Left me behind

The most hard time was the day when we landed in Nepal's international airport. A girl came in rush toward David and hugged him saying baby I missed you." I don't know what happened to me, but my heart broke down into many pieces. From that day I never seen him. I spent my time crying, being mad, not talking to anyone, and many more. From that day, I never thought about a love relationship. I was totally broken. I know he never loved but the night we spent together.

After 3 years, I completed my schooling. For high school, I was forced to read in Pokhara (one of the beautiful cities of Nepal). It was due to the transfer of my dad. I planned to forget him and live a happy life with my family. I started to go around with my parents. I went to a lot of beautiful places. I went to my village Syangja and spent my time with grandparents' villagers so on. I did a lot of fun. I made many new friends in high school. The important part is that one boy secretly liked me. His name is Mike. I find out that he has a crush on me. After knowing that, I tried to get in touch with him because I wanted to forget about David.

Something happened that I never wanted. I tried so hard, but...