What is this??

how Mike knows about that. When did you start hating this name? Are you serious about getting married? Is this all true? Sammy reply me back. And I was like, what to say or not to say. Then I brought a topic about wine parties and a change topic. Then he said don't change the topic. And another thing is you are going to be my partner for the wine party. I was like, "What just Mike told? I was going to be his partner, and now your turn, I won't go." I am you boss, so you are gonna take this as my order was his reply. With a sad face, I accepted him and went back to my table. Time of wine party one girl named Nancy came up then later I remember that she was the girl who hugged David in airport while we return from Singapore. When I saw her I felt bad. Am i love with him? Why am I jealous of them? Am I really going to love this devil? But he never thought about me. These were some questions that revolved over my mind. Then suddenly Mike called me and asked me for dance. And I saw David dancing with Nancy, so I agreed to dance with Mike. At night, I was drunk and got blank out. And in the morning, I was in a room full of my drawing. Then I was like, whose room is this. Who is so crazy about me? Then a boy suddenly appears...