The Trial

"Ouch, my head hurts, did I really had to get my ass beat again? It hasn't even been a day since I left, yet here I am back at the hospital. Autumn Garnet and Julius, they are interesting people. Why won't my eyes open, it's time to leave, I'm hungry..." The stretcher slowly made its way inside the compound. Staxius's eyes fought back – he wanted to stay awake but his conscience said otherwise.

After getting brutally assaulted by an enraged nobleman's son, Staxius was brought back to the room he previously left. The entire staff within the premise upon hearing that their beloved patient was severely beaten, rushed at his aid. The moment the stretcher entered the main building, two-line compromised of nurses and other people formed almost subconsciously. Everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of the guy who they deeply cherished. It was unprecedented, this man, unknown to most had drawn in the support of strangers.

"Instructor Sophie, care to explain why Staxius Haggard is in this state?" A doctor demanded as soon as the unsuspecting Sophie entered. Before arriving, she asked the guards outside the hospital but to no avail – she was as clueless as the doctor but heard rumors floating around, it gave her a vague idea.

Speechless by all the eyes who cautiously observed her, Sophie stood petrified. However, she knew that without an answer the entire hospital might turn against her. Staxius's influence was phenomenal, almost god-like, it was surreal to witness how much her apprentice was loved by anyone who met him.

"I got here myself," she spoke, out of breath. "- Apparently some nobleman's son assaulted him out on the street. Their trial is said to happen tomorrow. If Staxius is found guilty, which will probably be the case, getting exiled from Oxshield will probably be the least of his worries." Sophie reluctantly answered, her head lowered out of shame. It wasn't long ago that she promised to watch over the boy, but now look at what he had become.

"Basically, you think Mr. Haggard is guilty? Well excuse my boldness miss, but Staxius isn't that kind of guy, we will have his back. A guy who personally thanked everyone before leaving is not capable of hurting someone." The doctor fired back, hearing her answer, the staff who overheard the conversation began to rally behind his innocence. Relieved, Sophie wiped her forehead and replied with, "thank you for believing in him, tomorrow I shall do everything in my power to prove his integrity." A glimpse of determination shone in her eyes.

After that, Staxius was unconscious for two days. Normally the trial would have taken place even if he were absent but the strong will of the hospital and Sophie showed, the instructor in charge could naught but wait. The man who laid unconscious was innocent, everyone believed it – Sophie's influence did help the extended time they got allocated. For any judgment to be made, Staxius was to be present; strict directive came from the director

"Damn it, put into house arrest because I hit a nobody, this is pathetic. AUTUMN COME HERE RIGHT NOW." Julius got frustrated, to relieve his anger, he decided to lash out at something. As his sister was the only one present, he saw blood. Dense emotions could turn the soothest of man into a beast unlike any other. Add that with Julius's underlying family issues, the boy was soon to blow up one day or another. At first, he only wanted to protect her, but now that he was put in house arrest; all because Sophie said he was responsible, it got on his nerves. How could he protect someone who stood against him?

Scared, Autumn slowly made her way to her beloved brother's room, *Knock, Knock.* "B-brother can I c-come in." she softly whispered, the door was left ajar.

"Get in here already or do I have to repeat myself?" He shouted. The frustration in his voice didn't dissipate one bit. Tears already began to form around her emerald-colored eyes, she halfheartedly pushed the door wide open with one hand while the other held a white teddy bear. Julius sat in the middle and stared at the ceiling, the room was completely dark, the only light source was the lamp outside.

"My dear sister, the whole reason I'm in this mess is that you sought the help of a commoner. How many times do I have to tell you that these people are vile creatures." He faced her, their parents had taught them to never trust anyone, especially people from the lower classes.

"B-but, Staxius is a good perso.." she tried to defend her actions but was silenced. "Shut up, don't speak his name in my presence, or do you want me to punish you like Father?" the look in his eyes wasn't of a brother but a monster.

"N-no." she backed away, the teddy bear she held fell. Tears rolled down her cheeks but she didn't cry, instead, she tried to be as strong as she could be.

"Good, now for tomorrow's trial, I want you to tell everyone that Staxius tried to kidnap you." He ordered, the stared remained dead centered on her eyes.

"B-brother, he wasn't tryin.." she tried once more. "SHUT THE HELL UP, you will do as I say. Starting tomorrow, you won't leave this mansion until you get strict permission from both mother and father, do I make myself clear? Also, if you try and tell the truth, I swear that this Staxius guy you love so much will end up in a coffin." The mental pressure continued raging on, her brother changed. Threatened by what she thought was someone she could trust, Autumn cried her eyes out and rushed out of his room.

"Staxius Haggard, I'll show you the power of a true nobleman, just you wait." Julius's stare changed from the opened door to the dimly lit night sky. His fist clenched; he truly wanted that man to suffer. Being disrespected and on top of all that, having her own sister turn against him only added to the fire that burnt deep within.

"Sorry Staxius, I-I will f-find a way to h-help," Autumn spoke to herself while crying and eventually fell asleep.

Time passed since the incident was two days, "My head, where am I? This smell, I'm back at the hospital. Well, guess it's time I wake up." The moment his eyes opened, seeing people around him was scary, it had never happened before. Using what little strength he had, he managed to sit upright and faced everyone. It was the hospital staff he became friends with.

"Hello guys, long time no see." He gave a reassuring smile while keeping a stoic face.

"Stop pretending you're alright, we know that you're both physically and mentally drained." The doctor who first took care of him fired back.

"Doctor Jona, thanks for taking care of me once again, I'm relieved to see that you guys all came, it truly made me happy." He replied ignoring the comment about him hiding his emotions. With a quick pat on his head, Jona gave a quick smile and left. Everyone present followed her lead, they each gave a quick smile and like that, they were all gone. "What the hell just happen?" He remained astonished for a few moments before getting off the bed.

"Staxius Haggard, I've been selected to accompany you to the trial," Sophie spoke out; she was a little frightened to face him for the first time after his big injury.

Staxius inhaled and gather his thoughts. "Alright, the plan has worked out the way I predicted it to, let's show those noblemen how a conspiracy is truly made. Didn't expect her here though, no matter let's do this." Everything, since he met Autumn, was part of his plan to earn easy money. At last, the final hurdle was here, the trial.

"Hello instructor, can you tell me where the trial is happening? I need to go pick up something very dear to me." He requested while trying to be as hopeless as humanly possible. "Fine, I'll give you ten minutes, I'll wait for you in the gymnasium." She unwillingly agreed. "Thank you so much, you're the best." He smiled and left.

Near the entrance, both separated. Staxius headed towards the place where he was assaulted, the main entrance. The road leading into the Central Academy was filled with beautiful trees on each side, it was like a nature park. In the distance, Staxius spotted someone running towards him, it was Autumn Garnet, she looked exhausted. Her face scratched, clothes ripped and covered by little bloodstains. Unconsciously, he rushed towards Autumn and hugged her with all his might. She had dried up tears on her rosy cheeks.

"Autumn, what happen to you?" Staxius asked, but this time he was truly worried.

"S-Staxius, I'm happy I met you before brother, he told me that if I didn't lie about you kidnapping me, he would kill you. I said that I'd never tell a lie so he beat me until I ran away from home, I was hoping to meet you at the hospital." Even with how hurt she was, Autumn tried to smile – her right eye looked puffy. Someone so young got assaulted over a petty thing like him getting punched. Staxius felt guilty but more importantly, he got serious.

"Julius, this has gone too far," With a quick kiss on her forehead, Staxius carried her like a princess into the hospital. He waited despite getting late for his trial, he didn't care, her health was more important. His mind worked tirelessly; he needed a way for Julius to pay. But was it necessary? What was the better outcome, condemning Julius for a moment of pleasure or think for the future?

Sophie grew impatient in the gymnasium, "what is this fool doing, it's almost time, did he run away? No can't be, I'll attend his trial by myself as the one who he will be studying under." She left and headed into the administrative building.

The moment of truth finally came, the trial began. Julius got brought in from his mansion, the judge to be presiding over this case was the director himself. Getting out of this one was going to be a feat almost impossible, however, trials at Claireville Academy are fought by the parties responsible, this limits the risk of unfair judgment.

"I, Josiah, Director of Claireville academy, swear to judge this case without any prejudice." It started. He sat, slightly elevated from everyone present, below him Julius stood while Staxius was nowhere to be found.

"Looks like my plan to capture that commoner before he entered the trial worked. What a fool, falling for such a trap." Julius had a cocky look on his face, not seeing his rival present set his heart at ease.

"Your honor, would you please allow the defending party some time, Staxius is caught up in something rather private," Sophie spoke out in hopes of helping.

"Excuse my tardiness, your honor, I was held up by people who mysteriously wanted my death. Coincidence, I dare not fathom such low tactics from a nobleman's son." Staxius spoke out as he entered the room, beside him walked Autumn, part of her body covered with bandages and her face as well with band-aids.

The sight of his sister by Staxius's side infuriated Julius. "What are you doing there little sis?" He asked while gritting his teeth. Scared, Autumn hid behind Staxius. Seeing someone of noble blood get so agitated was something Josiah never witnessed before, he laughed internally, the guy Sophie picked was a force to be reckoned with.

"Now that both parties are here, please put forward your case."

"Your honor, before we start, I have a request," Staxius asked politely.

"Speak your mind." The judge replied.

"Will you allow me to have this lovely young lady by my side, you see she is my emotional support and I can't think about leaving her alone as some people did." Staxius triggered Julius before the trial began even more.

"It's not a problem, you may have her beside you as long as she doesn't disturb anyone." The judge added, he bore a smile.

"Thank you very much, Autumn, come here." Staxius nodded as a sign of thank you.

"I solely object your honor, why is he allowed such favors? He's only a commoner," Julius spoke out in rage.

"Mind your tongue young sir, you've belittled this wholesome person, don't you have any shame? Or are the disparities between your social standings too heavy a burden to bear?" Josiah fired back instantly, he didn't like inequalities between people.

"I apologize, I spoke out of turn." Julius got more worked up but hid said anger behind a fake apology.

"Now, Julius Garnet, begin, we shall hear your statement."

After half an hour, Julius told lies, invented a new story where Staxius was the antagonist. The version he explained was so firm that it seemed to be the truth. Staxius didn't have an opening to exploit, Julius's story was flawless. The audience seemed to believe that he was telling the truth.

"Come on Staxius, you can't let it end like this. Do something, show me your true strength." Sophie thought to herself, her feet moved subconsciously, she got on edge.

Autumn held Staxius even tighter, she was scared, the story his brother told was immaculate. Hoping to calm her nerves, Staxius got onto his knees, patted her head, then kissed her forehead, and told her to not worry. She smiled, and the trial continued.

"Staxius Haggard, your turn to begin." The judge asked in a disappointed tone, there was no way out for the one who spoke now – impossible. The judgment was already made, Staxius was guilty in the eyes of many.

"Your honor, the story Julius told is completely perfect, I can't see any opening to exploit, he did his research and showed no fear nor anger during his speech. Truly masterful, I applaud his level of intellect." He clapped.

"What are you doing, are you admitting defeat? STAXIUS." Sophie got worked up, she didn't want it to end.

"However, hurting Autumn was a grave mistake, Julius. I intended to let you win this trial so that I'd have a chance to escape this hell. But you've forced my hands, your honor, with your permission, I'd like to present you with some items I crafted using my wit." He requested an-approval to bring something forward.

"If they are related to the case, I shall allow it." Josiah didn't care; he wanted to see something incredible.

"First, let me ask a question, have you ever wondered where sound comes from? Of course, you wouldn't, it's ever-present, so people miss the fact that it must originate from somewhere. Thanks to my research, I've developed a device that uses wind magic to record sound. I hereby present this to you, and bear in mind I can prove its authenticity if need be, there isn't an act of foul play." It was already commonplace for people to use intercoms and to speak over long distances. The technology was new but no additional improvements had been made over the years.

After receiving Staxius's invention, the court stood baffled to hear that Julius had planned for his sister to lie about his innocence. Not only that, he had other recordings when he first met Autumn and from the original fight. The thing he threw at the tree back then was something that majorly affected how the case would eventually end. The thing he had to retrieve earlier was, in fact, something he invented. Two days ago, he felt it, something was off – and took appropriate precautions.

"Your honor, you can't allow such a device to be used as evidence against me, who doesn't say that he falsified these devices to suit his needs," Julius spoke out but the judge ignored him.

"Staxius, you hold in your hands a device that has only been discovered in the last decade. It's amazing to see that you've improved and even implemented such a complicated system into such a small device. It's truly amazing, sadly, if you can't prove its authenticity, you will be deemed a fraud." The director remained suspicious. As promised, Staxius began to show everyone how it worked, he disassembled and proved that the device was indeed truthful.

"With this, I proclaim that Julius Garnet is guilty, his punishment will be banishment." It was decided.

"Wait," Staxius intervened, the previous question he asked earlier had been answered. "-your honor, don't judge this case too severely, it was only an overprotective brother who thought I was a creep. I'd have done the same in his shoes, please reconsider." Staxius spoke out, he wanted to see Julius suffer. Sadly, the face Julius made after realizing he had done wrong to his sister made Staxius reconsider. It wasn't an act of pity or justice, but a stepping stone for the future. None knew how that man operated, an enigma.

"Thank you Staxius, I love you." Autumn cheeringly spoke.

"No thank you, Autumn.." Staxius smiled back.

"Staxius Haggard, what punishment do you deem fair for Julius Garnet?" the Director asked in utter amazement of his wit.

"Hmm, I'd request that he keeps a closer eye on his little sister, she's an angel. Also, I'd like for the Garnet family to provide me with a ticket so I can leave Oxshield, seeing that I failed the examination I need to find a way to earn cash."

"Your judgment seems fair, as the one presiding over this case, Julius Garnet's punishment will be to watch over his little sister and provide an airship ticket to Staxius Haggard. With this, the trial is over, well done to both parties."

Members of the audience and people overlooking this trial began applauding Staxius's valor, a true hero amongst men. Or so what they thought, little did they know that this act of valor was but a farse, an illusion. He got what he wanted and gain something even more precious, something that will come into play one day or the other.