
 "Stop making all that noise," he glared. Teressa laid on the floor, legs parted with countless incubuses on top. Her face, a mess of makeup, it resembled what a toddler would have made, given a bucket of paint. 

 "I g-give up," with what little strength she had, her gaze, filled with regret, asked for an ounce of mercy, "-k-kill me already."

 *Blood-Arts: Crimson Thread,* without looking, the blood around the room transferred into the halo. Circles of various circumference hovered above her head, "-the torture has only begun," he said with a smile, *snap,* it latched onto her mouth and stitched both lips together. "Enjoy," he winked and returned to the award ceremony.

There, still protected by shields, the Queen awarded what was due. Eira knelt and was knighted, a hexagonal pentagram with the royal crest inside, was pinned to her uniform. Overwhelmed, the new Prodigy could but smile.

 "Lady Eira," voiced Sophie, "-care to say a few words?"