World Break

The banquet ended abruptly. The royal family got out into a room of which it was surrounded by guards. The one leading said guards stood firm and strong, his failings prior to that moment – all jumbled his mind. Raulf, he who failed at protecting the king, remained as unshaken as a rock. A council was decided to be put in place. The foes who appeared that night had left an incredible impression of fear and dread. The power they displayed, though it all ended quickly – made them cower. The new adventuring system had to be put in place as soon as possible.

Town square remained normal. To their knowledge, the only thing they battled was the dizziness from booze. The news about monsters being an actual threat did shake the whole community. Despite this, none dared raise any more trouble. The individual guilds who were left out of the banquets; all received the message promptly. From the top to the lowest, adventurers were happy. This was the first time since their apparition that the title adventurer became acknowledge by the kingdom. Long had it been that mages were atop the food chain; this world was now in another era.

Far, far from the capital, they ran, they hid, they fought. The emblem shone in the moonlight sky, a warrior knelt and offering his sword; Blades End. Sweat dripped from their forehead, blood on their armor, the duo fought countless beasts. "Edward," one yelled, "-its time for us to get back, this village doesn't need our help." *Slash,* the last foe dropped. From the vanishing body, coins, potions, and armor were spotted. "Gurdan," the other shouted, "-if you're done with the last wolf, come help me loot." Slaying beasts for a small village located in Plaustan as a quest. Both the promising adventurers had fulfilled their mission. With that complete, they returned to the village in need as heroes. People sang their praises, gifts as the form of food. All celebrated, not as much as the capital, but all had fun. Edward and Gurdan weren't the only ones who fought day and night. Scattered around this vast continent, the threat that the monster presented loomed as the death reaper's scythe.  

In addition to small parties going out to help people, the ones who controlled their guilds were also working. Maintaining and making money through adventuring still wasn't reliable. Most guilds, or rather, the top ten were affiliated to successful businesses. Keeping together a band of people for the sake of helping people wasn't plausible. None did anything for free; though there was exceptions to that rule. Guilds competing against one another, quests got completed at a higher pace. Everyone patiently awaited the arrival of the measuring device whose name was yet to be decided. All wondered who the first platinum ranked adventurer would be. Most speculated that Raulf was to be the first. However, nothing was set in stone, not yet at least. A strange discovery was reported to the central guild not long ago. A nameless wandering bard stumbled in drunk. He spouted nonsense, "Adventurers have the gift to become powerful with each devastating strike they give. Those people are monsters, the harder they fight, the fiercer they become. Like an open flame, the more you give, the more it devours and the stronger it becomes."  

Some took his word with a grain of salt. The people who were directly concerned took it personally. What he said on that day was true, they had the power to grow stronger. None knew why or how, but they grew stronger with each strike, each skill, each ability they used – stronger and faster.

Thunderstain grew silent – Staxius had tried to get in contact to no avail. Knowing how secretive Rose was, it didn't come as a surprise that their headquarters moved. After the party ended, most nobles hastily returned to their homes. On that same night, Kreston against all odds fled. None knew why they left before anyone else. The two intruders had vanished, Julius took everyone to his home out in Claireville academy's noble district. He who passed out after the fight got taken to his car thanks to Avon and Prophecy. Xula's gaze felt tired and saddened.  She still sensed it, the pain the demi-humans suffered across this province. She kept a stoic face, Julius drove in front.

One by one, everyone arrived at the house. Staxius had to wake, Xula began to play with his face once they had entered the car. She tickled him all over until he gave. The eyes opened once the car stopped. It felt familiar, Staxius stumbled out. This place brought back memories. Memories that should have remained hidden, the massive door, pleasant exterior. This was Sophie Mirabelle's ex-home. "Welcome to the Garnet household," Julius opened the door. The light raged out like a pent-up beast. It blinded Staxius more than anyone else. Xula held his hand, he remained shocked. Before him, everyone smiled and called on him to enter. All his friends, companions, and family members he met and cherished were there.

Little did they know that this was only the beginning of the end. Avon came out and met all. They sat in the dining hall and continued their meal. All laughed, booze came in regularly. Often, Ancret would tease Xula, but she remained as unshakable as ever. Autumn and Eira got along pretty well. A growing feeling of being kept in the dark about something raised Staxius's curiosity. A quick glance towards Xula, she read all their mind and chuckled and reassured him. They were all hiding the fact that a secret party had been planned for tomorrow in honor of their engagement. To that, all conversed and bonded. They caught up on lost time – Adelana spoke about how Castle Garsley had turned into a small village; one that was filled with happiness. "Despite this, we need to build a wall. One for the village itself, as you know monsters are becoming a threat." Julius put forward the quandary that had bugged him for weeks on end. "I see, we need something to keep out both monsters and humans. I'm guessing we need one that can hold up against a full army if the day ever arises." Without knowing the details, Staxius gave a correct proposition. "That is it, yes," Julius agreed. The table turned silent, the conversation became serious and important. "Pardon me, but I think Arda can help in that endeavor." Xula broke their silence. "Really?" Staxius asked sarcastically. "Of course, we would be happy to take you up on that offer. Worry not, money is not of any concern." Julius replied. "Don't get me wrong, Julius. I need not your money, mine own request, selfish as it may, is to have Staxius join me in the royal court." She said it, at last, the news about Staxius leaving Dorchester became known too all. "B-but, if s-Staxius leave D-Dorchester, how are we suppose to g-get by?" Adelana added, her fears stood true once more. Staxius was going to leave again. "Ahh, old friend, is that how it is." Julius gazed at the ceiling. "-you have decided to abandon us all yet again." It glistened; a teardrop faintly formed around his eyes. From Millicent to Eira, all acted as if he was leaving forever.

  "All of you are imbeciles." He broke the silence, frustration filled his tone. "I am not leaving Dorchester for good. Shanna only said I was joining her royal court. It's necessary for we are to wed soon. One might think that I shall be living in Arda from now on. That much is true, yes, however, I've already discussed this with Shanna. We are to build a portal that joins both our provinces. Instant transportation; it will feel as if I haven't gone nowhere." He took a quick pause, their faces changed for the better. "-on top of that, seeing as no other province will ever try and help us, why not seek the help of someone who has sought and gain their independence." He placed his hands atop Xula's. "you all know how the princess is, earlier, there was even an attempt at assassination by poison. It's a given that she will come after all of us, for we have rebelled against her." They all knew what he meant. The conversation ended, but the celebrations didn't stop, alcohol kept on being served.

"Master, they have all left the banquet as you ordered." Far, far away, where it all began. The god-slayer had reached his final step in his plan. The purple liquid that came from the meteor had reached the planet's core. More importantly, the one that ruled over Hidros. It possessed it, everything changed; word-break reached its conclusion. From the farthest corner of the continent to the highest peak, everywhere, it screamed. The cries of agony from a being none knew who it was. The continent cried; the purple devil had infected the life-force itself. "Finally, it's complete. This world now has turned into a battlefield for heroes and demons. Master, we've successfully invaded this realm. None can stop us now, our friends have turned immortal. Now, my army can fully rise up. Unlimited spawns, this realm has turned into our favor. No angel nor god can oppose us now, we've altered this plain forever." He held his hands up high, thunderbolts landed behind. The quest he set had been accomplished. A fantasy world born anew, a place where he; the first demon-lord would rule.

Clueless villagers, peasants, and inhabitants, all who celebrated that night would remember it for centuries to come. That day marked the beginning, dragons flew over towns and villages, an army of monsters attacked. Some dropped from the skies, other dug from the ground, the beasts launched a surprise attack. All fought, the lucky increase in adventures helped in pushing back their forces. However, it was at the cost of many lives. World-break, the god-slayer had summoned portals over the continent. A minute part of his army attacked. A show of strength and power, a preview to what was going to come. The night ended with blood and tears, no one had the power to rise.

Families and friends lost, homes destroyed, villagers set ablaze. The true power of a being that could rival gods had been witnessed for the first time. What could unprepared humans do, Arda fought off the invasions pretty effortlessly. Kreston did the same but lost some in the process. Plaustan had no report to speak of. Oxshield managed to repel the majority, for it was that province who was the primary target. Dorchester, a struggling province with only a castle as a refuge for the inhabitants… Blood, bodies, and pain. Most of the other provinces had an army to defend but that wasn't the case for Dorchester, none knew what had happened. Adelana had a bad feeling and so did everyone else.

The irony was that people celebrated not only the king's day of birth. But also, the genocide of many from the hands of monsters. The extent of the damage was only discovered at day-break where the bodies of many were found. Recruits from individual guilds had protected the cities for the whole night while others had fun. It brought shame to the royal family and the people responsible. In this, for the few days to come. People around the kingdom focused on rebuilding stronger walls, the new system got put in place. It was a reality check for many, the attack came out of the blue. None knew what and how it happened. Confusion ran rampant, but adapt and survive became the norm quickly. Guilds dished out quest like there was no tomorrow – more and more people tried out to become adventurers. The first Gold-rank was assigned to Raulf Serlo. The platinum was left out of reach, all who had battled previously had their ranks checked regularly. That day, it really did alter the kingdom. The day monsters became immortal, the day the adventurers were deemed worthy to protect the kingdom and the day mages were forever forgotten as reliable fighters. World-break, a spell that changes a realm for the worst. The monsters who were previously killed now had a chance to spawn yet again.

Stood atop a tree and watching over the forest. A man, dressed in grey with a sword to his hip. He waits, the sun shines down, a horde of goblin approaches. Flying beasts stopped dead in their traces. Eyes closed, he rushes down and slays them all, no regret no guilt. What he seeks is the dead corpse of the ones who've harmed him. Once a mage and now but a fighter, Staxius Haggard fights and trains, the world has more in reserve; the Era of Heroes has begun at last.