
 "How was school?" the door opened.

 "It was awesome," Lizzie sat with a smile.

 "Are they treating you right?" Void turned on.

 "Yes, very much so, the attitude from the faculty changed quite a bit – I feel accepted."

As if nothing happened, Staxius returned to the capital, fetched Lizzie, and headed to the mansion. Cake kept her promise and sent information on the Grey Guild. The latter was but a nickname. 

 "I still can't believe a girl like me is living in such a grand mansion," her face sparkled, almost radiating as if the sun during summer. "I can assure you it's not a dream. Long enough have you suffered – we're a family now, blood or not, you'll always have a place here," a quick pat on her head later, she stepped out of Void and headed inside. There, Auic waited to welcome the energetic girl. 

 "Now what?" Adete asked.

 "We'll go pay my sister a visit," he said without much concern.