Protocol Invisi

 "The holy church of Kreston sends their regards…" By what seemed to be a lightning bolt, Staxius stood processing the happenings. Meanwhile, out in Memat, the fighting turned from a hunt to being hunted. Kendy's separate squads were pinned by multiple forces. The gun-fire had the people cower in fear. Thempa could but sit and wait, they tried hard to support to no avail. The ambush was planned; key extract locations were barricaded using magic. Not only did they have to contend with guns, but the super-natural abilities some choose. Examples could be seen in barriers conjured to stop the squads from firing. Only those with the opposing team could fire through said barriers. Distress signals blocked; the whole area went dark. 

 "Master, there's no report from Memat. Our forces might be in grave danger, what are your orders?"