
From the fort to the dungeon, the journey around Mont Blanc was treacherous. It could have resulted in death so many times. Fighting day and night, getting used to the climate. Staxius led the expedition. Every time the monsters grew strong and overwhelming, he would end the fight in a single stroke. Oenus and his crew were relieved, it meant to be able to finally leave the coldness of the Alps. 

After the dungeon which was the third checkpoint; they reached a tower. One hosting multiple floors and differing monsters. The higher one got, the stronger they were. Going around wasn't an option. The top-floor held a bridge linking to the next path along the mountain. It seemed as if a trial, one of wit, strength, and courage, to reach the top. A fable of a man conquering the world in search of knowledge. Tis was the feeling they got, a feeling that stuck.