
  "What's this all about," drenched with the blood of her fallen comrade, hidden behind a wall, Cake asked. Dotted around the building, one that held three-stories despite being in the slums, her men  - some injured whilst others-focused. The incident had lasted two days, the escape had been destroyed by a suicidal attempt to stop the deal. Sprinkles were notorious for not caring about their lives.

On the second day, Cake rushed in with the remainder of the gang. The fight continued, gun-fire, magic, all that was accessible. Ammo was out, no hope of escape for the attackers, the situation was brought under control. Opposite her, behind the same wall, the ones who began the fight.

  "You ain't' getting no answer," *Bang,* the second the door clicked, gun-fire raged from the inside. Their ammo wasn't low, Sprinkles had the worst of it. Ten-man remained living and breathing, the others were either dead or injured.