Port Elte

The salty aroma of the sea breeze tickled the nose. Waves flowed and crash mercilessly a few kilometers away on a cliff. From blue to white with a fizzing sound, the mid-day sun blazed without restraint. Above, the roar of airplanes flying around with a green and black tail. Docked, a large black and red ship cast a shadow on the port as the sun made way to the west. 

 "Sure, took yer time," stood with guns at the ready, around ten-men with black glasses with empty emblems. Members of Phantom in the company of others bearing a differing style of suits – one distinct to Godfather Renaud's guards. 

 "We do apologize for the trouble," disembarked in an orderly fashion, soldiers in green uniform with a yellow dragon on their chest. "Lieutenant Read at your service," spoke out the leader. 

 "Lieutenant you say," voiced one of the Phantoms, "-we'd like to examine the arms before continuing the deal, is that adequate?" he asked with a cigar in mouth.