
Thirty minutes after the handshake; differing races walked across the middle platform. Merchants shouted; adventurers participated in the event, guard duty whilst having fun. Haru grew to enjoy the company of Piers. In a way, seeing that harmony in-between sent a significant message. Not verbally nor physically, the message had one target, and one option – to reach their hearts. Touching and reaching out for emotions, all that made humans and non-humans similar. The discourse and visit cut short after Haru took many to her shop. Panties and lingerie of all kind, spotted, tiger-patterned, and even camo; name it and you had it. Leading the front, Piers, entering as the subtle riverside breeze blew past the window. His hair, usually left alone as it parted down the middle, swayed to the left. Behind, the camera crew yelped, never had they seen such beauty.