
 "Don't regret this now," with a loud yell, Adete flew inside the dematerializing Staxius. Death had come at last; the fear of the curse, dreams concerning the people he loved, all made its mark slowly. The emotionless heart cracked little by little, tis was the way to stop it all from whelming the mind. 

Vanished into the midnight with the land around turned into a dessert. Destruction, the way of Lord Death. The boon of immortality; broken by two divine weapons – fueled by their symbol of power. Only a god had the right to kill another god, even then, tis was as if breaking a mountain with nothing but hay as thy pickaxe. 

 "Wake up," a voice called.

 'Who's there,' the eyes opened, '-I'm in ethereal form,' he stared towards the arms and legs; semi-transparent with a greenish hue.