A Misunderstanding

The day ended in confusion. Mainly Adelana and Eira were overwhelmed by a feeling of regret. They had forgotten that Staxius had only just awoken from a sixteen-year-old nap. The sweet words from the elf siblings had altered their opinion about their master. It became apparent to them that Staxius wasn't your typical hero. The mental image and the person they had crafted over the years wasn't anything like the original. Their ideal Staxius was someone generous, caring, and merciful. Time was ruthless, their whole persona changed; they waited, held a small grain of hope that he would return.

That wish was answered, Staxius was very much alive. Nevertheless, their short mindedness had pushed their long-awaited hero away. That goes to say, Staxius was never a hero; at heart, he doesn't care for anyone. The world he sees and lives in is different from the others. Though that was the case at first, he slowly opened his heart with people who he cherished as companions. Having Eira at his side gave him a will to change into that fantasy hero, the one who strives for the betterment of humankind. Sadly, try as he may, the events which transpired yesterday took a toll onto his psyche.

"Once again, I'm left alone, just like my father, Sophie, and Julius. Time has come for me to now part ways with the silver guardians, Eira and my dragon Undrar. Fenrir is still bound to my soul, hence I don't think I'm completely alone in this journey I've set out on. My priority was changed, at first, I wanted to become a sorcerer. Turns out, I was the heir to the god of death – that dream of mine was complete or no? I still can't find the answer. I wanted to clear my father's name, but so much time has gone by that no one remembers who Tempest Haggard was. I had another quest, to overthrow Dorchester, I failed at that and most importantly, I failed as a father and a companion. I should have known from the start that I'm not meant to be friendly and caring to other people, it's against my nature – after all, I'm a ruthless murderer. Adelana and Eira should have known better, Eira I can forgive for not knowing who I truly am. But Adelana? Give me a break, it's not possible – I entrusted her with my heart… to be honest, what does that even mean? Did I entrust her with my fading emotions? The scene from yesterday is playing on repeat, I can't forget, was I in the wrong? Did I screw up? Is it all my fault? Who knows? Emotions, we are back where we started; Undrar, I'm sorry, but I'm leaving everything in your hands – dearest sister." Sat in the car Undrar used, Staxius drove off, his destination… unknown. Judging by the direction he took; he was headed to Dundee.

"It's not your fault brother." A voice, as soft as cloud spoke.

"Undrar, what are you doing inside my head?" Shocked and confused, he slammed on the breaks,

the car stopped midway from Savaview bridge and Garsley castle.

"Sorry not sorry, I thought you gave me permission to stay inside your mind?" She smugly replied.

"Here I thought you found it vexing to keep up with my thoughts." A truck carrying vegetables came from Savaview bridge – it was headed to the castle. The dirt path on which it road was torturous. As it got closer, a massive mist of dirt and rocks followed. It went by, Staxius was dumbfounded to what just transpired.

"Brother, I hope you're enjoying my car." She added sarcastically.

"Obviously, this is so much better and lighter, I feel like a noble."

"You're a noble." Undrar reminded him for he had forgotten that part, in his mind, he's only a

bloodthirsty mage.

"To what do I owe this visit? Are you here to reprimand me for wanting to kill those elves? If so, please leave, I don't wish to speak about it."

"Brother…" She sighed inside his head, "-you're hopeless."

"How dare you sigh in my HEAD?"

"Enough, Staxius, listen, nothing was your fault. People change, but you remained the same, that

conviction, that unfaltering resolve to kill anyone who stands in your way. I'll remind you that, there isn't a doubt in my mind that you're the worst person alive – you're far more merciless than the ruler of hell himself. In no way are you a hero, don't bother changing how you think, do what you must – after all, people are your toy aren't they? Despite that, you somehow managed to gather allies and proven your worth time and time again. To change a world or someone, one must not only be compassionate, but ruthless as well. You haven't realized this, but, you care for people, even faintly, you care for people who are deserving of care. You judge people, not by appearance, nor by the way they act, but by the way they think. You act like the god of judgment; most of the time, if not, all the time, you judge a person's character and evaluate them to the last possible detail – accurately. That aspect in you is what truly makes me proud to have left the hall of rebirth. Now then, check the compartment next to the steering wheel, my the livraison for our rations has come."

"What was that all about? That speech was supposed to make me feel better, at least you tried sis." He laughed; he'd been a fool, being a hero wasn't him. He helps people, yes, but in no way does that erase all the vile things he's done. A speck of white on a black canvas might stand out but it doesn't hide the fact that the canvas is indeed black.

Right after the internal conversation with Undrar ended. A strange humming came from the compartment she spoke about. It was a phone, black in color, much more slick and refine than the radio he fabricated so long ago.

"…" He took the call, the only thing heard was static white noise, no one had the courage to speak


"H-hello?" A familiar voice spoke.

"Adelana?" He asked.

"Y-yes…" Her voice felt hesitant as if she was pushed against her will to speak.

"Hey listen, if you don't want to speak then do me a favor and end the call already, I don't want to

waste my time on people who don't deserve it." He harshly stated.

"Well excuse me for not being important." Her bravado came back.

"Aren't you a bit too overconfident? What's the matter, speak." He demanded; patience was running out.

"I apologize for being rude master, I might have spoken out of line – for you see, for the longest time I had to act as leader of the little group you created. It may or may not have gotten through

my head, so I'm sorry."

"Enough Adelana, I don't want to hear any apologies. You did what you had to and it's understandable, I hold no grudge – earlier my thoughts were mixed but I've found myself yet again, it's meant to be this way." A rumbling came through after he spoke to Adelana, it was Eira, she, in turn, began speaking. "Hey dad…"

"Are you going to apologize too? If I hear the word sorry once more, I'll end this call and never come back, you hear me?"

"…Fine, I want to say that earlier I might have acted out of charac…" Staxius ended the call, just hearing them trying to get into his good graces and apologize turned his stomach. "How low can you people fall, pathetic, even you Eira, I once was proud, but not anymore." Mana injected once again, the car continued its voyage, direction, the bridge.

"What happened?" Adelana asked. Everyone waited patiently in the throne room. Undrar and Milicent were outside collecting this week's supplies. "…" Eira was left shocked – he ended the call in the middle of her sentence. It was like shutting the door while speaking to someone. "He ended the call didn't he?" Alyson spoke from where the bookshelves stood. She sat with Ayleth who was deeply immersed in some romance novel.

"You should have expected as much." Annet in turn spoke, she sat with Fenrir lying on her lap.

Annet caressed her wolf ears as they rested on the sofa brought it by traders; a token for a prosperous relationship.

"What do you mean, stop acting like you know everything." Adelana lashed out, speaking on behalf of Eira who remained still.

"Both of you are stupid," Ancret spoke, she drank heavily from the bar.

"Care to elaborate?" Infuriated, Adelana spoke through her gritted teeth.

"Staxius Haggard isn't the man you girls think he is," Alyson spoke.

"From the first time we met him, he told us by words as well as actions that he isn't a hero," Annet


"And he doesn't care about people nor emotions." Ancret continued.

"H-he'll k-kill anyone w-who s-stand in his w-way." Even Ayleth joined in.

"Long story short, you're trying to blame him for only wanting to protect us. That must have hurt

him, don't you remember he died saving our skin?" Alyson concluded the speech. Both Adelana and Eira were baffled, they couldn't believe it, everyone except them understood Staxius fundamentally.

"He isn't a hero, but an anti-hero, he doesn't care for people who don't deserve it, he cares for people who do – that is the harsh reality, injustice, inequality, whatever you call it. The man who once proclaimed to be the heir to the god of death is a far better judge of character than you people can ever imagine." Undrar stepped into the room, the negotiations went smoothly.

"And that's a fact. Don't worry about it, we are in good hands." Millicent followed close behind, her hands filled with bottles of alcohol. "Staxius told us to leave everything in his hand, the politics, financial and other state-related stuff. Dorchester will change for the better, you girls best not stand in his way for you see, Staxius Haggard; has awakened, a beast whose been caged in for an eternity."

Savaview bridge came into view, it had remained unchanged. Like the olden days, it was the only place where you could get into Oxshield. "Morning sir, please exit the vehicle and pay the toll." A guard spoke, his duty was to collect tolls from anyone entering; he was employed by the royal family. "If it isn't my long-lost friend." Staxius stepped out, the guard was the same one he met so many years ago. "Excuse me but do I know you?" He asked cautiously.

"It's me, don't you remember…" he leaned in and whispered, "-the slave trader."

"I'm afraid sir, I don't remember." He denied whatever Staxius said. "Well, will this change your mind?" He reached down into his pocket and took out a watch – still beautiful and valuable.

"It's you," he cheered. "It's been a long time indeed, how's the business going?"

"Had to shut it down sadly, for you see, I've become a Boron in that castle over there." He pointed

over the hill, castle Garsley stood menacingly. "And here's the proof," he quickly flashed the dragon crest. "Excuse my lack of manners, lord." He retreated into a more formal stance and bowed partially.

"Don't threat my friend, we are acquainted, so am I free to go?"

"Of course sire, please proceed." The bridge's gate opened, and Staxius entered Oxshield. Immediately, the changes which weren't apparent from Dorchester spoke volumes. First, the dirt path it once had was replaced by a black material, he had heard about it thanks to Undrar who gave a brief summary. This was the fabled road, sturdy and pleasant to look at, not to mention, the car glided across it like water falling on a piece of glass.

The outer edge of the district apart from the roads remained the same for the most part. Trees, meadows, and lovely scenery passed by when he took the road heading to Dundee. To his right, a massive ravine separated both districts. On his left, the land stretched onto forever, the plains were untouched, still green, and beautiful. Farther, the capital, hidden behind nature stood. Staxius caught a glimpse of one of the many towers. Next to the capital, namely; Rosespire – Claireville academy stood.

The journey which normally took five to seven hours to complete by horse carriage was done in only four. Dundee was in sight; the town was bigger – and more popular. The roads went around the town instead of through – probably to avoid unnecessary uprising from the people who lived there. Surprisingly, Staxius didn't show any inclination to stop by the town – the true destination was the forest. The place where Thunderstain was garrisoned so long ago. He went around rapidly – hardly any vehicles were on the road.

As his memory could recall, the forest must have overgrown everything – he probably would have to abandon the car and continue on foot. To his surprise, the road continued, it went on and on until he could spot nothing, the forest which he was looking for was nowhere to be found. Confused, he slowed his pace and examined the place carefully. The garrison was gone as well.

A white building was spotted, the light raging down from the sun made it quite a hassle to see. From afar it looked small and not impressive. Interest piqued, the car turned and headed for the suspicious building. Slowly, the details became more concrete. The white building was caged in by massive walls and atop said walls, iron in spring went around the perimeter. Three guards remained stationed at the gate, a sign read, "Thunderstain's HQ." He found what he was looking for, he continued slowly and approached the facility. He didn't spot it at first, but the gate was protected by turrets, weaponry did indeed advance a lot.

"You in the car, stop or we'll open fire – this area is closed off to the public. You best turn around and leave." One of the men yelled, his face was stuck in place with an angry expression.

"Now, now, please, let us have a calm and civil discussion." Staxius stepped out.

"Sir, we are warning you again, if you come any closer – we'll have to open fire." Another one spoke – he looked pale.

"As you wish, I shall stop right here. You, may you answer one of my queries?" He pointed to the third guard – he looked more fragile and easier to get information out of.

"…" Confused, he stared aimlessly around to see what the others would say.

"Don't threat," Staxius used a welcoming tone. The unsuspecting guard faced him with an innocent look and nodded. "Great, is Rose Edelina still your leader?"

All three of them were taken by surprise, their leader's name was supposed to be confidential – not even all the staff members knew she existed. The first guard was one of the gifted – he was acknowledged by her personally. His body changed, the aura surrounding him changed; Staxius hit right on the mark. Out of reflex, the guard pointed his gun.