Unnamed Unit

 *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* Melmark to Marrowy. A grey-cased pod with a semi-transparent window stood under the shadow of the curved hangar. Empty and desolate by nature, the airfield felt alive. Guards, many guards stood waited eagerly. Most peered down the slope expecting a car to arrive. A plane with a squad of fighter jets were lined symmetrically. Phantom's logo was plastered on the tail. 

 "Courtney," said Staxius opening the hangar, "-you've come as well?"

 "You're here," she turned with a smile, "-long time no see," they greeted in form of a hug. 

 "I thought you were out on a mission?"

 "Figure I'd come by as escort," she glanced inside, "-Aceline?"

 "In the pod, where's the medical team?" 

 "Hold on," she gestured to a clueless looking guard, "-go fetch the medical team."

 "As you wish," quick on his feet, the boy ran along.

 "Can't believe she's dead," sighed she.