
Dino caves eventually to Kyouya's obsessive stalking of the demon he fought in the hotel room and ends up warping Kyouya to a supernatural town.

They walk for a bit, searching the store fronts for a demon transportation service. Generally this is only for demons trying to get around this dimension but with Kyouya's…persuasiveness Dino is pretty sure the teenager could convince the demon to take them both into Hell.

Dino can protect Kyouya from the demon portal's toxicity but it's going to hurt his wings a lot. Dino is hoping the teenager will give up on the idea before they find a demon scared enough to break such a strict rule and open Hell for foreigners.

They're walking through the street when a man comes out of nowhere and grabs Kyouya's upper arm, right over the armband, shaking the boy around as Kyouya tries to struggle free.

"What do you think you're doing?" the hunter snaps. "Where is your mother right now?"

Dino is frozen, staring in confusion. Does the hunter have something Kyouya is weak to or is it a strange technique? There's no way the man could stop Kyouya in his tracks like this otherwise.

Dino blinks and shakes off the confusion, lurching forward and grabbing the hunter's wrist so he lets go of Kyouya. "Don't touch him," Dino says with a pleasant smile, his grip getting tight enough to be just shy of breaking bone.

"Leave the herbivore," Kyouya says dismissively, slipping out of reach. "Let's go, there's too much crowding."

Dino stares the man down for a few more seconds but does let go and turns to follow Kyouya.

Abruptly, a portal opens, a fallen styled one. Mukuro steps through with his odd group. "Excuse me," he says politely, grabbing Kyouya by the collar and dragging him back through the portal.

Dino swiftly bursts into flame. The others in the area cringe back from the heat and start running as the buildings catch on fire.

A golden glow appears an instant after the dragon travel and Tsuna frowns, stepping out and quickly hurrying over to the point of transfer.

"I got this," Takeshi volunteers and rips open a new portal, linking the destination to where the fallen chose.

They step through the glow and at the last moment two shadows twist inside the angelic portal with the three. The landing is rough and they immediately pop up and separate, the five looking at each other on a rocky platform overlooking the sea.

Lambo and Hayato are singed but the portal warped fast and they were cloaked in enough of the demon realm's tar for it to not damage their bodies too much. They still have to mould a few missing pieces.

A loud roar makes them all spin to see the Alpha dragon rise up over the cliff face, massive wings causing wind to nearly bowl them over before they strengthen their stances.

A small, winged figure hovers over the dragon's head, while a fully shifted werewolf, nymph and a vampire launch themselves up onto the cliff the five are standing on, looking battered and bruised.

A kitsune follows them up, the white haired man smirking at all of them. "Well isn't this a party?"

A gate opens in between two bowed trees further back from the edge of the cliff and a hunter unit steps through, all ten decked out in full hunting gear.

"Call for back up," Hayato hisses out.

Lambo immediately scrambles to form an emergency signal, Tsuna doing the same. It takes not three seconds for Giotto and his Guardians to rush through the glow. Daemon sees Mukuro fighting with the Alpha dragon and charges into the fray to stop his brother from getting hurt.

Half the angel Guardians split up to chase the man while the rest face off against the kitsune, hunters and demons. The Alpha kitsune whistles a cheerful tune and immediately his Guardians are standing behind him, ready to attack.

The demon's signal takes longer to get a response but it's still less than half a minute before the shapes of demons form. The Arcobaleno -sans Reborn- stand there calmly and then shift into battle mode.

When the hunter that found Kyouya reported back, the Alpha was still talking with her sons. Fon and Alaude had just enough time to relay the conversation to their groups before they were called here.

Dino cracks the ground when he lands and glares down at all of them with his sharp teeth bared. Daemon and Mukuro slam to the ground as well, the Guardians trying to crowd Daemon back so they can assess the situation first.

With the amount of powerful creatures gathering, the Alpha spirit of course show up, Bermuda and his followers ghosting into existence silently.

Everyone pauses then, all of them facing off against one another, standing in a loose, large circle.

Dino huffs out a ball of smoke with flickers of orange flames. He shrinks until he's standing there as a human, the rider on his back dropping down to stand behind him.

"Kyouya," the Alpha hunter says dangerously. "You shouldn't be here," she tells her son.

"Leave now," Fon orders. "This is too dangerous for you."

"Just don't get in the way," Alaude says dismissively, eyeing the other creatures.

Byakuran chuckles. "Come, Kyouya, let's leave these morons to squabble over themselves."

The spirits stay silent, their entire focus on the teenager, forms tense. Dino reaches back and rests a hand against Kyouya's arm, ready to pull the boy out of the way.

Kyouya glares but right before he speaks one last portal shifts open right in the middle of the stand-off, the Varia stepping out confidently and striding directly over to the Alpha dragon and the human he was protecting.

"My name is Xanxus," the Varia boss introduces as he comes to a stop before the two. "I'm the Alpha fallen, and leader of the Varia." He smirks. "I'd like to offer you a position as an official member."

Kyouya blinks, clearly taken aback.

"He's a kitsune!" Byakuran snarls, no longer finding humour in the situation as he takes a threatening step forward. "I had him first."

A lick of fire escapes Dino's lips when he speaks. "He's a part of my hoard."

"He's a Hibari," the Alpha hunter snaps back. "By blood and by oath. My son. He should not have been able to leave in the first place."

"Binding," Alaude murmurs, gaze turning to Kyouya. "You weren't being kept out of something - you were being kept in."

Mukuro immediately tenses, remembering his own time locked by the Eden gate. "If you hunters were keeping him prisoner, then you forfeit your right."

"Kyouya, come with us," Tsuna offers. "We can protect you from these people."

"Protect?" Byakuran laughs. "What could you possibly do that he couldn't manage himself?"

As they all argue with each other, voices overlapping, Kyouya shifts further behind Dino's back because he can't stop the annoyed glare from forming on his face. His original plan was to just keep visiting Namimori whenever his family checked in on him, exactly so he could avoid confrontation, because they always, always spoke to him patronisingly.

He thinks he should feel angry at being treated so dismissively or like he was a six year old child, but truly he's just irritated that he has to keep speaking with these people. He'd rather simply leave and let the adults think of him however they want.

Kyouya just wants to travel, away from the oppressive hold of the Namimori border. He loves the town, but his stay there was forced and that more than anything clouds his memories and emotions.

"Make them leave," Kyouya murmurs into Dino's shoulders.

The Alpha dragon scans the rest, finding that they weren't paying attention to either Dino or Kyouya. He braces himself and spins, wrapping Kyouya into his arms as dragon fire snatches them away.

The arguing stops immediately, and the groups link their portals to Dino's final destination. The clearing is empty within seconds except for the hunters, unable to use transport except for gates.

The ones able to make it through all reappear mid-air, twenty meters up from the middle of the ocean. The fallen's wings flare out like the angels while the demons turn to mist and the Alpha kitsune's mermaid summons a water ball for them to stand on.

The rest of them have their own way of hovering in the air and the spirits are the first to turn to Dino, now in full dragon form.

However, there is no boy being carried as a passenger.


Dino coughs and spits out blood onto the already crimson splattered sand, the fight having taken them to the desert after a few rapid warps. "I don't know where I put him," the Alpha dragon says with a grim satisfaction, staring up at the creatures surrounding him. "I threw him away mid-flight, there's no way to track him."

Giotto frowns and glances over to the others. The other Alphas, Bermuda and Luche, seem annoyed. Daemon is pissed because Mukuro got away, while Jaeger is a silent presence and Mammon is watching closely for any sign of lying.

The other groups disappeared once they couldn't find the boy, all heading out and searching. The three Alphas here sent their Guardians back to continue to look as well. It seems like it was the right choice because the dragon doesn't know.

The symbol painted on Dino's bicep flares gold when Giotto focuses on it and the dragon grits his teeth, unable to stop his body from shaking in pain. The symbol is two overlayed commands – one to grow and another to keep human form. The use of both forces Dino's body to twist and deform itself to fulfil both commands at once.

Giotto drops the focus he has and the glow slowly dies out. Dino gasps for breath, his body going slack in the sand. He shudders and coughs up another mouthful of blood.

"Why are you still here?" Dino asks with a light tone despite the torture. "I don't know where the boy is. You're wasting your time."

"You do," Bermuda contests, peering down at the Alpha. "You maybe be a filthy reptile but you're not that stupid. Where would he go?"

"I've known him for barely three days," Dino replies in an innocent voice. "I'm only a dumb lizard, how could I possibly help you?"

Luche frowns in irritation. "We're done here, the dragon is useless." She gestures to Mammon and the Arcobaleno obediently focuses.

Dino jerks as thorned branches lurch from the sand and stab straight through him. He grunts as the thorns keep growing, ripping apart his nerves and flesh, all the way through and out the other side before diving back in. Most of them settle twisted around his bones to keep him pinned.

Daemon opens a glowing portal for him and Giotto while Luche disperses into mist with Mammon and the spirits fade into nothing.

The last thing the Alpha angel hears before he steps through after Daemon is Dino's laugh, stuttered and wet sounding from how much blood was filling the dragon's throat, but completely genuine in its amusement.