The Temporary Council

Soon after Piers left, the throne room fell into the abyss. It wasn't dark, but silent, you could hear everyone breathing or try too for some held theirs. That scroll really shook everybody – the contents were never revealed. Millicent began drinking; after that short minute of silence, given only when someone important has died – everyone began speaking.

"Millicent," Adelana broke the ice. Everyone followed her actions carefully; none had any clue to what shall be their next plan of action. That scroll was a death sentence. Out of frustration, hearing no response from the Duchess, Adelana walked over. Her right hand firmly grabbed Millicent's left shoulder, but the latter didn't care and shrugged away said hand. The frustration got stronger and palpable; she unknowingly began to grit her teeth.

"Adelana, please be civil about this," Undrar rushed over sensing her animosity growing. "What's wrong with you Viola; didn't you read the letter? It's a death threat, that princess. However, I forgive her but Millicent's attitude to just shrug away her duties is driving me nuts. I can't stand it, this haven of ours is about to get destroyed and she's drinking alcohol." Her rant ended.

"How dare you question my integrity…" Millicent turned around with tears forming. "-don't you think I know that?" Her tone got sadder. Adelana on the other hand just stared at her with a look of disappointment. The burden to keep everything and everyone together for the past sixteen years took a toll on her. Her attitude changed from calm and collected to being agitated, her anger rested on her nose; she looked like she was about to blow up at any time. Everyone present knew how

Staxius's disappearance backed her into a corner, everyone… but they were too scared to speak out

for what she just did wasn't justified. Lashing out at someone else for your own satisfaction, blaming others to feel better about yourself was cowardly, Eira, understood that fact. Adelana's eyes were beginning to turn red, her anger was reaching the tipping point.

"Auntie Adelana, please stop, don't you see that lashing out at someone else won't help to solve the problem?" Eira yelled, seeing that Adelana clenched her fist. "Eira, calm down," Ancret told her to remain silent. They knew that Adelana's foul mood could bring about catastrophe, she may well kill her own companions if that anger of hers overtook her conscience. Willingly they formed a little circle behind Eira, Fenrir was nowhere to be found. "Don't say anything more." Ayleth quietly mumbled.

"I'm sorry aunt Ayleth, but aunt Adelana has been acting rather childishly. Can't she see that if her attitude continues, we'll begin to separate." The young girl spoke the truth; every one with guilt and shame stared at the ground, away from the innocent girl who spoke what was right.

"Eira, how dare you…" her tone gained volume. "-HOW DARE YOU." Her eyes went fully red, her magical element activated. "Don't you disrespect me like that…" They all were oblivious to what was about to happen. "-you think I'm being childish? Aren't you the one speaking out of line? Spare me that bullshit, I've worked my heart out to keep everyone together." Her eyes got filled with hatred.

"Turn my hatred into the fire which burns all, I, Adelana Geua, order thee to burn whoever shall oppose me. Fiercer than the raging fire from hell and stronger than the purgatory flames; Infernal Blast." Adelana's hand formed a circle in which a blue flame manifested. *Booph,* the spell launched, it was headed for Eira. No one was quick enough to react; Annet managed to tuck on her dress and pull but it was too late. *BOW* An explosion rattled the whole throne room; all the liquor near the bar fell and broke as well as the book on the bookshelves. A heavy cloud of dark smoke blocked the entrance, as well as where Eira stood. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Undrar yelled.

"Shut up Viola, do you want to die?" Her rage wasn't soothed.

*Dark arts; Magical barrier.* "I made it in time."

"F-father?" Staxius conjured a barrier, he knelt and panted heavily. Hearing Eira's voice, he turned around and nodded. The emotions in his eyes were gone, Eira felt it. "Please don't kill aunty Adelana." She whispered. "Too late, she's a liability, and they should be purged." From his knelt position, his stance changed to one more fitting for a sprint, and, *whoosh.*

Coming out of the black mist, he shot out like a bullet. Sword in hand, he had Adelana's neck on his sights. His speed was tripled what it usually was; hence; no normal human would ever react that fast. Adelana's life was forfeit.

*Clang,* Two swords collided, Undrar had stopped Staxius's sprint. The sheer force from that impact blew away the black cloud as well as Adelana who stood directly behind where the sword met.

Undrar showed her true form, wings sprouted from her back, her nails grew longer, her usually rosy

lips changed into a black color. Her hair changed to black as well; a vampire. "Long time no see

Undrar, Bringer of Death." Staxius jumped back and solidified his stance. "Long time no see indeed,

master." She jokingly licked her upper lips.

The smoke vanished, everyone stared intently at whoever that demon was. All were surprised to see Staxius casually speaking to said being for she was unknown to them.

"Undrar…" his tone got serious, "-why did you stop me?"

"I see that my spell has been broken, you've lost your emotions haven't you."

"Whatever do you mean." He smiled; an aura of joy emanated from him.

"Stop faking your aura and emotions," she scowled.

"I feel better this way, the world is much better in black and white."

"And for your answer, Adelana was simply fooled."

"Fooled? How can someone be fooled and attempt to kill one of their companion, that isn't a matter of being merely fooled."

"I do agree with you, but she was the most likely target to be…"

"To be possessed, I see that the princess is still lively." He laughed sarcastically. "Can you break the spell?"

"Who do you take me for." She smugly replied. "Also, good job on mastering that death element."

She smiled as she headed for the unconscious Adelana. "I would say thank you but no, we still have much more to accomplish together, dearest sister."

The short misunderstanding ended, everyone was still gazed and confused. Eira, the remaining silver guardians all sat down with their legs crossed. The throne room was more than a mess, Millicent passed out; not from the shock-wave but from alcohol – she couldn't handle her liquor. Everything went back to being slightly normal until they heard Staxius say dearest sister. Promptly after that, Undrar changed into her normal self. She had kept her identity or rather forgot to reveal her identity for sixteen years.

"Mother?" Eira stood up and shouted.

"The one and only," a grey light began forming around Adelana's body; she was breaking the curse.

Seeking answers, Eira rushed to Staxius side who read the scroll. "W-who is Mother?" she tucked his shirt innocently until he gave in and showed her the crest; his crest. "I must say father's crest is impressive but what does that have to do with mothers' identity?"

"It has everything to do with it Eira, for you see, Viola is actually a dragon in human form."

"No, you're lying, mother isn't that hideous." She pouted, Staxius chuckled and Undrar got angry.

"You've hurt my feelings Eira," she spoke through her gritted teeth. At the same time, Adelana regained conscience. "W-what happened?" She asked as her eyes adjusted to the brightly lit interior.

"Nothing much, just your usual brawl." Undrar gave a comforting smile.

Minutes changed into hours, everyone slowly digested what transpired. No one asked further questions about Undrar's identity. Unwillingly, Staxius made everyone clean up the throne room. The books were neatly arranged, the bar was restocked and the marble floor with spots of gold sparkled

for it was cleaned to perfection. The table which replaced the throne got swapped for one much more beautiful and imposing. It was now following the same design as Staxius saw back at

Thunderstain. A semi-circle facing away from the main entrance. A chandelier was installed above the

table and it looked more like a court for judging people as opposed to your usual courteous arrangement. The center seat was used by Millicent, and to her right, Staxius sat.

The chairs surrounding said table were empty for no nobles had joined the council yet. Disappointing but true, however, Staxius had the bright idea to put every single member from the silver guardians into the empty seats. Left to Millicent, Adelana sat and next to her, Ayleth and Ancret. Opposing them, Alyson and Annet. On that day, the temporary council was established, a council that would later become permanent.

"What shall we do about the scroll?" Millicent asked, finally out of her drunken state; about five hours had passed.

"It doesn't have anything shady to it, the message clearly says to protect the castle and if we are in trouble, she will aid us." Adelana gave a short summary.

"Do we really trust her though?" Ancret spoke out.

"N-no…" Ayleth quietly mumbled.

"Should we be happy that the royal family has decided to aid us though?" Annet added.

"Sister, please, that princess doesn't do favors, she surely has a scheme in her mind." Alyson pointed out what Staxius had been thinking for all this time.

"What about you, brother?" Undrar spoke from right next to him, her size was miniaturized.

Previously, Millicent offered her a seat on the council but was ultimately rejected. Viola instead chose to be by Staxius's side rather than have a say in how matters shall be done. Her petite figure didn't go unnoticed but everyone chose to ignore it.

"Alyson is right…" he spoke at last; "-I think by aiding, she means letting us get slaughtered and steal the castle."

"Her plan is to let us lose the castle and take over Dorchester?" Ancret asked.

"No, that's simply not possible," Alyson replied.

"Why so, doesn't having more provinces means you're more powerful?" Annet asked.

"Yes, normally that would mean that the ruler would be more powerful but Dorchester isn't a thriving province." Adelana cleared the air.

"I agree, Dorchester is more effort than it's worth," Staxius added.

"What do we do then?" Millicent's head got heavy.

"Simple, just agree to her terms and smugly add a remark that her royal highness's presence won't be required for if she were to use her political standing, Arda and Kreston would back down,

however, judging by how the people know her, her attacking the revolutionaries would not be

surprising. Yes, provoke her, her ego would take a hit, and then she'll decide to negotiate instead of waging war." Staxius ended their first meeting.

All the unnecessary mess such as the bar and mini-library were moved next room, on the left if you stared at the entrance. The throne room was finally sorted, beautiful and pleasing to look at all the while being menacing and intimidating. This was all possible thanks to the inspiration given by Rose's office.

Nighttime soon approached, the moon was nowhere to be found, only the stars shone. Staxius laid atop the castle walls and stared intently at the night sky. The chilly breeze tickled his face, the temperature was low but he didn't care for it was the peace and quiet that he sought. A world like this was what he desired from the bottom of his heart – everything that got him here truly changed how he thought. He's growing blood-lust began to calm down. He held a genuine smile for the first time, maybe the spell Undrar put on him to feel emotion hadn't vanished, the one he despised so much, but none knew.

The quiet and peaceful atmosphere got lifted, the camp inside got louder. The tavern was booming with people, castle Garsley became a true asylum for the weak and fragile. His gaze changed from the starry night to the tavern inside. Aided by his inhuman eyesight, he saw people with smiles as big and bright as the sun. Kids ran around aimlessly, women and girls had food. Their clothes were torn and shabby, their bodies looked skinny and lifeless but for the first time, those skeletons had faces that would make the hardest man alive shed a tear. Amidst the crowd, he spotted his companions, they all participated, and he casually watched the scene unfold.

"Yes, what is it, Rose?" A transmission interrupted his moment of peace.

"Alright, thank you for the warning." The call ended, letting out a sigh, Staxius closed his eyes and

slept; something was obviously wrong, but he chose to leave that problem to the Staxius of tomorrow.