End of War

The raging sound of swords clashing, magic spells being cast, people fighting and dying slowly got quieter. Sat on his throne made of gold and diamonds; Duke Parcyvell waited. Before him, the inanimate corpse of Gareth laid decapitated. Astrid – the apostle of goddess Tharis, now went by another name. Astrid Parcyvell, his new wife. The last barrier keeping the duke's family from being attacked was a man named Julius – the last surviving mage from Dorchester. That boy who is now grown in a very imposing man has defeated every single mage in Kreston's army. Now he stands as the last guardian, footsteps grew close and the massive door swung open.

"Duke Sten Parcyvell, the war has ended, we've laid siege to your castle. What will it be? Surrender or death, bear in mind, surrendering will also mean death, but more painful." A woman spoke out, behind her stood four others who were identical to one another. The only exception was the hair color, they all bored heavy armor with a dragon crest.

"Julius, stop," Sten spoke out. "You've done more than enough, please, the war is lost. From today forth, I release you from your contract, live a good life, my old friend."

No other words needed to be spoken, for Julius had killed more people than he could ever recall. He truly walked the same path as that cold-blooded murderer, Staxius Haggard.

"We don't have all day, can we have your decision." She spoke out yet again.

"Why are you silver guardians in such a hurry. Adelana Haggard, tis a pleasure to finally meet the mercenaries Kreston hired. Your reputation precedes you, one is lacking though. What happened to the man you once called master? Oh – the princess killed her." He laughed. "That poor soul was your master, what a joke."

"You little…" Hand on her sheathed sword, Alyson was in her lightning strike stance. "Calm down," Annet patted her back.

"Your provocations won't do you any good duke," Another voice spoke out, it wasn't the silver guardians but another woman. She emerged from the entrance – her beauty was on a divine scale.

"T-this c-can't be… MILICENT." Without any warning, he rose and rushed to her side. "I've missed you so much, my dear wife." In turn she hugged him as well, "I've missed you too my dear husband." Her hand went inside his chest piece, with a quick pull; she snatched his crest. "Fenrir, get this creep off me."

*Boof,* A punch sent him flying. "Please Millicent, let's start over… I BEG, I WANT TO HEAR YOU SCREAM." He yelled frantically. "Husband, I think that is enough," Astrid spoke out at last. She slowly approached and hugged him from behind. "It's going to be alright, because – the war has ended, and so has your life." *Slash,* A dagger hidden in her sleeve slit the now late Duke Parcyvell's throat.

"But why…" Adelana spoke, confused.

"It's simple, I wanted to get close to this mad man just for this moment – now please, I beg of thee to end my life." She sobbed. "P-please, before that priest from Kreston burns me. If that were to happen, I'm afraid the entire country would die alongside me; my goddess isn't that keen on witch


"But if we kill you, isn't that going to end this kingdom instead?" Annet spoke.

"No, that would not be an issue for you see I have someone strong enough to bear that burden for me." She smiled as she wept.

"As you wish," Footsteps from Kreston's soldiers got closer by the minute. "Rest in peace, Astrid."

*Lightning element: Flash Step," A well-aimed thrust aimed at her heart was delivered by Alyson.

Soon after, the body began to light up – it looked as if it were going to explode. Everyone braced for the inevitable burst of magical energy – however, it stopped half-way through.

"Excuse me, silver guardians," A voice spoke from the entrance. "Didn't I tell you to not slay the fake apostle?" It was the pope, "No matter, Dorchester has been defeated, I shall spread the word of our god to every remaining village. Farewell, and a job well done."

"Just as the pope said, a job well done. I hope this alliance of ours won't go in vain." Another man added, it was Duke Hawkin. "My daughter, I hope this shall suffice for I have slain the one who did you wrong, goodbye silver guardians. As promised, the province of Dorchester is now yours."

Everyone left – the combined army retreated to their province, in trucks.

A sigh of relief from everyone was heard, "The war finally ends." Adelana added.

"We've done it," Laughter soon filled the once dead silent room. "As promised, Millicent, form a blood contract with Percyvell's crest and become the new Duchess of Dorchester."

"But… if I do so, our adventuring party will end…" She was reluctant.

"Don't worry so much, us, silver guardians aren't going to leave you just yet. We'll stay by your side

till Dorchester is a place deprived of any malice directed towards the people. Our master would have wanted the same."

*Briing Briiiing,* A phone rang, "Adelana speaking."

"Has the battle ended, Eira is getting a bit overexcited here…"

"Yes, do give us a moment to clean up the bloodstains and bodies."

"Don't worry about that, leave it to me."

"Fine, you can come then,"

*Snap,* Every single body and blood splattered across the castle disappeared – it was as if a battle

didn't happen.

Undrar and Eira soon entered the throne room in which Millicent now sat.

"Auntie Millicent is truly the duchess of Dorchester." A girl spoke, white hair grew longer than

before. Her ruby-red eyes shone brightly. "Come here you little," Adelana ambushed and hugged

her. "Stop it Auntie Adelana, I'm not a little child anymore." Eira pouted, "Just because you've grown

some tits and a medium-ish sized bottom doesn't make you an adult – I mean look at Fenrir, she's

far hotter than anyone of us." Adelana continued her onslaught of kisses and hugs.

"Did you say something." Before Fenrir finished her sentence, everyone rushed to hug Eira – she

was their beloved daughter. Everyone took care of her as if she were their child – Undrar was

shocked to see how much they all loved her.

"Hey mom, now that the war is over, do you think my dad will ever come back?"

"…" Silence befell the room.

"Eira, we've told you that your father died protecting us, he truly was a hero." Undrar who was now

fully grown whispered softly.

"But mother, I still remember his face, he said he loved me."

"I know you have a photographic memory Eira, but that alone doesn't mean that he will come

back. His body is near Krigi, frozen in place by a curse so strong even I couldn't break."

"Come on Eira, don't be that way, you're sixteen now. Please, every one of us still miss him dearly,

but we must move on. You'll soon be enrolled at Claireville academy, you best forget about him and

move on." Alyson spoke harshly.

"Auntie Alyson, you don't understand, MY FATHER WILL COME BACK." She ran off.

"EIRA," Undrar shouted. "Leave her be Viola; she's still growing up."

The war between Kreston and Dorchester ended with Kreston as the victor. But to what end? Dorchester is practically ruined, most of the inhabitants have been killed for the sake of food. In total, the war lasted sixteen years – just like Staxius, his daughter was brought up by a demigod who taught her how to fight. Eira's memory as a small babe remains, she has this gift called photographic memory and remembers everything. The body of the next death reaper still lays to rest near Krigi.

With Millicent as their new ruler, in the coming weeks, Dorchester slowly got back on their feet and changed for the better.

"Awaken, fallen hero," A voice spoke, breaking his long slumber.

"Who dares disturb my peace," Staxius spoke, stuck within life and death. A place so secluded and

alone, not even a god could get him out of there.

"You've slept long enough, Staxius Haggard, I'm Astrid, the apostle of goddess Tharis."

"And I'm Staxius Haggard, once heir to the death reaper."

"Wrong, you're still his heir, if you just open your mind, you'll see that the god of death has been

eagerly awaiting your triumphant return."

"What's the point of going back, I'm weak, I've lost my immortality, my family and my beloved


"Your daughter still yearns for an adventure with her beloved father – now awake, Staxius Haggard,

heir to the god of death. By the power bestowed upon me by the goddess Tharis, I exchange my

lifeforce to break this vile curse put on the man whom I've seen countless times in my premonitions.

The world still needs you Staxius, now WAKE UP."

*BANG,* The darkness in which he was imprisoned broke at last. "MY HEIR," The god of death hugged him.

"Greetings Lord Death, it's nice to see you once more." In return, he hugged him even tighter. "You

were defeated so badly I couldn't even imagine."

"What happens now? I'm in the hall of rebirth, aren't I?" Which was correct as he woke up on a bed,

the same bed he used on the last visit.

"Yes, your soul has been here for sixteen years in earthly time."

"Damn that's a long time, how's everyone?"

"No clue, I've just been waiting for you to wake up again. My new assistant was waiting for your

return as well – seeing as you stole Undrar from me, I had to get someone else."

"Lord Death, I've brought your evening tea."



"YOU WOKE UP," Dropping the well-made tea, she jumped onto him.

"You're alive and well." He hugged her firmly.

"MY TEA!" The god of death fumed, you could see smoke coming out of his ears.

"This is no time to reminisce, Staxius, I'm sending you back. A girl name Astrid alongside the goddess Tharis worked together for you to have another chance to live. Now, get going, your

adventure hasn't ended just yet. Also, you didn't lose your immortality, the death element got so strong your body couldn't handle it any longer – hence you imploded. You killed yourself, dumbass."

*Snap,* He vanished.

"My head, it hurts." The crystal imprisoning him cracked, "Where the hell am I?" It broke. "I'M ALIVE!" The curse shattered. After sixteen long years – Staxius Haggard reawaken. His eyes opened for the first time, before him, Krigi of old stood, broken down. Using the long vision he had; Staxius

got atop a broken-down building and scouted the area. "Damn, this Dorchester has changed. For the most part, the area in which Krigi is situated hasn't been touched for years. The capital, on the other hand, looks more sophisticated, there's a bloody airship flying atop – I can barely make it out."

"Guess I'll check if my dad's laboratory is still here. I mean, this is the second time now, I've awakened once more. The death element feels more powerful, even the engraving on my chest has gotten more symbols. Time to get down." After getting down, he began rummaging throughout the debris. He was on the lookout for anything that could prove useful. The suit he wore had holes and tears all over – the evidence of the last battle remained.

After a good hour of searching for the laboratory, it came into view. However; it was ruined, everything was burnt and broken. The book his dad wrote was long gone, the book which depicted how one could create an artificial magical element.

"DAMN IT, this explains it then. The princess holds the book – she created an artificial element that she used to utterly defeat me. Man, I'm hungry, waking up so many years after is hard. I do wonder how my old party looks now, they are probably old with wrinkled faces.

"I'll take a quick nap before setting off to somewhere, I need information."

"VIOLA," Annet rushed into the throne room. "What is the matter Annet?"

"It's E-Eira, she took the car and ran away…"

"What do you mean ran away, to where?"

"Apparently she said she was going to visit her dad's grave."

"Yeah, what's the problem in that?"

"Not the grave we built but the one in Krigi, she headed to see his imprisoned body."


"Viola, we are going to head out after her," Adelana spoke, behind her stood all her sisters.

"No, Eira is my responsibility, you guys are to stay here and help Millicent – alone she may be at


"Fine, please be back soon."

Without losing a moment, Undrar got into a car and rushed behind her daughter.

"The ground is rumbling, something or someone is approaching, *Death element activate; Shadow-step.* Hidden behind the cover of a broken-down house, Staxius watched. The car stopped, and a girl stepped out of it. Her aura felt heavy and deadly, she was powerful. Her gaze fell onto his, she noticed his presence and rushed.

"Damn this girl," *Death Element, Unleash Aura.* The shock from releasing his mana now stronger and denser blasted away the building. "Who stands there?" He asked.

"Isn't it rude to ask for someone's name before giving your own," Her sights fell on the broken crystal. "You broke the crystal?"

"Yes, of course, I did," Before he could complete his sentence, the girl rushed him down. She drew a sword which shone brighter than the sun himself, *Death element, Conjure weapon,* Coming out of his right hand a blade blocked her first attack.

"Let me explain," Staxius begged.

"You broke the crystal…" A tear began to flow, "MY FATHER WAS IMPRISONED IN THAT CRYSTAL,"

*Dark element activates, Shadow-step,* She was using the same technique Staxius once used.

"Your still weak," In an instant Staxius got behind her and whispered, "Eira is that you?"

"Father…?" She turned around.