Night Walker

The once silent and deserted mansion, though still covered with dust; felt alive. The numerous conversations Staxius and Julius filled every room with their vigor. Each time they smiled, each time they laughed, none tried to outwit the other – two persons, the same ideals; people were tools to be used. Though that rule didn't apply when they both met. One could try and influence the other but it would be too obvious no matter what method they used. The earlier show of strength proved it was futile. Avon and Autumn felt worthless; they sat near each other while peering through the dusty window that was wiped semi-clean. It felt boring; it was as if their mothers had met one another after what seemed to be an eternity. What followed next was to be expected: chatter, gossip, arguments and complaining. The vicious circle went round and round until the evening drew closer. Against all odds, they continued speaking, Avon fell asleep while Autumn zoned out.

"Are you sure you want to be part of Dorchester's council? Won't that affect your standing amidst the other nobles?" The conversation went back to where it all began.

"I've told you this before, I'm noble by title, but hold no land to rule. I do own a house, and massive amounts of properties, as well as the financial aspect, however, I don't rule any villages or provinces – as a normal duke is supposed to."

"Fine, as you wish, who knew that we would become allies once more."

"Yes, Staxius, old friend, who knew, fate is a mystery of its own."

"Julius, my friend, the evening draws close; we've been conversing for hours on end. I do feel a little

hungry now."

"I agree, I do feel my stomach rumbling; screaming and begging for a morsel of food."

"Excellent, I shall go scour the kitchen, though I highly doubt I'll find anything consumable."

"And I'll wake up Autumn and Avon, I'm guessing we are moving out later at night?"

"As perceptive as ever, we are in fact leaving for Dorchester in a few hours time." The door closed as Staxius stepped out. The vibrations from his footsteps slowly faded into the distance. Left alone, Julius reflected, "he truly hasn't changed. This is great indeed – years of trying to be him haven't done me wrong just yet, I can now see fully how mind-blowing his charm over other people is.

That's a level of manipulation I can never hope to reach. I'm now in my late thirties, time has flown by quickly – Staxius remained the same. My plan at first was to use him to get more power, but it's a futile effort, for whom will it do any good? I surely don't want him to become my enemy. Time to throw in the towel, I've fought for too long, I can't keep this strong man act any longer, I'm human still and I want to rest. Dorchester will become my home; just like it is for him. Until now, I only had

Autumn's survival and upbringing as a sole objective, but I can now see that she's grown into a wonderful woman – bit on the innocent side but still a woman. This is the perfect opportunity, working alongside Staxius will be a chance in a lifetime, and if my experience can do him any good,

I'll be happy to help."

Julius was stuck, trapped, and confused. The question loomed over his head, should he continue

following Staxius's footstep, or become a part of his team. The answer was obvious; after witnessing how Staxius schemed his way back in Claireville academy – he became mesmerized.

"My friend," the door slowly opened, "- no food I'm afraid, there but dust and ants if you're interested?"

"Unfortunate, guess we'll leave on an empty stomach?"

"Correct, I've got a question."

"Speak, friend."

"Do you have a car or any means of travel?"

"Rest assured, Autumn did bring her car, it's a way outside town, but it's here."

"Shall we move then?" Avon didn't seem inclined to wake up. Staxius desperately shook his body but it was but wasted energy. In the end, he picked him up, holding Avon as if he were a princess and left for the car. Following close behind, Autumn, who was in a state of lifelessness, the boring conversations that transpired earlier sucked out all her strength. Her mind melted, she looked as if she were drunk, her rosy cheeks were redder than before.

"Your Majesty, are you sure it's wise to send out an attack this early?" The throne room felt heavy.

As opposed to when Theodore and the envoy visited, it brightly lit. One of her counselors or rather, most of her counselors were debating whether attacking the defiler was a good choice. Queen Shanna patiently listened to their arguments, their points, and their fears. It had been hours since then, her patience ran out. "Silence," she yelled, the whole floor reverberated. "I've made my decision, the Enbalar siblings are to set off for Dorchester this instant. The portal has been built, bring that man's head to me, alive or dead – I care not. Don't make the same mistake again, I'm sending out one of the Night's Wings with you. Melantha Aurora, please step out of the shadows and accompany my children on their quest."

"B-brother, d-did the queen really send out a member of the royal guards?"

"Shut it," Erlareo whispered through his gritted teeth.

"As you wish your majesty," out of nowhere, a soothing and refined feminine voice made itself

apparent. A mist soon took shape before them; then dispersed into bats. Emerging of that, a tall lady with a red dress, paired with red lipstick. Her long black hair was left alone to the wild, it flowed gently. Gracefully, she bowed and left, "we don't have all night, let's start shall we." She playfully licked her upper lips.

The moon came out to play, the night sky was partially covered with clouds. The feeling it gave out was gloomy and sad, though the stars could be seen here and there. The air felt fresh and nice. After a quick walk, Staxius reached the car, the concealment spell hid it perfectly. *Snap,* it revealed itself.

Behind, Julius was left baffled – being in the business of buying and trading various magical equipment, and being a Noble to boot; he recognized it instantly.

"The Xerxes's series Shadow, Staxius, how did you manage to get a hold of this. Don't tell me you b-bought it, one of them was recently sold for t-ten million gold p-pieces to a-another kingdom."

He gulped; the breathing became more of a panting. "Guess it's really that awesome, go on, get in, though it's a two-seater, we can make space." Avon still didn't wake, having had enough, he stuffed the lazy spirit into the truck, Julius sat with Autumn on his lap. She wasn't that big, so they fit inside without any hassle.

"How did you get this though?" Julius was adamant about getting an answer.

"I got it gifted to me from a close friend. Not to scare you or anything, but do hold onto something." He smirked, "don't you dare." Julius warned him, he knew what Staxius was planning.

Fondly enough, with a quick smile, the car shot forward just like a bullet being fired. "So, where's your car at?" Julius gave a fairly accurate description of where Autumn left it.

"Holy," the door opened, Autumn jumped out and laid to rest on the grass; her heart was racing. Julius sat in the car; he was in another dimension. Staxius laughed, "guess we've arrived.

"No joke," Julius added sarcastically. "Never again am I going to ask you for a lift," he in turn laughed. Everyone stepped out and walked over to the only tree under which Autumn had crawled her way too. It was peaceful, Staxius thoroughly enjoyed it as did Julius. The journey took around two minutes, the noble district wasn't far off. One could make it in fifteen minutes of walking.

Directly behind the tall buildings from the noble district, the moon shone as brightly as ever. As no one lived there any longer, the town looked quiet and abandoned, the Krestonian crest stood tall and directly in front of the moonlight. It was as mysterious as ever, Staxius was captivated by it. For someone else, said crest would be overlooked, but in this instant, Staxius looked at it. A day later, it still called out, he wanted to touch it. Randomly, caught by the gentle breeze, Staxius held out his left arm and made an L-shape with the thumb and index finger. He placed said L in front so that the crest rested on the thumb. Julius looked at him in awe, while Autumn scowled.

As he continued gazing the crest through the L-shape, something changed. The crest began to glow, it didn't seem obvious, to Julius nor Autumn, but Staxius saw it. His eyes, after all, were inhuman, the focus automatically changed, he glared at it as sternly as an owl. The color it emitted was brown at first, then it changed into a greenish hue, a faint whiff of mana was felt. Three shadows jumped out of it, it happened so quickly he only saw faint movements. Simultaneously, the trunk of the car opened, Avon awoke, he ran furiously towards Staxius. "MASTER," his sprint looked slow, everything slowed down, Staxius's concentration grew denser, something within him told him to raise his guard. It was the premonition of danger, the survival instinct; his senses heightened automatically but he knew not the reason why. "-it's smells of blood and disperse." The words rolled slowly off Avon's tongue. *Bang,* out of reflex, he dodged what appeared to be nothing but wind. The tree under which they stood was sliced clean in half, vertically.

"Get down," Julius grabbed Autumn and retreated, everything sped up to its normal speed. "W-what is happening?" Staxius asked confused.

"Nice reflexes," staring him directly, a lady with black hair with the moon as her backdrop. She held black wings on her back, her teeth looked sharp. "-I'm impressed," she smiled. Following close behind, the two-elves, Staxius recognized them. "Staxius, what is happening?" Julius yelled.

Simultaneously, without any warning, the lady made an X-shape with her right arm, a small explosion was heard and two highly compressed air-strike was sent again. Nimble as always, Staxius avoided it, "Julius, take Autumn and get out of here." For an instant, his gaze met Avon's and he signaled him to take the car and run. The car started up, it drove without anyone in it, Avon picked up both Julius and Autumn then sped off towards Dorchester. "Aren't I supposed to help him? Julius asked Avon as he forced him inside, "getting to Dorchester is a priority." He replied seriously.

"A night-walker," Staxius stared up with amazement in his eyes.

"Why aren't you phased by me, I'm a vampire, you should cower before a superior race." She fired back instantly. "Superior, don't make me laugh," he snarled. "Are you looking down on me?" her tone sharpened – her gesture changed from X-shape to making an O-shape. *Soul-sap,* she conjured one of many spells unique to vampires, that one, in particular, had the power to drain a person's vitality.

"How amusing," in a single motion, he unsheathed and then sheathed his sword. The black bubble which was the soul-sap spell got sliced in half. "Funny isn't it? I've nullified the spell from a superior race," he sarcastically added. "You're confident for a human, let's see how you can match up to me,"

she licked her upper lips, she enjoyed it.

*Whoosh,* her movement got twice as fast, an onslaught of attacks came barraging down from the

air. Though it was hard, Staxius defended with all his might, he didn't use any magic, only physical strength. The reason was, he wanted to see how well he could match up against another race, a race of legend; vampires. He held his own, dodging, parrying but it got old quickly. "Enough of this

fooling around," she stopped. "I've had enough."

"Finally ready to take me seriously?" Staxius added.

"Shut it, *Vampiric second form: Unleash.* Her face began to morph, she changed to look more like a demon, her wings grew bigger, her nails sharper and longer, and not to forget her teeth. Her entire body changed from normal to larger in stature. Though she was bigger, she looked as refined as ever.

"Amazing, you're as pretty as the first time around if not prettier," Staxius spoke out in awe.

"Flattery isn't going to do you any good." She snarled. Little did she know that dark-arts was in full effect.

*As the one whom you're contracted to, I order thou to reveal this woman's weakness and how to exploit it. Dark Arts, Sense personality.*

[Victim: Melantha Aurora, age 350]

[Personality: Vicious but romantic]

[Prediction: Descendent from a pure noble bloodline of vampires, no ideal lover nor friend]

[Weakness: Someone to love her for who she really is and treat her as who she is]

"Now that was unexpected," he read her personality, dark-arts worked against all odds and on a vampire. "-that vicious nature of hers is going to make it hard for me to get to her heart. I've got no interest in befriending her, but information would be good." As he got ready to get serious, a soft voice spoke from within, "don't forget that the more allies you have the stronger you'll become." It was Undrar, a message she passed down so long ago.

"Not going to happen," his stance changed from careless to serious. "What happened human, why do you stand so awkwardly, have you perhaps felt my strength and have forgone the will to fight?"

"Dear Melantha Aurora, don't underestimate me that much, for you see, I know your deepest secret. You want someone to like you for who you are, but let me tell you something, it's not going to happen." Her face changed, it turned gloomy, "shut up, you don't know me." She shook her head in denial, repeating "no, no, no" continuously.

"Easy," *Death element: Shadow-step.* With his hands on the sword, he jumped. "Melantha, your vicious nature is what's holding you back, fight to your heart's content, I'll prove to you that us humans aren't that weak as you thought." He rapidly approached her, his aim was the cut her wings

off. "HUMANS ARE WEAK, SHUT UP!" *Bang,* a shock-wave of dense mana shot out of her, it took

Staxius by surprise and he fell, hitting the ground hard. "You'll never understand me, pathetic

human." She rushed down after him, her nails pierced his chest and went straight for the heart. Or so what she thought, a burning sensation made her take her hand out. "You're right, humans are weak, but they are resilient and can survive in the harshest environments. Though it ails me to say, I'm not human." He smirked, *Death element: Unleash Aura.*