
 "I suppose we did agree," said he with more going through the mind.

 "Father…" taking a step closer, "-are you ok?" asked she gently poking his cheek.

 "Don't I look alright?" came a soothing reply, "-anyway, care to give your old man a lift to the airfield?"

 "Old-man," sloppily dropping her hand, "-sure, father, let's go." Turned in haste, her expression was of mild annoyance. The habit to never speak of his troubles made her angry. "Father," at the car, "-if ever the day comes where you need help, please reach out. You have me, mother, Julius, Lizzie, and everyone in Arda to have your back. Asking for help isn't a shame."

 "I know it isn't," close behind, "-I'll consider it one day." Smug to sit inside, they drove to the runway where the jet was lined and ready. Exchanging few good-byes, he took-off for Elendor. The place where he spent many months in the company of her majesty the Queen.