Shadow Realm

 "Cleopatra, did you think bringing bloodied heads here would be a good idea?" referring to the trail left behind, a few maids walking past snarled. Blood wasn't easy to clean, and amidst the ruckus; the Queen of Elendor made herself known.

 "Good morning, Staxius," said she scurrying down.

 "Good morning, majesty, said he with a bow.

 "Might I ask who the fine lady is?" her attention turned to the stranger.

 "I'm Miira Kronicious, your majesty," bowed the lady, "-a humble follower of King Haggard." The sentence had many faces fall into weightlessness. The idea of she who had wished death upon their leader was foolish and irresponsible.

 "Well met, Miira," smiled the queen courteously. 

 "Intherna, Gophy, Cleopatra, and Miira, please, return to my shadow and make acquaintance."

 "With pleasure," said they with evil in the stare.

 "By acquaintance, how rough should we go?" whispered Gophy the last to leave.