Blood King

 "Lord Balthazar, Ruslan," from her seat, she rose, "-what's the meaning of this?" Xula asked in a stern yet baffled tone.

 "I apologize, majesty," Ruslan stared up, "-we, vampires are as prideful as we are, in no way would it be possible for our race to bow down to someone. As you know, we hold the power to destroy what we wish," the gaze changed to Staxius, "-tis an exception. We must bow down and pay respect for the King of Arda has inherited the first Progenitor's dormant powers. Her will and her wings, it's destiny,"

 "Care to elaborate, what's this have in common with destiny? Isn't it but a merely random event," throughout the whole ordeal, he remained cool and composed. The same couldn't be said for her majesty – her mind worked tirelessly. Vampires had only agreed to serve her under the condition that a haven would be given. It could spell disaster if said race decided to rebel.