Welcome to Arda

Dressed in more suitable attire, class 2A made its way towards the throne room. Before that, the servants gave a summary of how to present oneself before the queen. Shaking in their boots with overwhelming reluctance, the students approached. 

 "Stop shivering," voiced Simone towards Fletcher.

Frowned, "-I'm not shivering," staring over the shoulder, "-I'm just cold that's all." 

 "Cold you say," chuckled Timothy nervously, "-do pardon my presumption, thee do seem to sweat from the forehead," a cheeky remark that had the others grinning. 

Up ahead of the boys, walked the first with sharp posture and dignity. Nobles were of a class of their own. Eira led the way for she knew the palace in and out. It came as a surprise to see that the portals didn't link to the Overseer's room. Else, it opened into passageways and room similar to a normal castle.

 "I fear the coming meet," said Kim who straightened her round glasses.