A Good Impression

Chapter 2

Bang bang bang!

My eyes snapped open from frantic knocking on my door, startling me instantly. My heart raced as my body fought to jump start itself, giving me too much adrenaline as my legs swung over my bed, pulling my gun from underneath my pillow.

My hand slid over the slide, racking the slide to ensure a live bullet was in the chamber, expending a live bullet onto the floor. I lifted myself onto the balls of my feet, making my movement less noticeable as I made my way to the front door where the banging continued.

The door was actually rattling and hitting against the frame, causing the door to contort to an odd angle. I lifted my pistol towards where I assumed the person was standing on the other side of the door, fully ready to shoot through the door and kill the unknown person.

"Stop or I will shoot!" That was the only warning I was going to give the person, but, they were lucky I was even giving them that. There were many occasions where I had not warned the other person, in other words: I had killed numerous people before. It was either me or them, and I was still alive.

"Lyons, it's Dolls."

I lowered my gun instantly, irritation filling me as I stormed to the front door and swung it open, my brain not registering the other people standing next to the agent.

"You're really fucking lucky I even gave you a warning. Why in the hell are you here this early in the morning banging on my door? Who honestly gave you the right?"

After I had let out my frustration, my eyes darted to the three women standing next to Dolls, realizing Dolls hadn't been alone.

I cleared my throat, a smug smirk on Dolls' face as I moved aside for everyone to enter my apartment.

"Wynonna, Waverly, Deputy Haught, how is everyone?"

Nicole could only nod as she continued to look at me in shock, her eyes raking all over my exposed body. I looked down only to realize I wasn't wearing a whole lot of clothing: Just boxers and a shirt without a bra underneath.

I watched Nicole's reaction to my appearance, her face turning red as she realized she had been staring, her eyes darting to the ceiling to stop herself. She continued to stare at the ceiling, even as Wynonna nonchalantly looked over my body before sitting onto the couch.

"You got a nice body, Lyons. You beat up a lot of men?"

"Yes, actually I do."

I replied, hearing her chuckle and say something witty to Dolls as I crossed the room to get dressed so poor Nicole wouldn't have to stare at my ceiling the entire time.

I came out in black boots, khakis, and a black long sleeve sweater, pulling the sleeves up over my elbows. I slid my holster onto my hip before locking my gun into the holster with a click, satisfied that I was ready to leave when they were.

"Why are you all here?" I asked, the question coming off ruder than I had anticipated.

"We all wanted to throw a 'welcome to hell' party for you but it seems you didn't get the attire information before we arrived." Wynonna was witty, I wasn't sure if I was going to get used to all of her odd but fitting statements, no one having ever spoken to me in such a manner.

I chuckled and looked at Dolls, waiting for him to tell me why they had actually come here.

"Xavier, please enlighten me."

"Well R-"


I cut him off before he could say my first name, quickly deciding I did not want the team to use it, or even know it for that matter. It wasn't that I despised my name, I just felt that it did not fit my appearance at all. My first name was soft, when I did not want to be viewed as soft by anyone.

"Lyons, we all wanted to wake you up to take you to the station to meet the rest of the team, so finish getting ready and we can head out."

I nodded and grabbed my thick coat from the closet, zipping it up before looking down towards the end table by the couch, where my gloves should have been. My heart dropped as I stared at the empty table, my eyes searching the immediate area to check and see if they had somehow fallen onto the floor. They weren't there.

I felt slightly frantic, my eyes scanning the entire room before I turned quickly and checked the kitchen.

"Dolls, my-"


Nicole finished my sentence before I could, stretching her hand out towards me to produce the gloves I had been searching for. I grabbed the black gloves from her hand, thanking her quietly before looking up at Waverly, her face showing adoration as she looked between Deputy Haught and myself. I raised my eyebrow at her, her eyes darting to the floor before I could ask why she had been looking at me like that.

The drive to the station was quick, Wynonna filling the silence with random stories of when she was drunk and gotten herself into different situations. That woman was always drunk.

Dolls pulled into an empty parking spot, Deputy Haught pulling in next to him with her squad car. She got out of the car gracefully, pushing her hair behind her ear as she shut the door and straightened her back, her eyes locking with mine before she quickly looked away and walked past me and into the station.

I felt like I had made her nervous after our encounter earlier this morning, but it wasn't something that I wanted to have a conversation with her about.

I was lead into the station by the two sisters as they pushed open an office door, a wide open office with a lab table greeting me. A scientist was looking over a computer, only looking up when he heard the door close behind us.

"Jeremy, this is Agent Lyons. Agent Lyons, this is Jeremy"

I reached out to shake the mans hand, his grip strikingly weak. I ended up squeezing his hand too hard, my grip being used to being squeezed by strong hands.

"Wow, that is quite a grip you've got, Agent Lyons."

The scientist shook his hand to bring feeling back when I had let go, moving to stand behind the computer again. I was about to speak when the office door flew open again, the door hitting the wall with a lot of force as an unknown man stepped into the office.

Out of instinct, I drew my weapon, planting my feet a shoulders width apart as I turned and held my pistol with one hand, my head turned towards the person. The barrel of my gun was pointed between the eyes of the man, watching as his eyes grew wide, taking out his old revolver. He pulled the hammer down and faced me, one hand outstretched holding his gun.

"Doc Holliday, it's very nice to meet you." I lowered my weapon and slid it into the holster again, outstretching my hand towards him. "I'm Agent Lyons."

The man reluctantly lowered his weapon and took my hand in his. "My friends call me Doc, you may call me Henry. No woman is going to draw on me and expect to be called a friend."

"If it's any consolation, Mr. Holliday, I wouldn't have wasted a bullet on you anyway."

I heard Wynonna snicker behind me as Henry lit a cigarette and grunted, choosing not to comment.

"Oh please, you're just mad that she actually drew on you first."

Waverly retorted, sitting at one of the desks as Holliday sat at another before putting his feet up onto the desk.

"So Lyons, how much of this shit show do you know about?"

Wynonna was turning the dry erase board around, some random notes sprawled all over it.

"I've been told what Dolls and Black Badge have told me. Dolls obviously knows more than they do, so I took his statements as facts."

The heir uncapped a marker and laughed, glancing at me before shaking her head. She began to write down the name of places I did not know, only stopping after she had written down three of them.

"These are restaurants we are all going to spend some time at. The mission is simple, all three of these restaurants will have a occupant that you need to eaves drop on, gathering info on a large revenant gathering that is happening sometime soon."

Dolls stood next to Wynonna, his hands folded behind his back, squaring his shoulders.

"Who's going with who?"

"Lyons and Waverly, myself and Wynonna, Doc by himself."

Doc scoffed and blew out cigarette smoke, putting it out in the ashtray. "That agent does need supervised."

I stood up slowly, choosing to ignore Holliday's comment as I placed my hands on the table and looked at Waverly. She lifted her eyes to look at me, a soft smile present.

"Ready, Miss Earp?"

She chuckled, standing and taking my arm in hers. "Of course, Miss Lyons." I escorted her out, her legs leading me in the direction of the restaurant we were walking to.

We were seated immediately, the waitress giving me a dirty look as she slapped the menus down, walking away before we could tell her our drink order.

"That was rude."

Waverly remarked, opening the menu to look at the different options. I could only laugh at her, causing her to lower her menu to look at me.


"She was rude because of me, the way I look."

"Why would she be rude because of how you look?"

"I look like a lesbian, Waverly. I look like an abomination."

"A beautiful abomination..." I lifted my eyes to look at her, a shy smile filling her face.

"What? I may only half swing that way but I'm not blind. Plus, you're not the only one in this town that prefers the fairer sex."

I cocked my head to the side, staring at Waverly, trying to decipher what she was telling me.

"A certain... Sheriff's Deputy..-"

"What can I get the both of you?"

We both broke our eye contact to look up at the elderly woman with the notepad, staring at me with slight irritation.

"A coffee, please."

I responded, closing my menu before handing it to the waitress. I folded my hands on top of the table, thinking of the information Waverly had supplied me with. Yes, Nicole was attractive, but I was not here for relationships, only to complete the mission then leave.

"I'm not trying to force you guys together or anything since you just met her, I've just seen how you look at each other. I know she's been super lonely since moving out here since there's not a lot of selection out here. Oh, I've said too much..."

I could only look at her with bewilderment, surprised at her random spewing of information. She seemed like a very nice girl, but I quickly learned that she could not be trusted with a secret, even if her life depended on it.

"Speak of the devil..."

The waitress placed the warm coffee mug in front of me, blocking my view as to who she was talking about. The old woman continued to stand in front of us, taking Waverly's food order before leaving, my eyes held captive by the officer leaning against the counter, talking to the attractive blonde, laughing at something she had said.

I wanted to look away at that point, my eyes remaining glued to the red head as she smiled, placing her hand on top of the blondes. I wasn't feeling jealous, it was way too early for that. I just thought the attraction I had for her would somehow be known and reciprocated.

My eyes remained glued to the deputy as the blonde blushed and walked away to continue working, Nicole looking around the cafe until her eyes landed on me. Her mouth fell open as she crossed the room, finally peeling her eyes away from me to address Waverly.

"Hey Waverly, what are you guys doing here?"

"Oh ya know, just catching some breakfast, why don't you sit next to Lyons and chat with us?"

My eyes shot up to meet Waverly's, hoping she felt my eyes burn into her as I slid my body towards the wall, Nicole's body sliding in next to mine. I instantly felt her warmth, the booth far too small to fit two people comfortably.

Nicole's gun was digging into my thigh, feeling the pain sear into my thigh as I sat there without complaining, sipping my coffee, grimacing at the bitterness. I watched as the sugar container was slid into my direction, watching Nicole's hand return to supporting her head as she laid her head in her hand. She listened to Waverly go on about something she had learned about in one of her classes, my brain not able to tell my ears to listen to her, instead thinking about how close Nicole was to me.

I felt like I was a teenager again, only just being introduced to my sexuality. I would feel nervous when any female came close to me, scared they would immediately know my sexuality and hate me. I wasn't able to date as a teenager, but what my 'mother' didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

I was pulled from my thoughts as I felt Nicole's fingers land on my thigh, my body jumping as I grabbed her hand to stop her, realizing she was only fixing her holster so it wouldn't dig into my thigh so much.

The deputy's eyes grew wide as I continued to squeeze her fingers, knowing I was bringing her pain at this point. I couldn't get my brain to work correctly, struggling to try to release her fingers as my hand just ended up getting tighter, that night flashing before my eyes, shutting my eyes to try and push it out.

I felt another hand land over my clenched hand, running her thumb over the back of my hand to attempt to soothe me and somehow free her hand. Slowly, my hand started to let go of her fingers, my body feeling as though it had just run a marathon. Exhaustion filled me as I leaned back in the booth, closing my eyes to attempt to calm myself.

"Lyons, are you alright? I'm so sorry, I should have asked."

I opened my eyes slowly, meeting Nicole's head on, trying to find the right words.

"That's alright, deputy. You just startled me is all."

Before either of us could reply anymore, Waverly hit her hand on the table softly to grab our attention, pointing behind me to the man that had slid into the booth directly behind me. Nicole was utterly confused, whisper asking her why she had drawn our attention to the local drunk. But, I went into work mode, tuning out all other sounds but the man's voice.

"No, that's not how it's going to go down.."

"Well, it's not really our decision, is it?"

"Just be at the house on time this time."

I furrowed my eyebrows, my hands moving before I could stop them. I grabbed the notepad Nicole kept in her uniform breast pocket, her mouth falling open in surprise as my fingers moved to her other breast pocket, grabbing her pen.

I flipped the pad open until I was able to find a page that did not consist of random case notes, clicking her pen. Both women were gawking at me, too speechless to even say anything or question me.

"Yeah well, that party is going to be insane, everyone is going to love it."

"Down by the forest, right?"

"Yeah, you want some coffee?"

I growled softly as they moved on from my desired conversation, not wanting to lose them. I knew I had to do something quickly, before they had forgotten what they were talking about.

I pushed the table insanely close to Waverly, gravity almost sliding my cup into Waverly's lap. I rolled my body to the left, my legs straddling Nicole's lap, looking briefly at her before rolling my body again, my feet planting themselves on the floor. I shed my winter coat onto the floor with one swift flick of my arms, trying to appear more comfortable to the men to my right.

I pulled the holster from my hip, placing it in Nicole's lap, finally gauging her reaction to my odd performance. Her face was filled with shock, her cheeks red from embarrassment. I pulled my eyes away, placing my hands on the table with the three men that were seated, looking at me with confusion.

I bent down, my hands and arms laying on the table as I placed my chin on my hand, looking at the man what had been speaking closest to me.

"I heard there was a party going on soon?"

"Yeah? What does that have to do with you?"

"Well, if it's during the weekend, that's when I also like to head to parties. I have a specialty, would you like to hear it?"

I stood back up, leaning over the table as I felt Waverly and Nicole, the three men hang on to every word I was saying.

"Go ahead."

"Well, I really love going to parties to seduce as many women as possible. I find they really tend to enjoy a woman's touch over a man's. I don't think you've ever heard a woman moan in ecstasy like I have, it's truly divine."

My eyes shot to Nicole's, her mouth fell open as she continued to look at me, too speechless to say anything. I peeled my eyes away from her, looking at the men in front of me.

"It's at the edge of the forest near the old Blankenship homestead. If we catch you there, we will not hesitate to kill you ourselves. You're disgusting."

I chuckled and nodded, hitting my hand on the table softly.

"Maybe you'll see me, maybe you won't. Have a nice day, gentlemen."