Chronicle of War I

Clean streets, clean buildings, an emphasis on being pure. Nature held command over a singular park, a park close to the residential district. The sky seemed aching, the people walked and talked as if robots. A feeling of idleness, a feeling of longing for excitement. The park, named Green Orth; held a peculiar alter in the middle. The place was used for prayers, religion out in public was shunned by most. Voiced subtly as to not attract attention, those who prayed at said alter were given a side-glance. The deity in question was Goddess Syhton. One revered mainly in Hidros. As for Iqeavea, especially the kingdom ruled by the Emperor said goddess was more of a curse. Once upon a time, many o' folks would come to pray. Prayers that went straight into a priest's hand to be given to her holiness.