Dei and Sugar

Éclair sent the message a few hours ago. Staxius led Dei and Sugar around Rotherham. A tour of the premises was given since Dei signed to Phantom. They were comrades united under the same company, the same name, a shared identity. The meal they had earlier seemed to have had a very good effect on Sugar – he felt more energetic. The skull-like visage glowed, good food made a man pleasurable. 

 "Lord Staxius, can I ask what treatment we can expect, is it long-term or short-term?" Stopped on a pathway of which went through a modest-sized park, Dei raised a good question.

 "Short-term," said he watching ducks float about the pond, "-we're going to forget the traditional way of practicing medicine. The knowledge they have will but allow for the pain to be made bearable, don't think I didn't notice," a reference to her always changing expression, "-the left hand must ache – it's destroyed and we need it renewed. It's a miracle the arm wasn't amputated."