Mr. Goodwill

The building, smaller than the others, was also the most populated. Each floor would be divided into different sections for other Agencies and organizations trying to break into the market. The atmosphere inside was exhausting, suffocating with a lingering odor of sweat. The receptionists wearing short clothes sat informally trying to lose the heat in their conversation. The shirts were unbuttoned to allow the sweat to dissipate. Whether it was intentional or not, that slight detail raised their sexual appeal. It didn't help that the light would reflect against the skin as if a cleaned window.

 "Excuse me," said a large man peering over the dark-brown counter.

 "Yes?" returned the leader of the gossip group, her body was on the chubby side and her clothes weren't enticing – rather, it was covered from top to bottom. 

 "I have a meeting scheduled with Mr. Goodwill." They recoiled upon hearing the name, slightly and not enough to make a scene.