The arrangement

Post the matrimonial advertisement in the local newspaper, many people at that time started contacting Bali.

Bali became more busy than usual.

In India, if you don't have a boyfriend from teenage years, which means you are not so sassy or smart enough, you end up with the arranged marriage agreed by both families. Some youngsters are such bad ass that they keep on dating, have affairs and before marriage, dump their love affairs and become innocent as a fish and wait for their parents choice, plus they want their women to be pure, virgin... This happens amongst both genders. The girls want their would be husbands 'to be either handsome and charming or if you are ugly, you need to be filthy rich.

It's very difficult to get a combination of good looks and money. Plus in India, that is still ruled by patriarchal blessing, a man is still a man no matter how bad he is... somewhat like an ancient Indian proverb, "no matter how crooked a gold coin is, it is still a gold coin"

Here during college years many children start smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling which goes on in upcoming years.... So a woman has to bear the wrath of all this unknowingly post marriage, cause no one shares the information of his bad habits before marriage to his would be better half and her family.

Here too same thing happened. Bali, Gopi and Dev were hopping from one would be bride family to another. Checking on the family status, girl's looks, culinary skills, singing, dancing, job status, mannerisms etc. This went on for about two weeks, like zeroing in on the bride to be. Bali called his daughter Ika and her husband Jay, to finalise which girl suits best for his family.