Prince Ernis

Lit and yet dim, the place quiet and devoid of noise. People enjoyed their meal in the comfort of the seventh floor of the building named Crystal. A place where most expensive shops and brands had their products out on display. From the ground floor up, the marble floor with brownish inlays gave the aura of wealth. As a result, only a few people were able to access this part.

It didn't matter, people of average living standards settled half-way across. No residential district in the capital, most made their homes near the outskirts. The city itself was reserved for business, entertainment, and work. A charm that many grew to like and admire.

  "Quite spectacular for a mere restaurant," Aceline commented on the place's esthetic. "I agree," Staxius looked outside. "I care not for how the place looks; the food was absolutely divine. Even the waiters were pretty nice," Scott added his thought on the matter.