
  "Of course, it's a casual visit," the tone sarcastic, the young idol decided to take a peek. What she saw would forever burn itself into her mind. The spectators went crazy, clothes were torn. Many girls were assaulted physically by the mindless horde of what had become of the fans. A sight unbefitting this so-called festival to spread the awareness of music.

*Bang, bang,* gunshots fired, a man dressed in a black coat with the eyes bloodshot red pulled the trigger. The cameras reporting on said incident had to be shut off. The violence grew too much to handle, people were hurt. The guards could not but try and disarm the man. In that crowd, the stray bullets hit many. Some fell instantly, no vital organs touched. The true nature of humans came out. Rather than trying to resolve the situation – the ones in control of said event fled. Scott desperately tried to regain the calm but tis was an effort that resulted in naught.