Arda and Freedom

"Princess Gallienne, princess Gallienne." The screams of someone clearly distraught resounded across the hallway. The princess's room stood within that very same hall. Adorned with pictures from famous artists, sculptures, and precious jewels from other conquered kingdom's, this seemingly never-ending hallway carried and vanished into darkness. Meanwhile, the princess's room was in sight. Knowing full well that the princess would be mad for rudely interrupting her evening nap, the butler knelt – still distraught but calm, he waited.

The door painfully opened, it creaked, which seemed as if it cried out. She stood before him, her hair messy and semi-nude, behind her, he caught a glimpse of the fabled combat butler; Theodore – revered as a hero for he had saved her countless times in their various campaigns. "What is the matter young one," Her tone, monotonous and static.

"I-I a-apologize for d-disturbing, but her Ma-jes-jesty has asked for your presence." Eyes fixed on the very ground she stood on, the inexperienced butler-in-training, barely spoke. Various rumors floated around the castle about how cruel the princess could be at times, and obviously; for someone new and fresh, said rumors would only portrait her as the devil. The silence that followed, short as it may be felt like an eternity for the young butler, his heart, beat violently.

"Why were you screaming my name?" She took a long pause to examine the new boy, "Is it so important you should have wakened the entire castle?" Letting a quiet chuckle, the door closed. Seeing the door shut, the boy let out a sigh of relief. Much to his surprise, the door opened once more as he stood up; the princess appeared yet again with new clothes. "Now then boy, explain to me why you had to scream all the way here." Her voice gained volume; she demanded an answer.

"I-I'm sorry, her majesty asked me to d-do so."

"Look at me when you speak."

Reluctantly, he obeyed. "You must know something about this," She continued pressing forward.

"Your highness," His fear vanished, a newly formed strength surged from within – no longer was he afraid of this girl. "-her majesty asked me to scream your name, for you see, the kingdom is on the verge of change. Arda has demanded to be a free nation – Kreston and Plaustan are in favor. Their nobles combine far outnumber ours in terms of power and military prowess, war will break out if their demands aren't met." As soon as he delivered the message; he dropped to the floor.

"Princess," Theodore hugged her from behind and whispered, "-is that boy going to be alright?" Trying as hard as she may, the ticklish feeling coming from her ears made her stutter while replying.

"He was mind-controlled by mother, h-he w-will b-be fine. . ." Reaching from behind her, Theodore closed the door.

A few hours went by, despite saying that it was urgent, as disobedient as always, the princess took her time before answering her mother's summons. "Greetings dear mother," she spoke while entering the queen's private library, the one she used for so many years. Nothing had changed, the queen looked like a goddess, with her snacks resting on the table accompanied by a book she was enjoying.

"Greetings," her tone gentle you'd think an angel spoke.

"To what do I owe this summons from?" Bitter, the princess reluctantly smiled and acted cordial.

"You were locked in your room for a full week my dear Gallienne, the kingdom is changing – your husband has returned from the audience with emperor Paradus but my dear daughter you were too busy frolicking with Theodore." She gracefully smirked.

"Is that so, he should have called." Her gaze shifted to the book her mother was reading.

"I haven't called you here to reprimand you about satisfying your carnal desires – next time do be more vigilant. If word got out, your already tarnished reputation would gravely suffer. Let me give you a run-down…" She shifted her body posture from resting and relaxed to one more rigid and formal. "-as you've heard from the young boy earlier, Arda is seeking independency. Now, the smartest choice would be to give them their freedom, but I see that such a prospect would only serve to hurt your ego. You're far smarter in the matters concerning politics, henceforth, I only ask you to not wreak havoc. The war between Kreston and Dorchester ended yesterday – a war, which I remind you was instigated by you and your ploy. Poor duke Parcyvell, he was a gentle fellow, no matter, right after the war ended; Arda allied with Kreston and Plaustan have asked for their independence. It seems too convenient, but I'm pretty sure if Arda gets its independency, Kreston, and Plaustan will follow suit. For you see, my dear child, as you've probably realized this, those two provinces are using Arda as a scapegoat to see how far they can stretch the wire before it snaps. It's up to you to decide the next plan of action, will you go to war knowing full well that may antagonize the remaining provinces or give them their freedom – in both cases, we are at a loss and I'm afraid there is no way out." Concluding her long speech, she took a sip out of the cup on which a golden rose, reflected the warm sunlight.

"Dear mother, you know full well you should discuss this with his majesty the king – why are you telling me this?" Her face had a gloomy air, her eyes felt lifeless.

"My dear daughter, your father may be the king but the entire kingdom knows that you pull the strings – the puppet king they call him, my dear husband, his reputation was tarnished." She signaled Gallienne to leave, she had spoken what she needed to. Two well-built butlers escorted her highness outside in her dazed state.

"That damned woman, always sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. Fair enough, I'll give Arda their independency, dear mother, I'll do exactly against what you've plotted. You may view me as aggressive and harsh but those vile demi-human races, I wish they didn't exist, attacking them after they declared their independence would facilitate my job farther. The emperor wouldn't object to the king going to war against rebels now, would he?" She smiled, from that she schemed yet another plot.

"Oh – my dear daughter, I know full well you're going to let them free, after all, I've manipulated you from the very beginning." She took a bit out of the exquisitely decorated cake and continued her reading.

The day of new beginnings came, Staxius and Eira spent the night preparing their supplies. Staxius formed a blood contract once again with his crest – even though it wasn't necessary, but he was now a noble representing Dorchester, in fact, he was the only noble out in the council apart from Millicent, the duchess. Much to his surprise, Eira, used the same strategies as him, darts, body enhancement and most of all, their wit. Her intelligence was not on par with her father but she was close behind – a true prodigy. The spell he cast when she was daughter worked wonders, he had fabricated a spell that trained her magical element automatically. This was done sixteen years ago, the spell to this day is still active, no one remembers apart from the man who cast it. It explained why Eira was very powerful with her magic. Her magical element is shadow and one unknown to Undrar herself, it hasn't awakened yet. Eira, to say it simply, is a perfect copy of her father but less

powerful. For you see, Staxius is considered a god; the god of death or will be in a few years.

On the other hand, Staxius decided to bring a sword even though people now used guns, killing from afar was simpler and more efficient and not to mention, safer. The rifles people used long ago had evolved massively, it slowly replaced all the swords, but magic hadn't lost its importance just yet.

Everyone warned and begged for him to stop using a sword and take a gun instead-but Staxius refused. "It's less elegant, I wish to feel my victim's life drain away when I slice their bodies." He jokingly stated, but everyone knew he was serious.

Awaken from all the chatter coming from the throne room – Staxius stepped out. The inaudible stutter and cries of someone very scared slowly got audible as he approached. Still, in a dazed state, he arrived, standing in the middle of the hallway leading to his bedroom, he waited. "Duchess Millicent, we are envoys from Arda, we have come to seek an alliance with you, please, we wish for you to support in this endeavor of ours." Staxius clearly misheard, they weren't stuttering or crying, it was just their accent. They stood in front of Millicent who sat, ashamed about what the throne room had become. Liquor bottles, uneaten food, swords, books, undergarments, and shoes were common sight. They were spread out as if being trees in a forest, the forest of disorder and chaos.

Seeing what mess of a place the throne was, it was only now he realized how she must have felt, secretly he let out a quiet laugh. Millicent seemed unsure, she didn't know what to say nor do, those people were harassing her, not physically but mentally through kind words and plea.

"Greetings duchess Millicent," Staxius spoke as he entered. Seeing him, Millicent's lost confidence found strength yet again.

"Will you please help us, duchess?" They ignored Staxius.

"Greetings lord Staxius," she ignored them, sweet revenge, they scowled.

"Excuse my boldness, but who are you to rudely interrupt our audience with the ruler of

Dorchester," one of the speakers lashed out, clearly infuriated.

"I gravely apologize, for you see, I thought this was only bickering for the fools. If this kind of one-sided assault is called discord, then may the gods help us for this is only but harassment." He smugly added, pointing out that their so-called audience was naught but foul play.

"I apologize for my sister's rudeness sir," the other one spoke, more manly but frail-looking. They both wore hooded cloaks with long sleeves and trousers, it was as if they hid their body for the fear of being found out.

"No apologies needed, now then, my name is Staxius Haggard, advisor as well as boron to the province of Dorchester."

"Greetings my lord Staxius, but for security purposes, I cannot give you either of our names, it is Arda's policy to keep everything private."

"They think they can remain hidden from me, let's have some fun." Now standing next to Millicent who grabbed his leg, secretly, under the cover of the large table, he smirked.

*As the one whom you're contracted to, I order thee to reveal these cloaked stranger's identity. Dark Arts, Sense personality.*

[Victims: Erlareo Enbalar and Ygannea Enbalar]

[Race: Elves]

"Interesting, elves, I've heard of them in histories and myths, I guess Arda is really filled with

mythical creatures." He leaned close to Millicent and whispered his thoughts – their name and race, to which she was left baffled. Both strangers were anxious, their hand was hidden from view, their body movement got tenser and agitated, Staxius felt it, dark-arts was in motion.

"Is it true that you hail from Arda?" Staxius asked.

"Yes, that is true so what of it?" The girl answered, rather impudently.

"Calm down sister," The brother spoke through his gritted teeth.

"Answer me this, why don't you reveal your identities?" Staxius changed his tone from friendly and

curious to suspicious.

"A-as I've told you, it's because Arda has ordered us to." He stuttered because of the sudden change in tone from Staxius.

"What would you do if I learned your true identities then?" He asked, smugly.

"We'd have to kill you but that ain't gonna happen, mister," the girl replied.

Silently, Staxius tapped Millicent's legs, it was his way of saying, 'get ready, it's about to get real.'

"Is that so."

"Yes, but as my sister rudely said, it's not possible for anyone outside of Arda to know our identity."

He proudly stated

"Well, that's a shame, because I thought Erlareo Enbalar and Ygannea Enbalar were good names…"

A small silence followed, they could not believe it, they heard their name for the first time. "-not to mention that you guys are elves, thus explaining your apparel." He concluded his speech.

"Who are you… SISTER NO!"