Am I dreaming

Why is everything happening like in movies? Am I dreaming? If I am, then I want to wake up.

Whole two years we didn't meet each other. Even though we were in the same company. I was busy with my work schedule, and so did he. For these two years, Mike helped me with the company's work. Not only that, Mike helped me to leave my parents' house and live alone. The work pressure was so high that I could not focus on others. My weekend was also full of a busy schedule. Like waking up late, cleaning the house, cleaning clothes, groceries shopping, calling parents, and much more. Sometimes I go to visit my parent's house and sometimes they come to my house. Mike used to drive by my parents if they came to visit me, so my parents love Mike and his behaviors. I used to think that I should give Mike a chance to Mike, but looking at my past, I am so afraid. I used to think Will Mike would love me if I told my past to him. But again, my heart says David is the one for you. My heart only bumps if David is around. So I thought I would tell all my past to Mike and see his reaction. If he accepts me, then I will try my best to forget David and love Mike. But if he doesn't accept me, then I will never try to love anyone. So that night, I called Mike and told him everything about my past through mobile phone because I felt shy to tell him face to face. And his reaction was.....