Stories, myths, and legends will eventually be forgetten as generations stretch by. However, some things will never be buried by the seas of time. Ultimately, details will be condensed, stories shortened, but some things can never be changed or rewritten. One such thing would be a phrase repeated throughout a folklore's tale; and one corresponding example would be the Heaven's Drug Dealer's famous slogan. That is a phrase within the cosmos that is memorized deep inside the depths of every single medical expert. A saying that had survived the continuum of time, and through the bitter winds of age.
"With a whiff, you can achieve any wish."
So to the ones who memorized it, as dreamers, what shall we so desire? Life? Power? Or perhaps even love? Every epic, has a origin, and every story, has a trace. So as the future people like us hear of this man's chronicle, if we were able to go back in time, and find that genesis of this item, what would be the wish one chooses? What is their deepest desire that one keeps locked in the heart?
I myself want to try; to have a take. My only question being, would I dare to believe, to have the unconditional trust and belief needed, if I ever had the chance?
A wish is a wish, and my dream will forever remain a dream. That was the possibilities of a generation's time- so what will be the greats of my day? Will I ever have the chance to witness such miracles that defy my sense of imagination? When will I be able to see a legend- a living story?