Krestonian’s Holy Invasion

 'It's a shame,' the wind blew sadly, the weather frowned, the sky cried. Darkness hailing from the darkened clouds as the weather grew worst. Four figures stood before a grave near to Claireville Academy's hospital. The trees were few and scattered. A lady with a parasol stood with her head to the floor. 'Five years,' thought the man with a breath. 'I can't believe you're all dead,' a shook of dismissal had the others shuffle to the side. 

 "Let's go, Eira, Viola," said Staxius now faced away. "They need to rest, I want them to rest. No more mourning, tis time to move on," the tone came across cold and distant. Eira, now taller and bigger, was more mature. Her feisty persona was replaced for one nonchalantish. One that resembled her father.

 "Papa, papa," called an innocent voice, "-why is big sis crying?" 

 "Oh Lizzie," they walked hand in hand, "-I'll tell you all about it when the time comes. What do you say we have something to eat."