I can't

why didn't you tell me about this? Am I not responsible for this, or did you want to be a single mother? You know how bad I feel after looking at this paper? He started to ask me various questions. I got so frustrated that I shouted at him. You go back to Nancy. Did you ever care about my feelings? You know how much I cried for you? You know I felt so alone? I felt so lonely that once I thought of abortion. But somehow I managed my life and you again came back. You always come and go it fucking hurt my feeling. You though I don't know that you had send some person to look after me. He said you knew about it How ?? I told one day when I was walking around my house you people were watching me I felt so weird because I seen them before too. I secretly went behind the tree and hide myself. That time they called you and reported you about me. If you knew everything then why didn't you came back to me. I told I didn't want to get hurt anymore so. Leave me an my child I don't want to see you. Then I left