Addition to the Order of the Phoenix Ⅱ

Sensing the turmoil among the Order of the Phoenix members, Dorcas Meadows cleverly says, "There is also the distinct possibility of spies being under the Imperius Curse cannot be ruled out either. Boderick Bode though fully recovered and has returned to work within the Ministry is still undergoing monthly evaluations to ensure that he is not a victim nor has fallen prey to the Imperius Curse again."

"That is something we will all have to keep in mind," Elphias Doge growled. "Though I can confirm without a doubt that Runcorn is not under the Imperius Curse."

"Any movement on his end?" Gideon pointedly inquired.

"None," Moody gruffly answered. "Runcorn has been quiet. Though I wouldn't put it past him either that it is all a ruse. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he was somehow involved in the shutting down of the Ministry of Magic apparition points and the floo hearths."

Furrowing his brow Fabian wrinkles his long nose in thought. "No arrest had been made in connection with the sabotage of floo and apparition points. Yet the last time, the identity of the traitor was a former representative of the Department of Magical Maintenance, a floor mopper by the name of Orford Umbridge."

"A floor mopper," Ronell Weasley sharply pointed out, "would have certainly had access to areas that regular members of the Ministry would normally not have access to. However, a mere floor mopper would not have the capabilities to change apparition points and floo hearths on his own. Someone had to provide the means and the way for Orford Umbridge."

"Runcorn is certainly capable of providing such information," Marlene McKinnon drily concluded. "He has both the means and power to do so without being caught," earning more than a few head nods from various members of the order.

"I would gather Runcorn does," Ronell plainly said. "Though I would hazard to guess that the traitor was no floor mopper at this time. Whoever it was had the means and ability to not be caught with a rock-solid alibi to prove their innocence should their innocence ever be called into question. And Runcorn strikes me as such a person," he paused to shoot Elphias Doge a glance. "Most especially if he knew he was being followed on the orders of another member of the Wizengamot."

Elphias Dog's double chins tremble in anger and embarrassment, but he can't very well deny that his spies at the Ministry of Magic may have been less than stealthy. He may very well be guilty of what he has been accused of. Gripping his handkerchief in his spotted hand in a choking voice, he says, "I will recall my spies for the time being and reevaluate the status quo."

 Ronell Weasley nodded before sharply glancing at the Head of the Auror teams, Senior Veteran Auror Moody. "And what does the Ministry of Magic have to say regarding the lapse in security during the Hogsmeade attack?"

"Minister of Magic Jenkins intends to address the lapse in security," Moody frankly responded, "however, how the matter is to be addressed the Minister of Magic has yet to reveal."

With the discussion at an end, Jaques Bones changed the subject. "It is not much of a secret at this point, but regardless the International Confederation of Wizardry has agreed to hold an emergency session at Hogwarts."

Bursts of whisper fill the room as Elphias Doge irritably snorts, "Grindelwald was the last time an emergency session was held for. I am appalled and astonished that Death Eaters have garnered such attention from the rest of the world."

"They haven't," Jaques drily explained. "There are strong indications suggesting that various members of the International Wizard Confederation have pushed for an emergency session."

"So, someone is behind it," Rumbled a tall, slender wizard with a long nose and trimmed hair and beard. "Who?!"

"We can't be certain, but they all seem to be centered around Reginald Prince," Edgar warily responded.

"It would have to be," Aberforth's brilliant blue eyes sparkled with a deadly tinge behind his spectacles. "He is one of the few who has the power and clout to do so." He folded his arms over his chest and glanced at his older brother. "If I recall correctly, Albus, you once said that Phillippe Verninac was one of the more influential members of the Council, and he so happens to be the direct cousin of Sirsa Prince, the deceased wife of the old Prince."

The puzzles seem to fall into place as Gideon lets out a low whistle at the bold move. He was suitably impressed. The old Prince had enough brave hardy clout to be a Gryffindor.

"And what of the giants?" Benjy Fetwick, a reserved wizard with short hair and pale eyes sharply asked. "Even the Daily Prophet had not been making any outrageous claims nor brought the topic up even once. It is abundantly clear that the owner of the Daily Prophet has personally silenced the reporters of the establishment."

"That very same reason is one of the fundamental reasons why the emergency session of the International Confederation of Wizardry pushed through so easily without much protest," Albus Dumbledore admitted. "The purpose of the emergency session is to address the losses incurred during the war and to forge a peace treaty with the giants."

"Is there a representative selected to represent the giants?" Amelia Bones interjected. "It has traditionally been a wizard in the past but with the Gurg of the Giants still present in the isles the Council of Wizards may make an exception."

"The former groundskeeper of Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid has been selected," Jaques Bones answered with a bemused expression. "The current Gurg of the Giants is Fridwulfa. She is the mother of Rubeus Hagrid and has selected her son to speak for them as shaman of the tribe."

"Rubeus Hagrid?!" Many of the younger members of the Order shouted in shock! They all remembered the tall oafish groundskeeper. The fate of all giants in the world was in his clumsy hands! The giants might just be doomed…

The timid, pale wizard with wide eyes, Caradoc Dearborn twists his lips. He subconsciously pats his combed back chocolate colored hair, before speaking, "Rubeus Hagrid has successfully completed a mastery under Professor Kettleburn in Care of Magical Creatures. The professional guild registered him with high marks and as a result he was offered a position within the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures which he turned down. His intent is to transfer to Beauxbaton's and become the Professor of Care for Magical Creatures there."

"The Head of the Department requested that the Filing Department retain Rubeus Hagrid's information and seek to offer the position again in the future," Caradoc Dearborn firmly said. "Mr. Hagrid shouldn't be underestimated."

A proud smile appears on Benjy Fetwick's face at how confident his friend is becoming. His friend had a come long way from stuttering. Though still uncertain at times, Caradoc was much surer of himself than ever before.

"I am not surprised," Albus said with a twinkle in his child-like blue eyes. "I am certain all will go splendidly well with Hagrid as the spokesman for the giants."

Aberforth snorted under his breath. Albus was always overly optimistic for his own good. Wizardkind as a whole are a prideful lot.

"Now, I am pleased to report that though I am no longer Headmaster of Hogwarts," Albus cheerfully said, "the Board of Hogwarts as permitted the addition of two new courses at Hogwarts along with the usage and addition of the Chamber of Secrets."

"So, the chamber truly exists?" Amelia Bones arched her brow in surprise. "I always thought it was a child's fairytale." Several others of her generation nodded their heads in agreement.

"No, the Chamber of Secrets very much exists," Albus turned his head to address the younger witch. "Master Linnaeus has been fortunate in receiving the approval of the Hogwarts Board to make use of the Chamber. Though I must admit, I am surprised at how receptive the Board has been to him."

"Then there is no monster?" Gideon curiously interjected. "What I mean to say is if the Chamber of Secrets exists, then the legendary monster should be real should it not?"

"I fear that portrayal of Salazar Slytherin has grossly been misrepresented in some respects," Albus quietly declared. "Master Marwah was hired to clear the Chamber of Secrets and has found no signs of a monster." He paused, "Though admittedly numerous magical traps and snares were found. In that regard, it would appear the suspicion and distrust of Salazar Slytherin was not grossly exaggerated."

"Well, that's a relief, I suppose," Amelia drily remarked.