The Fall

 "Lady Gaso, to what do I owe this honor?" 

 "Mr. Haggard, I've some important information."

 "If lady Gaso herself took to calling an unknown personally, I shudder to know the reason."

 "Please Mr. Haggard, there's no need to be so off-putting. I called on assumption that we were acquaintances."

 "And acquaintances we are, I find it rather mind-blowing for thee to call. Anyway, please my lady, do continue and forgive my rather decrepit tone." 

 "I say this as I'm not certain. Rumors are going around that the people from Meldorino know of Luna's true identity. It's a shame she died earlier today, but, it didn't stop the news from perpetuating. The reason for the call is other than the hero. Mr. Haggard, you've caught the attention of a few people in the Patek Dynasty. Members who are not that high-ranking…"