
 "Who the hell are these people?" 

 "I have no idea." 

 "Can someone be that powerful?"

Xula's Elite guard team, now adventurers under the Guild Master, stood baffled. The supposed fortress, the second checkpoint on their climb. One that couldn't be breached for the months they fought, was completed by a single man in less than an hour. Nonchalant to the amazing feat that was done, the crew simply gathered and spoke. In said conversation, the topic at hand was what sort of food to eat later. Staxius remained impervious, a boulder in a sandstorm not swaying nor faltering. The few minutes in which he fought, Oenus had fear struck in his heart. Fighters and skilled individuals in the ways of warcraft were all gifted with a skilled named Sense Aura. Naturally, some were weak and others strong. An example of strong was Axius; he could identify an aura from the other side of the world.

 "Hey," called Serene with a smile from the middle of the courtyard.