
Peacefully one beside another, mementos of those who died rest in the garden. Left of the mansion and sat in the veranda that gave onto said assortment of pretty flowers and greenery, Staxius had tea in the company of Achilles. The latter, confused, shocked, and clueless, had sworn to not cry over the death of a comrade ever again. Flashbacks of the war that took her life flashed in tandem as the sun voyaged slowly across the skies. Leaves blown by the gust made spiral around the garden to land on the adjacent path. A moment of silence for the master of the mansion reflected. Inside, Lizzie was fed milk by Rosetta, she had taken care of the babe as if she were her own. A warm display of affection that had Staxius glance over the shoulder a few times and think, '-did mother care for me like that too?'

Next to the open space with a massive flat-screen, Rile and Laurence worked hard to clean the bar.