professor McGonagall was pleased to see the extraordinary marks by you, Severus, and that of James Potter and Sirius Black."

"After careful consideration, Professor McGonagall with the permission of the Headmaster and the Hogwarts Board has agreed to add the three of you to her 7th-year N.E.W.T. level class," Dumbledore cheerfully said causing Severus's face to twitch upon imagining the difficulty of the course.

Seeing Severus's bitter face, Rowan barely refrained from snorting out loud. Severus definitely did not see that as an honor. Privately, she was gleeful to see that she had one class less than Severus. She wasn't about to gloat. At least, not until they were out of earshot.

However, to Rowan's horror, Dumbledore said, "After comparing the lesson plans of you both, I found that you have one less class than Severus. Seeing the success of the peer tutoring, the Board has requested the aid of this year's Prefects. And requested if you would be willing to continue one more year, Rowan to show the Prefects the ropes so to speak."

A sneaky smirk crept up onto Severus's face as Rowan reluctantly sighed. "I can tutor on the days three times per week, no more," she firmly stood her ground.

"Wonderful, I will let the Headmaster know," Dumbledore hummed as he jotted down her name down for tutoring.

"Now as for your summer coursework, I have more than amply prepared." Reaching into his pocket, Dumbledore pulled out a small stack of things that floated over to an empty worktable. The tiny handful grew to large, towering piles of parchment, tomes that leaned over in a towering manner threatening to tilt to the ground.

Severus rubs a hand over his face in disbelief as Rowan frowns. It would appear that Dumbledore is making up for lost time. Ug.

"Now, there is one more class to add to your schedule," Dumbledore abruptly said.

With great distress, Rowan and Severus rack their minds. They hadn't missed any class that they knew of. Classes such as Astronomy, History of Magic, and so forth had long since been dropped. So, what could it possibly be?

Seeing their desperate expressions with good cheer, Dumbledore says, "Why the two of you will be old enough to take part in Apparition lessons for a fee of twelve Galleons which must be made prior to the start of the school year or no later than December 1st."

"Apparition!" Severus visibly perked up at the thought of being finally able to apparate to where he wanted to (such as visiting Lily's house).

Rowan isn't as cheerful or upbeat at the idea. It was easier to teleport elsewhere and safer too! Besides she didn't want to accidentally splinch herself! That just looked painful…

"The Ministry of Magic offers Apparition lessons after the winter holidays of the new school year," Dumbledore firmly said. "The two of you have nothing to worry about as the lessons will only take place every Saturday morning for an hour on the grounds or in the Great Hall if the weather is bad over the course of twelve weeks. Extra practice lessons are held in Hogsmeade. However, permission must be requested from your Head of House, Professor Mortimer, to be permitted to attend the extra practice sessions. The apparition exam will take place on April 22nd of next year (1977)."

"What if we fail?" Severus tentatively broached the subject.

"Not to worry, Severus," Dumbledore reassured the young man. "The apparition exam can be retaken either at the Ministry of Magic through appointment or during the course of your 7th school year."

"Well, that's a relief," Rowan muttered under her breath. She wasn't being pessimistic about it. But if Potter couldn't get it on the first try, they would need all the practice they could get.

"Oh good," Severus let out a breath he had been holding and slumped back in his chair. If he failed, he could always retake the exam. Not that he had ever failed an exam and wasn't about to now!

Pulling out a pocket watch, Dumbledore glances at the time. Rising to his feet, he says, "I must be on my way. Do write to me, I will eagerly expect a letter every week on your progress. I expect to see you soon enough, but please do convey my pardon for my hasty departure to your grandfather and aunt."

"Goodbye, Prof-," Rowan and Severus automatically corrected themselves. "-Dumbledore," earning a chuckle from Dumbledore as he hurriedly floo'd away to the Hogs Head Inn. He had left Fawkes behind and Aberforth had threatened to hang the phoenix upside by its feet if it so much dared get near him.

"Well, that was productive," Rowan drily said as she glanced at the towering pile of summer homework on the worktables in the study of their grandfather.

"Overly, I would argue," Severus gloomily mumbled dubiously eyeing the pile of homework before then. If they wanted any free time, they couldn't afford to slack off in the least bit.

Rolling up her sleeves, Rowan says, "Well, we might as well get started."

"Yeah," Severus groaned, before halfheartedly getting up.

With a purpose in mind, the two of them began to sort the piles of coursework into two and divide everything according to subject. It took half an hour, but by the end of it everything was neatly sorted. In retrospect, the coursework didn't seem as impossible as it did half an hour ago. With a plan in place, they would be able to finish before the start of Hogwarts with time to spare.