Emergency Session of the International Confederation of Wizardry Ⅵ

The rustle of whispers in the Great Hall came to a halt as Idris Shafiq cast "Sonorus" again and called the confederation to order. The delegates fall silent as Idris directly turns to gaze at the Supreme Mugwump, Albus Dumbledore. "Supreme Mugwump, the Confederation has heard the outrageous proposal of Minster Jenkins. Though benevolent in nature, it is simply impossible to consider such a request. Furthermore, there has not been sufficient evidence that has been presented to persuade the Confederation otherwise. As speaker, on behalf of the delegation, I request the item be immediately dismissed."

There are various murmurs of agreement from the delegates as more than half of the delegates openly nod their head in agreement. The proposal was wholly preposterous to consider. Nothing further would be gained by hearing the rest of Minister Jenkins' words.

"I have heard thine request, Speaker Shafiq," Albus Dumbledore responded with a twinkle in his eye as he tugged on his long white beard mostly tucked into his belt. "Nevertheless, I feel that further argument is merited on the subject matter in question."

There are loud whispers that erupt as many delegates look mutinously at the Supreme Mugwump. There was nothing further that could be said by Minister Jenkins that would change their mind. Their mind was made up and that was final!

Motioning Minister Jenkins to sit down, Albus Dumbledore stands on his feet. The delegates appear to be puzzled at seeing Minister Jenkins sitting down without further thought. Many furrow their brows in bewilderment as the Supreme Mugwump begins to speak, "Minister Jenkins has clearly expressed her point of view, but just as recently Speaker Shafiq declared, I too concur that the Minister's argument has fallen short, and it is far from sufficient to persuade the Confederation otherwise."

Dozens of delegates glance at each other with great speculation and ample suspicion in their eyes. Just what was the Supreme Mugwump up to? Among them, Phillipe Verninac pursued his handsome face in a frown. His bright-colored eyes rapidly flashed in deep calculation.

"Therefore, I feel that the topic should be more amply explored by those who will be directly involved," Albus Dumbledore cheerfully said as abruptly a wave of power swept through the entire hall like a great wind.

Countless hats flew off at the powerful breeze tumbling onto the stone floor and were deposited under tables and empty corners of the Great Hall. Some members of the delegation managed to catch their hats just in the nick of time and gripped their headpieces with one hand lest they fly away. Cracking like thunder is heard and a blue ice flash of lightning is seen. As if ice cracking in two and shattering to the ground, the magic vanishes revealing a large albino serpent in the corner of the Great Hall.

All eyes are drawn to the albino Great Horned Serpent with blazing sapphire-colored eyes. The serpent is over 19 feet long and thicker than a man's thigh. Small white horns can be seen growing out of the sides of the serpent's head. The serpent slithers forward revealing a large, glittering sapphire-colored gem on its forehead.

"I proudly welcome the witches and wizards of the world to Hogwarts," the serpent spoke in a female twelve-year-old's voice. "I am Nadira, the Guardian of Hogwarts," Nadira proudly raised her neck. "As Guardian of Hogwarts, I have every right to speak for Hogwarts, and those I have chosen to speak here to speak for Hogwarts and its surrounding lands."

A loud choking sound can be heard by an elderly European delegate member, who recognized one of the figures. At the sound, the delegation gazed past the serpent and finally noticed the serpent's three companions. Although, the head of the Southern Delegation, Phillipe Verninac's expression darkened greatly upon spotted upon spotting the first of the serpent's companions, Reginald Prince.

Many members of the European delegation easily recognized the tall, slender, elder wizard with a stern expression. Despite his age, Reginald Prince towered many and carried himself with great power. His cloak is pitch-black covered in dragon hide interwoven with Acromantuala's silk to protect the wearer from magic which easily costs no small fortune.

The second companion is unknown to many, a good-looking wizard with olive skin and blond-greenish hair. Though, he did not seem quite right. There was something odd about him such as the parallel scars on his neck or his darker, and talon-like nails.

Some of the members of the delegation suspected harpy blood, but harpies much like Veela's were always born female. Similarly like in the case of Veela's, the daughters were always kept, and the sons were always returned to their sires. The two races in question as a whole were entirely female, male children were always born as the species of their father be it human or other. It was simply impossible for there to be a male Harpy or Veela in existence.

 The last companion was much more recognizable in terms of species, a centaur. The centaur was rather young, a young man with a swimmer's build, and a palomino body. His eyes are astonishingly bright and pale like the palest of sapphires. His white-blond hair is pulled back in a French ponytail and is intertwined with countless of magical bird feathers. Yet hanging from his chest was a bone necklace with a single claw and fang from the most dangerous beast the tribe had ever slain, a dragon, and the tooth of giant. Similarly, there are recently acquired scars marring the flesh of the young centaur.

The delegation did not need to guess as to how the scars on the young centaur's body were acquired. It was widely known the Centaurs had provided aid during the attack at Hogsmeade. If the centaurs had not taken the brunt of the giant attack, Hogsmeade would have been laid to waste before help ever arrived.

There is a stunned silence in the Great Hall as the delegation is rather flabbergasted by the scene before them. Though two others remain silent for different reasons. Chepi's eyes gleamed with pride and knowledge that she had sensed the presence of the Great Horned Serpent. Though faint, she recalled the faint magical signature having encountered a great serpent in her childhood.

As a young child, while playing by the riverbanks, Chepi fell into the swift ice old river filled to the brink with melting snow and was carelessly swept away. Just when she thought she could swim no more, she felt a large dark shadow beneath her beginning to stir. Something impossibly large lifted her out of the river and gently placed her sputtering form onto the riverbank. Through watery eyes, she saw a Great Horned Serpent lower its head to blow on her instantly drying her clothes. Seeing that she was alive and well, the serpent plunged soundlessly back into the river which one would argue was impossible for a creature quite so large. Yet it did all the same.

Chepi had never forgotten the experience. It was a secret memory she treasured in her heart. For the serpent among her people was a protector and guide to be revered.

The second was Obi Adebayo, who sensed the presence of a powerful, but hidden serpent. His grandmother was from Machina. In Machina, snakes are respected and welcomed as they are seen as creatures with royal blood running in their veins. As a young child he had learned magic and secrets at the skirts of his grandmother. She had taught him to care for serpents with reverence. Even now, the serpents of Machina safely slither through the streets and homes of the village without care or worry.

To this day Obi Adebayo had never been bitten by serpent despite having encountered the most venomous and dangerous of serpents. He respected their kind, and in turn they did the same. For a serpent that is respected poses no danger, a serpent only attacks when it feels threatened. A tale that his magical kindred of the West did not seem to comprehend.